Adaptation to Existence: The Only Path to Growth, Well-being, and Human Flourishing

Adaptation to Existence: The Only Path to Growth, Well-being, and Human Flourishing

    Human adaptation to the phenomena, trends, and processes of existence, life, and living is the greatest asset for achieving growth, well-being, and human flourishing. The core of this adaptation lies in discovering, understanding, and accepting the effective laws and solid principles that allow us to utilize the capabilities and features present in existence. This adaptation helps individuals confront issues and challenges (at any stage) by making informed decisions and taking effective actions to find suitable solutions. Ultimately, this awareness leads to specific decisions and actions that result in personal, social, and organizational growth, well-being, and flourishing. - Taking effective decisions and actions aimed at finding appropriate solutions to solve problems and overcome challenges. - Producing goods and providing services (added value) and creating appropriate social relations, as much as possible, in line with human dignity. Reducing human-originated harm, which stems from the lack of alignment, coordination, and adaptation of humans with the processes of existence, life, and living. With the globalization of capital and the necessity for establishing social-democratic relationships and protecting climatic conditions, human-originated harm will be reduced and controlled.