Electronic Resources

Here you'll find links to the philosophical treasure troves of the Internet.

Die Recherche spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Philosophie, da sie eine fundierte und kritische Untersuchung von Konzepten, Argumenten und Theorien ermöglicht. Durch eine gründliche Recherche kann auf bestehendes Wissen, historische Entwicklungen und aktuelle Diskussionen zurückgegriffen werden, um als Folge eigene Gedanken und Positionen zu entwickeln.

Viele Datenbanken und Repositorien sind jedoch ohne Anbindung an eine universitäre Institution nicht öffentlich zugänglich. Um allen Interessierten die Möglichkeit der selbstständigen Recherche zu erleichtern, haben wir hier eine Liste von Open Access Ressourcen erstellt, um der Unübersichtlichkeit der Informationsflut des Internets etwas Struktur geben zu können.


Philosophische Lexika und Enzyklopädien


Lexikon der Argumente: Das Online-Nachschlagewerk für Argumente bietet eine Übersicht über Theorien und Kontroversen in der Philosophie. Zur Verfügung stehen Synopsen in Tabellenform sowie Begriffserklärungen, die es ermöglichen systematisch nach Gegenargumenten zu suchen. Der Inhalt variiert von verständlich erklärend bis hin zu Diskussionsebenen zwischen Forschern.

Wikipedia-Philosophie-Portal: Das Ziel dieses Portals ist es, einen Einstieg in philosophiebezogene Themen der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia zu bieten. Hier finden sich Zusammenfassungen von wichtigen Philosophen und ihren Disziplinen sowie Strömungen innerhalb der Philosophie. Wie bei allen Wikipedia Einträgen gilt aber auch hier: Die Qualität der Inhalte variiert enorm. Entsprechend soll Wikipedia vor Allem zur Strukturierung einer groben Übersicht verwendet werden.

Philosophenlexikon.de: Datenbank mit kurzen biografischen Informationen zu zahlreichen Philosoph:innen inklusive Angaben zu allen relevanten Veröffentlichungen. Durch die benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung der bibliografischen Angaben ist schnell ersichtlich, wer was publiziert hat.


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) is a comprehensive and authoritative online encyclopedia that covers a wide range of philosophical topics. It is a valuable resource for both scholars and general readers interested in philosophy. The SEP provides in-depth articles written by experts in their respective fields. These articles are rigorously reviewed and updated regularly to ensure accuracy and relevance. The contributors to the encyclopedia include renowned philosophers and scholars from around the world.

A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names: A brief and straightforward handbook that outlines the technical jargon and notable individuals frequently encountered in philosophical studies. The aim of this guidebook is to provide clear, precise, and impartial information on Western philosophy for a wide readership – serving as an authoritative reference point.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The IEP serves as a comprehensive resource that offers in-depth, well-researched insights on significant subjects and thinkers across various academic disciplines of philosophy. The articles are crafted to cater to the understanding level of advanced undergraduates pursuing Philosophy majors or other experts who may not specialize in the particular area covered by an article.


Wörterbücher, Abkürzungsverzeichnisse, Übersetzungsdienste

LEO Wörterbuch: Online-Wörterbuch und Übersetzungsdienst, der sich auf die Übersetzung zwischen Deutsch und anderen Sprachen spezialisiert hat. Sie bietet umfangreiche Sprachressourcen und ist insbesondere für die Übersetzung zwischen Deutsch und Englisch bekannt. Verfügt über ein benutzerfreundliches Design, das es den Benutzern ermöglicht, schnell nach Übersetzungen, Definitionen, Beispielsätzen und grammatikalischen Informationen zu suchen. Leo.org bietet auch eine aktive Community, in der Benutzer Fragen stellen und sich gegenseitig bei Übersetzungen und Sprachproblemen unterstützen können.

DWDS: Das Digitale Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS) ist eine umfangreiche Online-Ressource, die als Nachschlagewerk für die deutsche Sprache dient. Es bietet eine Fülle von Informationen über Wörter, ihre Bedeutungen, ihre Verwendung und ihre Geschichte. Enthalten sind Definitionen, grammatikalische Informationen, Aussprachehinweise, Synonyme, Beispielsätze und kontextbezogene Informationen zu jedem Eintrag. Darüber hinaus bietet es auch Informationen zur Etymologie, also zur Herkunft und Entwicklung der Wörter.

DeepL: Maschinelles Übersetzungssystem, das auf neuronalen Netzwerken basiert. Es wurde mit einer grossen Menge an zweisprachigen Textdaten trainiert, um die Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Sprachen zu verstehen und präzise Übersetzungen zu erzeugen. Durch diese Methode lassen sich damit ganze Sätze wesentlich genauer übersetzen als mit Google Translate etc.


Acronym Finder: Acronym Finder is an online resource that helps users find the meanings of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. It is a popular tool for understanding and deciphering the vast number of acronyms used in various fields. Provides a simple and user-friendly interface where users can enter an acronym or abbreviation into the search bar. The tool then generates a list of possible expansions and meanings for the entered acronym. Each entry includes the full form of the acronym, its definition, and often additional context or related information.

The American Heritage Dictionary Of English Language: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (AHD) is a comprehensive and authoritative dictionary of the English language. The AHD is known for its detailed and thorough coverage of words, their definitions, pronunciations, etymologies (word origins), and usage examples. It includes a vast collection of vocabulary from various sources, including standard English, technical and scientific terminology, slang, and idiomatic expressions.




Linkliste elektronische Fachzeitschriften der Universität Konstanz: Die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek ist ein praktischer Service für den schnellen und strukturierten Zugriff auf wissenschaftliche Volltextzeitschriften im Internet. Mit mehr als 100´000 Titeln, darunter auch reine Online-Zeitschriften zu allen Fachgebieten, sowie mehreren Aggregatoren sind zahlreiche Informationen verfügbar. Davon sind sogar mehr als 70´000 Fachzeitschriften komplett frei zugänglich.

Zeno.org: Online-Bibliothek und digitale Plattform, die eine umfangreiche Sammlung von Werken aus Literatur, Philosophie, Geschichte und anderen Disziplinen bereitstellt. Sie bietet kostenlosen Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von Büchern, Texten und Dokumenten, die sowohl klassische als auch zeitgenössische Werke umfassen.


Philpapers: Online research resource and community hub dedicated to the field of philosophy. It serves as a comprehensive database of scholarly works, including articles, books, and papers, covering a wide range of philosophical topics. The database allows users to search for specific topics, authors, or publications, making it a valuable tool for researchers, students, and anyone interested in philosophy. It provides access to full-text articles when available, and also includes abstracts, bibliographic information, and citation data for each entry.

Internet Archive: Digital library that aims to preserve and provide universal access to a vast collection of digital content. One of the notable projects of the Internet Archive is the Open Library, which aims to create a web page for every book ever published. It offers a lending library service for digitized books, allowing users to borrow and read books online.




Projekt Gutenberg: Eine der ältesten und bekanntesten Online-Bibliotheken. Die Bücher im Projekt Gutenberg sind hauptsächlich gemeinfrei, das heisst, ihre Urheberrechte sind abgelaufen oder wurden bewusst aufgegeben. Die Sammlung umfasst klassische Werke der Literatur, wie Romane, Gedichte, Theaterstücke, Essays und Sachbücher. Bietet die Bücher in verschiedenen digitalen Formaten an, darunter PDF, EPUB, Kindle und HTML. Die Texte sind in der Regel frei von DRM (Digital Rights Management), was bedeutet, dass sie auf verschiedenen Geräten und Plattformen gelesen und weiterverwendet werden können.

Nietzsche Source: Die Digitale Kritische Gesamtausgabe Werke und Briefe ist eine digitale Version der deutschen Referenzausgaben von Friedrich Nietzsches Werken, Fragmenten und Korrespondenz. Nirgends im Netz findet sich eine vollständigere Aufführung gesammelter Schriften Nietzsches.

Opera Platonis: Komplette Sammlung von Platons Werk. Auf griechisch wie auf deutsch vorhanden.


Open Access Zeitschriften


Zfphl. Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur: Veröffentlicht Rezensionen deutscher Monographien und Sammelbände aus allen Bereichen der Philosophie, die anonym begutachtet werden. Die Artikel erscheinen in drei bis vier Ausgaben pro Jahr ausschliesslich online im Open Access-Verfahren.

Zeitschrift für praktische Philosophie: Bietet kostenfreien Zugang zu Publikationen aus allen Bereichen der praktischen Philosophie, die einen wertvollen Beitrag zur bestehenden Literatur leisten. Die ZfPP akzeptiert alle Schulen, Inhalte und Arbeitsmethoden, solange diese den wissenschaftlichen Standards entsprechen. Es werden historisch orientierte sowie systematische Arbeiten unterstützt aber auch neue innovative Ansätze sind willkommen – selbst wenn sie nicht dem Mainstream folgen.

LOGOS. Freie Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie: Plattform für „wissenschaftliche“ Philosophie. Die veröffentlichten sind von theoretischer Natur - sie streben nach Klarheit, Genauigkeit ohne einen existenzialistischen oder historischen Ansatz zu haben. Der Themenbereich ist breit gefächert mit Schwerpunkt in Kerngebieten wie Metaphysik (z.B. Ontologie), Ethik, Naturphilosophie sowie Ästhetik; aber auch andere Disziplinen wie Religions- oder Geistesphilosophie werden abgedeckt.


Philosophers’ Imprint: Open-access, peer-reviewed journal in philosophy that publishes high-quality scholarly articles across a wide range of philosophical topics. The series was established to uphold the values of free and widespread sharing of academic research on the internet instead of investing in journal subscriptions. While Philosophers' Imprint's editors are proficient in analytical philosophy, they do not limit themselves to any specific philosophical field or school.

ERGO: Open access philosophy journal, is inviting submissions on a wide range of philosophical topics from all schools of thought. The scope includes the history of philosophy and work in both analytic and continental traditions along with formal and empirically informed philosophies. Ergo values diversity greatly; therefore it encourages contributions from individuals belonging to groups that are currently underrepresented in this field.

Organon F: Well-respected international journal that specializes in analytic philosophy. The publication values the fundamental principles of analytical philosophy such as logical consistency, precision, and conceptual clarity when evaluating arguments. Its primary focus lies on modern philosophical topics including language theory, epistemology or knowledge acquisition processes , metaphysics (the study of reality), logic systems etc., but also provides an avenue for discussions surrounding ethics & morality; aesthetics; social issues like politics or justice.

European Journal of Analytic Philosophy: Journal that focuses on publishing articles in the field of analytic philosophy. It provides a platform for rigorous and high-quality research that engages with a broad range of philosophical topics.

Metaphysics: Journal that provides free access to peer-reviewed research in the field of metaphysics. The publication concentrates on modern and past topics related to metaphysical concepts, exploring themes from both Aristotelian and neo-Aristotelian traditions.

Journal of Social Ontology: Platform that welcomes contributions pertaining to social ontology in its broadest sense. The focus lies on exploring the essence and presumed presence of various social phenomena, such as institutions, cooperation, laws, collective entities and categories like race or gender. Additionally, research from other fields with an evident connection to inquiries about social ontology - including empirical studies- are also deemed suitable for publication within this journal's scope.

Adorno Studies Journal: Exploration into Adorno's ideas and dissemination of his theories. Considering Adorno's fascination with various fields such as philosophy, epistemology, phenomenology, existentialism, ontology, aesthetics along with critical and social theory amongst others. Actively promotes interdisciplinary discussions aimed at generating synergies for new avenues of study which could prove significant for innovative disciplinary concerns. 

Bergsoniana: Scholarly publication that focuses on the philosophical concepts of Henri Bergson, spanning from its inception to present-day interpretations. The journal aims to promote global awareness and understanding of his ideas while also exploring their historical significance and relevance in addressing modern issues.

Contemporary Aesthetics: Online journal that focuses on contemporary theories, research, and applications in aesthetics while adopting an interdisciplinary approach at an international level.

The Journal of Cavellian Studies: Academic discussions revolving around the literary works of Stanley Cavell

Dewey Studies: Publication with the objective of promoting an in-depth understanding of John Dewey's philosophical contributions and reinvigorating his unique approach towards addressing philosophical inquiries relevant to present-day circumstances.

ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetic: Embraces a diverse theoretical framework when it comes to the arts and aesthetics, endorsing various perspectives and movements within philosophy of art and literature, visual arts, music, dance, architecture as well as theater and drama. Additionally , The Journal promotes interdisciplinary research endeavors that delve into unconventional aesthetic topics.

Estetika. The European Journal of Aesthetics: A periodical that covers various topics in philosophical aesthetics. Its primary objective is to disseminate research papers that represent the multifaceted European customs of aesthetics. The journal aims to foster connections not just between anglophone and continental schools of thought, but also among historical and modern perspectives as well as aesthetic theories with other areas within philosophy and academia at large.

European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas: Scholarly publication that focuses on examining the literary works of Thomas Aquinas. The journal places particular emphasis on analyzing his theological writings, which include his commentaries on Biblical texts. Its primary objective is to disseminate current research being conducted at its founding institutions while also providing an opportunity for other scholars in this field to share their findings and insights through its platform.

European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy: Scholarly publication that features articles examining the philosophical tradition in America, with particular emphasis on pragmatism as well as its connections to the social sciences. 

Flusser Studies: Journal that focuses on academic research related to the philosophy of Vilém Flusser. The publication not only features articles about his work, but also aims to foster scholarly exploration into diverse interdisciplinary and multilingual approaches developed by Flusser throughout his writing and philosophical career. These encompass Communication Theory, Translation Studies, Cultural Anthropology as well as New Media studies among others.

Foucault Studies: Stands as the solitary global publication in English that exclusively delves into Michel Foucault's ideas and impact. The philosopher is widely recognized as one of the most frequently referenced contemporary writers within human and social sciences. The scope of submissions for Foucault Studies extends beyond mere scrutiny of his work, but rather seeks to promote an analytical, empirical, and pragmatic application across all fields.

International Gramsci Journal: This journal is dedicated to presenting peer-reviewed and scholarly articles that delve into Antonio Gramsci's life, his works, and how they have impacted social, political, economic and cultural history over time. Additionally, this platform aims to explore modern-day applications of his concepts in contemporary society.

International Journal of Baudrillard Studies: Interdisciplinary journal that aims to explore the ideas and writings of Jean Baudrillard. The publication accepts peer-reviewed articles on any topic related to or intersecting with his work.

International Journal of Žižek Studies: Focuses on the works of Slavoj Žižek, who hails from Slovenia and specializes in philosophy as well as cultural theory. Despite being portrayed by media outlets with caricatures such as "the Elvis of cultural theory" or "the Marx brother," Žižek's application of scholarly knowledge to modern mass culture and politics continues to draw significant global attention.

Journal of Aesthetics and Culture: Scholarly publication that undergoes peer review and operates under the open access model. Its scope encompasses art, media, popular culture and new technologies. Presents academic articles which explore cross-disciplinary intersections between aesthetics, politics and contemporary culture. Hosts in-depth analyses of specific cases such as artworks or media productions with an aim towards generating innovative ideas, methodologies and theories within this field.

Journal of Ancient Philosophy: Disseminates scholarly articles, reviews and textual annotations pertaining to the philosophical traditions of ancient Greece and Rome. Moreover, it endeavors to offer translations of classical texts into either Portuguese or Spanish for a wider readership. Additionally, this publication serves as an informative platform regarding symposia, meetings and conferences on Greek-Roman philosophy in Latin America.

Journal of Badiou Studies: Multilingual platform dedicated to the study and exploration of Alain Badiou's philosophy. The journal features both online and print publications comprising original articles as well as reviews which critically analyze all facets of his work while also examining debates that intersect with it.

Kairos. Journal of Philosophy and Science: Pulishes research within both philosophy and science fields. This includes philosophical papers motivated by scientific research as well as scientifically relevant philosophic works from areas such as metaphysics, politics, ethics, aesthetics, logic, philosophy of language or mind/cognition/mathematics/physics/biology respectively.

Kritike. An Online Journal of Philosophy: Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary international philosophy publication. Welcomes submissions from both local and foreign authors on various philosophical topics with particular emphasis given to four main strands: Filipino Philosophy; Oriental Thought and East-West Comparative Philosophy; Continental European Philosophy; Anglo-American Philosophy.

Genealogy Critique: Scholarly publication that undergoes peer review and provides unrestricted access to its readers. Its primary focus lies in genealogical research, coupled with an extensive interpretation of critical theory. By amalgamating historical and systematic approaches, the journal encourages analytical evaluations of current issues presented in simple English, German or French languages. Additionally, this interdisciplinary periodical aims at juxtaposing traditional historical-genealogical techniques alongside contemporary concepts from fields such as media studies, digital humanities; science & technology studies; postcolonialism; gender equality and race analysis for comprehensive knowledge dissemination purposes.

Locke Studies: Scholarly journal that operates on an open-access basis and undergoes peer-review annually. Its primary focus lies in the contemporary study of any aspect related to John Locke, the English philosopher. The publication features original research papers scrutinizing Locke's philosophy while also including critical commentaries pertaining to books or recent trends within scholarship about him, reviews analyzing newly published works concerning either Locke himself or his contemporaries' intellectual milieu, queries for further investigation into specific areas of interest surrounding this subject matter along with notes and informal discussions among scholars interested in exploring these topics more deeply. 

Marcel Studies: Journal that undergoes peer review, with the aim of enhancing comprehension and for the works of French philosopher Gabriel Marcel. Being interdisciplinary in nature, submissions from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints are encouraged by Marcel Studies on any topic or theme related to any facet of Marcel's philosophy.

Metaphysics: The journal's emphasis lies in exploring modern and classical philosophical concepts related to metaphysics, with particular attention given to those derived from Aristotelian or neo-Aristotelian schools of thought.

New Proposals. Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry: The primary objective of this journal is to investigate the intersection between social science and Marxism, encompassing its ideologies, political practices, and intellectual framework that have been in existence for over a century. New Proposals serves as an interdisciplinary platform committed to promoting radical changes within the current global system through critical inquiry.

Nordic Wittgenstein Review: The journal presents novel insights on the various facets of Wittgenstein's philosophy and scholarship, encompassing both exegetical analyses and papers that incorporate Wittgensteinian concepts to address modern philosophical issues. It is an interdisciplinary platform that welcomes submissions from diverse fields such as philology, linguistics, history of ideas, cognitive science among others alongside philosophy.

Open Journal of Philosophy: The Open Journal of Philosophy is a globally recognized publication that focuses on the latest progressions in philosophy. Its primary objective is to provide an outlet for scholars and researchers from all corners of the globe, enabling them to exchange ideas, share knowledge and engage in discussions about emerging topics within various philosophical fields.

Performance Philosophy: Scholarly publication that seeks to explore the nature of this field and examine how performance intersects with philosophy in various forms. This includes investigating both the philosophical aspects of performance, as well as instances where performance itself can be seen as an expression or embodiment of philosophical ideas. The journal draws on diverse traditions within philosophy, spanning Continental and Analytic approaches and beyond, while also encompassing any discipline or definition related to live performances such as drama, theatre, dance, music etcetera.

Principia. An International Journal of Epistemology: The primary objective of this journal is to disseminate scholarly research on epistemology, which encompasses a wide range of topics such as theory of knowledge, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy mind and logic. Additionally, it includes metaphysics along with other related subjects that emphasize the analytical approach in both Modern and Contemporary periods.

Prolegomena. Journal of Philosophy: Scholarly publication that features articles on various aspects of modern philosophy, including the history of philosophical thought.

Public Reason. Journal of Political and Moral Philosophy: Scholarly publication that specializes in the examination of political and moral philosophy. It features articles, book reviews, as well as discussion notes from various areas within this field such as political theory, applied ethics, and legal philosophy. The journal aims to foster discourse surrounding rationality in politics and ethics while also contributing to broader philosophical discussions on the topic of rationality itself.

S. Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique: Delves into topics within the realm of Lacanian psychoanalysis and its associated areas such as philosophy, film studies, literary analysis, and critical examination of political ideologies.

Sartre Studies International: Publishes articles of an international, cross-cultural, and multidisciplinary nature. These publications reflect the complete spectrum and intricacy of Sartre's work while emphasizing philosophical, literary as well as political concerns arising from existentialism. The Journal also delves into exploring how contemporary society and culture continue to be influenced by existentialist ideas originating from Sartrean philosophy.


Disziplinäre Repositorien

PhilPapers: Online research resource and academic community for philosophers. It is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy research, offering access to thousands of academic papers, articles, books, and other philosophical resources. The platform serves as a central hub for the philosophy community, facilitating research, collaboration, and communication among scholars, researchers, and students worldwide.

PhilSci: Digital repository that is exclusively designed for and managed by philosophers of science. This archive serves as a complimentary service to the philosophy of science society, with its primary objective being to facilitate communication within this field through prompt dissemination of fresh research works.

Cogprints: Online repository for papers and preprints in the field of cognitive science. It was one of the pioneering platforms for open access publishing and knowledge sharing in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and related disciplines.


Miscellaneous Websites

Wi-Phi: Educational platform that provides free and accessible online resources for learning philosophy. It aims to make philosophical content available to a global audience, regardless of their academic background or geographic location. The platform utilises short video lessons and interactive content to engage learners in various philosophical topics and concepts.

Information Philosopher: Website and philosophical project dedicated to exploring the role of information in the fundamental nature of reality and the universe. The project was developed by Bob Doyle, an American philosopher, and information scientist, who has been influential in the study of the philosophical implications of information theory.

Carneades: Website that provides tools for formal argumentation and reasoning. The platform was designed to assist users in constructing, analyzing, and evaluating logical arguments in various domains of philosophy. It also offers great introductory material to many different disciplines of philosophy.


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