Monday 9th December
9:00 - 9:15: Introduction
9:15 - 10:45: Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette (Neuchâtel) “Responsibility overtime, moral and metaphysical"
10:45 - 11:00: coffee break
11:00 - 12:30: Erasmus Mayr (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg) “Agent-causation, temporally extended activity and ongoing actions”
12h30 - 14:30: Lunch
14:30 - 16h00: Vera Hofmann-Kolss (Bern) “Degrees of Causation: Quantitative and Comparative Approaches”
16:00 - 16:15: coffee break
16:15 - 17:45: Maria Alvarez (King’s College London) “‘Responsibility, Time and Blameworthiness’
19:00: Dinner
Tuesday 10th December
9h - 10h30: Benjamin Matheson (Bern) “Is Responsibility Interminable?”
10h30-10h45: coffee break
10h45 - 12h15: Agnès Baehni (Geneva) & Vincent Grandjean (Zurich) “Moral Duties to Past-Selves”