Adrian Mitchell Currie (currie-am)
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Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2014a. “Venomous Dinosaurs and Rear-Fanged Snakes: Homology and Homoplasy Characterized.” Erkenntnis 79(3): 701–727.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2014b. “Narratives, Mechanisms and Progress in Historical Science.” Synthese 191(6): 1163–1183.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2015. “Philosophy of Science and the Curse of the Case Study.” in The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophical Methods, edited by Christopher John Daly, pp. 553–572. London: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1057/9781137344557.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2016. “Ethnographic Analogy, the Comparative Method, and Archaeological Special Pleading.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 55: 84–94.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2017. “From Models-as-Fictions to Models-as-Tools.” Ergo 4(27): 759–781.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell. 2018. “The Argument from Surprise.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48(5): 639–661.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell and Avin, Shahar. 2019. “Method Pluralism, Method Mismatch, & Method Bias.” Philosophers' imprint 19(13).
Currie, Adrian Mitchell and Sterelny, Kim. 2017. “In Defence of Story-Telling.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 62: 14–21.
Currie, Adrian Mitchell and Turner, Derek D. 2023. “Creativity Without Agency: Evolutionary Flair & Aesthetic Engagement.” Ergo 10(4): 110–134, doi:10.3998/ergo.4633.