Slavoj Žižek (zizek)
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Sternstunde Philosophie: Präsentation, Philosophical Videos, Der Pragmatismus ist ein Humanismus, Fake-News sind en vogue, ist die Wahrheit also tot?, Heimat und Heimatlosigkeit–oder: Heimat als utopischer Ort, Transformation der Liebe, Liebe als Transformation, Electronic ResourcesContributions to
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Žižek, Slavoj. 2001a. On Belief. London: Routledge.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2001b. Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? Five Interventions in the (Mis)Use of a Notion. London: Verso Books.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2004a. Plaidoyer en faveur de l’intolérance. Sisyphe. Castelnau-le-Lez (Hérault): Climats.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2004b. La subjectivité à venir : essais critiques sur la voix obscéne. Sisyphe. Castelnau-le-Lez (Hérault): Climats.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2004c. Vous avez dit totalitarisme ? : cinq interventions sur les (més)usages d’une notion. Paris: ?
Žižek, Slavoj. 2005b. Lacrimae rerum : cinq essais sur Kieslowski, Hitchcock, Tarkovski et Lynch. Paris: ?
Žižek, Slavoj. 2011. “Is it Still Possible to be a Hegelian Today?” in The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism, edited by Levi R. Bryant, Nick Srnicek, and Graham Harman, pp. 202–223. Melbourne: Re.Press.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2014. “Plato, Descartes, Hegel: Three Philosophers of Event.” in The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism, edited by Matthew C. Altman, pp. 575–602. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2017. “Comedy Between the Ugly and the Sublime.” in Hegel on Philosophy in History, edited by Rachel Zuckert and James Kreines, pp. 213–229. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316145012.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2018. Reading Marx. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2020. A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Žižek, Slavoj. 2021. Reading Hegel. Cambridge: Polity Press.