Full-Day Interdisciplinary Symposium « Critical Thinking: Beyond Incantatory Rhetoric »

7 june 2024




    Mirelle Betrancourt
    Emmanuel Sander
    Thierry Herman
    Martin Davies
    Elena Paquinelli
    Harvey Siegel
    Céline Schöpfer



    Full-Day Interdisciplinary Symposium
    Critical Thinking: Beyond Incantatory Rhetoric
    Friday, June 7, 2024 – Room CV1, Ground floor, 66, Boulevard Carl-Vogt

    8:45 – 9:00 Welcome

    9:00 – 9:15 Introduction
    Céline Schöpfer - University of Geneva

    9:15 – 10:15 Critical thinking in the information age: Know your mind!
    Mirelle Betrancourt and Emmanuel Sander – University of Geneva

    Critical thinking is currently acknowledged as an essential objective of educational systems
    internationally, being often cited as one of the core skills that citizens of the 21st century should
    master. Its presumed benefits range from strengthening students' capacity – as future citizens and
    workers – to apply their knowledge in new and changing circumstances, to the ability to select,
    interpret, evaluate, and apply relevant and reliable information. Among the circumstances that make
    critical thinking so relevant today, the use of media and social media plays a significant role: in the era of 'information obesity,' the dangers of fake news and post-truth attitudes, a deficit in skills for accurately evaluating information is a major risk at both the individual and collective levels. Developing information literacy is necessary, but is it sufficient? Our claim is that critical thinking is primarily the ability to question our own beliefs and opinions. This conference focuses on identifying
    the processes involved in various activities such as perception, memory, understanding, reasoning,
    emotions, and social interactions that either support or hinder the exercise of critical thinking. It
    provides insights into developing critical thinking by encouraging self-questioning, actively seeking
    information, and critically analyzing the argumentation. Finally, we highlight the importance of
    cognitive flexibility, emphasizing the leverages initiated by the ability to change perspectives and
    grasp the viewpoints of others.

    10:15 – 10:45 Break

    10:45 – 11:30 A Battle Lost in Advance? Critical Thinking in the Minefield of Language

    Thierry Herman – University of Neuchâtel and Lausanne
    Critical thinking is based on philosophical virtues such as fact-checking and writing cogent
    arguments. It aims to develop skills to resist attempts at manipulation. However, studies in linguistics
    have shown that there are many subtle ways of influencing others that are not immediately apparent.
    These means are not always addressed in critical thinking. The aim of this presentation is to bring
    together linguistic studies that challenge critical thinking tools and to explore how critical thinking
    may address the issue of loaded language.


    11:30 – 12:30 Critical thinking and Computer-Aided Argument Mapping

    Martin Davies – University of Melbourne

    An important educational question that needs addressing is this: how can we teach students to think
    critically? Critical thinking is a 'wicked' problem and while universities laud the importance of
    critical thinking, seldom do they explicitly teach it. For some decades a quiet revolution has been
    underway in the form of computer-aided argument mapping (CAAM). This promises a way of
    explicitly teaching critical thinking by means of argument maps. To my knowledge, CAAM is not
    being used in any widespread way in the tertiary sector and my view is that it should be. Indeed, it
    appears to have some empirical support. A number of studies on CAAM appear show promise, and a
    meta-analysis of all extant CAAM studies indicates measurable critical thinking gains (van Gelder,
    2015). This presentation outlines why critical thinking is a wicked problem, reviews the innovation of
    CAAM, compares it to other ways of teaching critical thinking, and outlines some of its
    methodological peculiarities.

    12:30 – 13:45 Lunch

    13:45 – 14:45 Educating Critical Thinking from Its Natural Cognitive Groundings

    Elena Paquinelli – Fondation La Main à la Pâte, membre associé Institut Jean Nicod

    How do we educate critical thinking? To answer this frequently asked question, it is first necessary to
    clarify the concept of 'critical thinking' and thereby search for its natural cognitive foundations. I
    will present the work conducted by a group of researchers in philosophy and cognitive sciences as
    well as teachers seeking a solid basis for proposing pedagogical interventions aimed at equipping
    students with critical thinking skills. I will conclude my presentation with some pedagogical
    guidelines that take into account conceptual work and the analysis of literature in cognitive sciences
    and education, along with practical examples of classroom activities that adhere to these principles.'

    14:45 – 15:45 The Place of the Intellectual Virtues within Critical Thinking

    Harvey Siegel – University of Miami

    Much has been written about the educational ideal of critical thinking and the place of the
    intellectual virtues within it. In this talk I will try to identify that place. I will first briefly rehearse my
    account of the ideal, according to which critical thinking is comprised of two components, the reason
    assessment and the critical spirit components, which are individually necessary and jointly sufficient
    for critical thinking. I will then address recent scholarship on the intellectual virtues, which is
    sometimes offered as an alternative ideal. After noting the close connections between the critical
    spirit and the intellectual virtues – they are nearly but not quite identical – I will identify their
    differences, and urge that critical thinking is the fundamental ideal.

    15:45 – 16:00 Break

    16:00 – 16:45 Critical Thinking Beyond Acclaim: Addressing Inherent Conceptual Challenges

    Céline Schöpfer - University of Geneva

    Critical thinking is universally acknowledged as a vital educational objective due to its considerable
    personal and social benefits. Yet, it is fraught with conceptual challenges, exemplified by the plethora
    of definitions that clutter the academic discourse. In their 2015 work, Johnson and Hamby delineated
    several critical issues such as the Failure to Capture the Force of 'Critical', Conflation, Subliming,
    etc. Building on their insights, I employed experimental philosophy methods – including online
    surveys and semi-structured interviews – to elucidate these persistent problems and to analyze them
    through an examination of lay perspectives on critical thinking. This presentation argues that
    overcoming the mere rhetoric around critical thinking necessitates a deep engagement with its
    conceptual difficulties. We must articulate these challenges to educators to enhance their awareness
    and teaching practices. The analysis of experimental data reveals not only the fragmented
    perceptions of critical thinking but also the potential pitfalls of its reification and the problematic
    impacts of its pedagogical implementation.

    16:45 – 17:00 Closing remarks

    Nearby bus or tram stop:
    - 'Uni-mail' – tram line numbers 15 and 17
    - 'Ecole-de-médecine' – bus line 1
    - 'Musée d'ethnographie' – bus line numbers 2 and 19