Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Services for books


    What is DOAB?

    DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.

    DOAB is an online directory that provides access to a vast and diverse collection of open access books. These books encompass a wide range of disciplines and are freely accessible to anyone with an internet connection. 

    What is the interest of DOAB?

    The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a remarkable example of how the digital era is transforming the way we access knowledge. DOAB serves as a valuable platform that connects readers.

    Hence, DOAB plays an important role in addressing issues related to access, and the sharing of knowledge. In a situation in which information is increasingly privatized, DOAB highlights the importance of open access initiatives in ensuring that knowledge remains free and open. By providing a platform for open access books, it contributes to the broader goal of democratizing information and fostering a more informed and enlightened global society.

    Here are some benefits of DOAB. 

    First of all, as mentioned, DOAB offers accessibility. Users from around the world can access high-quality academic books without any paywalls or restrictions. Second, DOAB hosts books across a multitude of subjects, from philosophy to science, technology, and mathematics. Also, DOAB maintains high-quality standards (e. g. books submitted to peer review processes). Another benefit of DOAB is that it features books in numerous languages. Thanks to all this, DOAB books can be cited in academic research. This benefits authors and publishers alike, as it provides recognition and citation for their work.