Dialectic of Mind and Being

Dialectic of Mind and Being

    This paper examines the dynamic interaction between mind and being, which occurs on three structural levels: natural, cognitive, and operational. Through the Process of Emergence, Nurturing Procedures, and Unprecedented Emergence Patterns, mind and being engage in a recursive dialectical cycle. This cycle involves the reception of objectivity, cognitive processing, purposeful action, feedback, and the refinement of mental models. The outcome of this interaction is the dynamic growth of cognition and the continuous evolution of human actions in response to environmental, social, and cultural changes. This paper demonstrates that no knowledge is final; the mind is constantly recreating and adapting to new conditions. Furthermore, guiding principles such as recognizing efficient laws, adhering to steadfast principles, and embracing pervasive tendencies play a crucial role in optimizing these interactions.


    Article 17:


    Dialectic of Mind and Being




    This paper examines the dynamic interaction between mind and being, which occurs on three structural levels: natural, cognitive, and operational. Through the Process of Emergence, Nurturing Procedures, and Unprecedented Emergence Patterns, mind and being engage in a recursive dialectical cycle. This cycle involves the reception of objectivity, cognitive processing, purposeful action, feedback, and the refinement of mental models.

    The outcome of this interaction is the dynamic growth of cognition and the continuous evolution of human actions in response to environmental, social, and cultural changes. This paper demonstrates that no knowledge is final; the mind is constantly recreating and adapting to new conditions. Furthermore, guiding principles such as recognizing efficient laws, adhering to steadfast principles, and embracing pervasive tendencies play a crucial role in optimizing these interactions.


    Keywords: Dialectic Interaction, Mind and Being, Process of Emergence, Nurturing Procedures, Unprecedented Emergence Patterns, Cognitive Processing, Mental Models, Praxis, Recursive Dialectical Cycle, Objective Reality, Subjective Interpretation, Knowledge Evolution, Conceptual Frameworks, Social and Cultural Dynamics, Adaptive Cognition, Guiding Principles, Synthesis and Transformation, Holistic Understanding, Continuous Learning.



    Cognition and being are two fundamental components of human understanding of the world. The human mind not only reflects external realities but also plays a role in creating, interpreting, and transforming these realities. The dialectic between mind and being is a dynamic process that operates on three levels—natural, cognitive, and operational—and leads to the continuous evolution of human knowledge and action through a recursive cycle. This paper explores these structures and dialectical processes to provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between cognition and reality.


    On this path, recognizing efficient laws, adhering to steadfast principles, and embracing pervasive tendencies function as fundamental strategies in the process of cognition and human action. These principles illuminate the interaction between mind and being, facilitating the optimization of cognition and decision-making. In the following sections, we analyze this cycle to highlight the significance of these principles in the dynamic process of cognition and action.






    Three Key Structural Levels in Creation


    1. Natural Level (Being): 

       This level consists of laws, principles, and pervasive tendencies that enable the emergence of phenomena along the path of growth and flourishing.


    2. Cognitive Level: 

       This level pertains to the organization of data within a constellation of concepts, beliefs, values, and symbols, which, through processing and representation mechanisms, transform data into meaning, resulting in awareness, cognition, scientific theories, and mental models.


    3. Operational Level (Constructs): 

       This level is embedded within living conditions (genetic heritage and ecological system), social livelihood methods (modes of production and social relations), and cultural heritage (beliefs, values, symbols, and artistic and social traditions). It enables the dynamic interaction between subjectivity and objectivity to implement purposeful and efficient behavior in the field of praxis by utilizing technology and receiving feedback to refine mental models.


    Three Fundamental Functions of Being Across Structural Levels


    A.    Process of Emergence: Phenomena take shape within the framework of efficient laws and systematic structures. 


    B.     Nurturing Procedures: Phenomena develop new capabilities through steadfast principles and systematic functions. 


    C.    Unprecedented Emergence Patterns: Phenomena, under the influence of pervasive tendencies in being, address challenges and solve problems by manifesting in novel patterns.


    1. Fundamental Functions of Being at the Natural Level

    - Process of Emergence: Phenomena form according to the laws of being. 

    - Nurturing Procedures: Phenomena evolve under the influence of stable principles. 

    - Unprecedented Emergence Patterns: New patterns emerge in nature, aiding in problem-solving and environmental adaptation. 


    2. Fundamental Functions of Being at the Cognitive Level

    -  Process of Emergence: The initial formation of concepts and phenomena based on interaction with the laws of being and within the context of living conditions, social livelihood, and cultural heritage. 

    -  Nurturing Procedures: Processing, combining, and organizing beliefs, values, and cognition within the workshop of the mind. 

    -  Unprecedented Emergence Patterns: The creation of novel patterns, problem-solving, and dynamic adaptation to the environment. 


    The mind is a dynamic system that represents, interprets, and transforms the world through the interaction of these three structures and their fundamental functions. This framework enables the discovery, understanding, and utilization of potentialities within objectivity.


    3. Fundamental Functions of Being at the Operational Level (Constructs)

    - Process of Emergence: The formation of tools, institutions, and new technologies in interaction with the environment. 

    - Nurturing Procedures: The development and optimization of social, economic, and cultural structures. 

    - Unprecedented Emergence Patterns: Innovation, practical problem-solving, and adapting operational mechanisms to environmental changes. 


    Recursive Dialectical Cycle: The Dynamic Interaction of Mind and Being


    To illustrate the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity, a recursive dialectical cycle can be considered. This cycle demonstrates how the mind is influenced by external realities, processes them, and then optimizes cognition and action through interaction with being and the environment. This cycle showcases the continuous dynamism of awareness and the perpetual transformation of mental models in interaction with natural, social, and cultural ecosystems.


    Stages of the Recursive Dialectical Cycle

    1. Necessity of Survival and Cognitive Stimulation:

       - In confronting challenges (deficiencies, inadequacies, and needs), individuals experience the necessity of comprehension, cognition, accurate analysis, and appropriate action within objective reality. 

       - This necessity, driven by survival imperatives, fosters motivation for exploration, cognition, informed decision-making, and appropriate action. 


    2. Data Acquisition Through Life and Social Experience:

       - Data and events derived from being and living conditions, social livelihood, and cultural heritage expose the mind to new stimuli. 


    3. Cognitive Processing and Formation of Mental Models:

       - Organizing data into information within a conceptual system, shaping beliefs and scientific theories, and constructing mental models to comprehend and interpret the world. 


    4. Purposeful Action (Praxis in the Field of Practice):

       - Applying knowledge and cognitive abilities in real-world contexts using tools, technologies, and social institutions for practical action and problem-solving. 


    5. Refinement of Mental Models and Adaptation to Change:

       - Practical experience leads to the refinement or reinforcement of mental models, the optimization of cognition, and the reassessment of values and beliefs. This stage enables learning and adaptation to new conditions. 



    6. Initiation of a New Cycle:

       - The mind, having been refined through past experiences, establishes a more effective interaction with reality. This interaction leads to transformations in being, living conditions, social livelihood, and cultural heritage, initiating a new cognitive cycle. 


     The Three Levels of the Recursive Dialectical Cycle


    1. The Level of Nature (Being):

       - Interaction between the fundamental laws of being and natural phenomena. 

       - Formation and evolution of biological and physical patterns in response to environmental changes. 


    2. The Cognitive Level: 

       - Information processing, concept creation, and knowledge development in the mind. 

       - Evolution of mental models through experience, analysis, and feedback. 


    3. The Operational Level (Constructs): 

       - Manifestation of purposeful actions in social, cultural, and economic environments. 

       - Creation and modification of tools, technologies, infrastructures, and social institutions to solve problems and enhance interactions with being. 


     Guiding Principles in the Recursive Dialectical Cycle


    1. Understanding Effective Laws: 

       - Recognizing and utilizing effective laws provides a solid and clear framework for decision-making. 

       - Reducing unwanted risks and increasing efficiency is possible through the comprehension of these laws. 


    2. Adherence to Fundamental Principles: 

       - Fundamental principles such as justice, honesty, cooperation, and transparency outline the path for sustainable growth and development. 

       - Consistent and stable decisions based on these principles ensure the quality and effectiveness of actions. 


    3. Acceptance of Pervasive Trends: 

       - Pervasive trends define the overall trajectory of life and existence, and aligning with them leads to growth and prosperity. 

       - Early recognition and acceptance of these trends create unique opportunities for adaptation and progress. 


    These principles serve as guides throughout all stages of the dialectical cycle, from cognition to action and review. 



     Key Axes of the Evolutionary Path of Mind-Being Interaction 

    - Pervasive Trends determine the overall course of transformation. 

    - Synthetic Methods serve as cognitive tools for deeper understanding. 

    - Praxis bridges the gap between cognition and action. 


    These three dimensions illustrate the evolutionary trajectory of the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity, from perception to purposeful transformation.




    Mind and being exist in a dynamic dialectical relationship. No knowledge is final; the mind is constantly recreating and revising its models in interaction with the world. This interaction, through the three levels and the recursive dialectical cycle, fosters the continuous growth of cognition and the transformation of operational structures. Consequently, the process of human cognition and action forms a continuous movement from perception to purposeful transformation, wherein synthesis-oriented cognition, praxis methodology, and pervasive tendencies determine the overall trajectory of evolution.


    Furthermore, guiding principles play a central role in this process. Recognizing efficient laws provides a framework for sound decision-making and risk mitigation. Adhering to steadfast principles ensures alignment with enduring values, while embracing pervasive tendencies facilitates adaptation and flourishing amid transformations. These three principles not only direct the dialectical cycle but also provide a foundation for the continuous improvement of mental models and a more constructive interaction between mind and being.


    This article has been prepared by Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi.



    Shiraz – Iran