Klaus Corcilius
David Ebrey
Stephanie Holton
Johanna Schmitt
Justin Winzenrieth
9.00-9.30 Coffee and introductory remarks (Caterina Pellò, Geneva)
9.30-10.45 Stephanie Holton (Open), ‘Early Greek Theories of Sleep’
Chair: Samuel Meister (Geneva)
10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.15 David Ebrey (Barcelona), ‘Plato on Sleep and Dreams’
Chair: Giulia Mingucci (Venezia)
12.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 Justin Winzenrieth (Tübingen), ‘Aristotle on the Causes of Sleep’
Chair: Jonas Granges (Geneva)
15.15-16.30 Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen), ‘Methods in De somno’
Chair: Katerina Ieorodiakonou (Geneva / Athens)
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-18.15 Johanna Schmitt (Tübingen), ‘The Stoics on Sleep and Divination’
Chair: Francesca Masi (Venezia)
19.00 Conference dinner