Moratorium on cooperation

    The continuous aggression against, invasion and occupation of Ukraine and escalation of the conflict by the Russian Federation directly impedes the activities and goals of the EENPS as stated in the Article 2 of the Statute of the network.

    In line with the Statement of solidarity with our colleagues in Ukraine, issued by the Steering Committee on the 26/02/2022, shortly after the large scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation;
    in response to the widespread support of the the war by the universities of the Russian Federation;
    following the discussion during the Ordinary meeting of the Assembly of the Network on the 18/08/2022 in Tartu;
    based on the Article 6, section 5 of the Statute;
    taking into consideration Articles 1 and 2 of the Statute;


    the Steering Committee of the EENPS declares
    a moratorium on cooperation with institutions of the Russian Federation,
    including Universities and research centres
    institutions supporting aggression against, invasion or occupation of Ukraine.


    The moratorium excludes any cooperation between the EENPS and above-mentioned institutions, covers the activities of the Network as specified in Article 2, section 3 of the Statute of the Network and includes the following non-exhaustive list of activities:

    • organisation and hosting of the EENPS biennial conference, regional or local seminars and workshops;
    • engagement in outreach activities involving social media;
    • realisation of research projects, publications, and other tasks that are connected to the aims of EENPS;
    • hosting of meetings of the EENPS;
    • hosting of reading, research or discussion groups of the EENPS;
    • exchange of visitors, common research projects,
    • formation of research groups, etc. within or on behalf of the EENPS;
    • providing or receiving any form of financial, material or immaterial support to or from the EENPS;

    Taking into consideration the Articles 1 - 3 of the Statute and not willing to compromise on the values of the EENPS, we refuse to exclude members based solely on their nationality.

    Taking into consideration the pressure against individual researchers exercised by the Russian Federation, we invite and encourage members of the EENPS affiliated with above-mentioned institutions to participate in the activities of the EENPS as independent researchers, in order to mark their distance from the state policies of aggression against, invasion and occupation of Ukraine.

    The support of the aggression against, invasion or occupation of Ukraine as well as any display of state or other symbols in support of these policies constitutes a violation of the Statute and of the values of the EENPS and forms a basis for initiating the expulsion procedure of individual members as specified in the Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute.