Adaptation to Existence: The Only Path to Growth, Well-being, and Human Flourishing

Adaptation to Existence: The Only Path to Growth, Well-being, and Human Flourishing

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    Article 10: Adaptation to Existence: The Only Path to Growth, Well-being, and Human Flourishing This article has been identified and presented by Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi. Keywords: Adaptation, Growth, Well-being, Problem-solving, Challenges, Resources and capabilities, Sustainability, Emergence, Nurturing, New capabilities, Resilience, Social relations, Efficiency, Intelligent, behavior, Systematic structures, Human flourishing, Organizational structure, Compliance, Proactivity, Flourishing systems, Dynamic, Biodiversity, Human evolution, Emotional regulation, Language and speech, Cognition and decision-making, Social experience, Scientific beliefs, Technological achievements, Cultural inheritance, Alignment, Coordination, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data Processing, Efficient algorithms, Machine learning, Automation, Individual identity, Collective, identity, Cultural narratives, Social change, Democratic relationships, Knowledge transfer, Free will, Wisdom, Values, Motivations, Behavior patterns, Practical philosophy. Preface Human adaptation to the phenomena, trends, and processes of existence, life, and living is the greatest asset for achieving growth, well-being, and human flourishing. The core of this adaptation lies in discovering, understanding, and accepting the effective laws and solid principles that allow us to utilize the capabilities and features present in existence. This adaptation helps individuals confront issues and challenges (at any stage) by making informed decisions and taking effective actions to find suitable solutions. Ultimately, this awareness leads to specific decisions and actions that result in personal, social, and organizational growth, well-being, and flourishing. - Taking effective decisions and actions aimed at finding appropriate solutions to solve problems and overcome challenges. - Producing goods and providing services (added value) and creating appropriate social relations, as much as possible, in line with human dignity. Reducing human-originated harm, which stems from the lack of alignment, coordination, and adaptation of humans with the processes of existence, life, and living. With the globalization of capital and the necessity for establishing social-democratic relationships and protecting climatic conditions, human-originated harm will be reduced and controlled. Fundamentals "Every entity and phenomenon, upon acceptance for emergence in existence, requires preservation of survival, continuity of stability, flexibility, continuous development, growth, and flourishing." This involves: - Problem-solving (addressing deficiencies and correcting flaws) that the phenomenon faces as a system. - Overcoming challenges (the phenomenon's adaptation to its environment) that it encounters. The necessity of self-referencing for acquiring, utilizing, benefiting from, and optimizing the following: - Available resources (usable materials and applicable tools) - Existing capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.) and features (health, safety, efficiency, etc.) within the phenomenon (as a system) This process helps address and resolve the issues and challenges the phenomenon faces in its environment. Moving beyond this stage becomes possible by acquiring new capabilities and revealing novel features within the phenomenon (as a system). The desire to attain new capabilities, reveal novel characteristics, and demonstrate the phenomenon's overall inclination towards growth and flourishing involves: - Continuous Review, Improvement, and Reprocessing of existing relationships among the elements and members (both existing and emerging) within the phenomenon, as well as in its interaction with the environment, utilizing historical patterns of experienced relationships to achieve a more efficient model. - Optimizing available resources and utilizing existing capabilities and characteristics. - Focusing on the phenomenon's overarching tendency towards growth (developing and expanding possibilities) and flourishing (emergence of new capabilities and novel characteristics) on a continuous basis. - Providing appropriate responses to solve problems and address challenges that the phenomenon faces as a system is essential. Appendices: Function: - Refers to the activities related to a device or system. - Often focuses on specific actions and practical applications. - Function shows what a system does and how it can be used. Performance: - Refers to the outcomes of the function or the effects of activities. - It is a measure of how effective a system or device is. - Usually refers to successes or failures in relation to set goals. Mechanism: - Refers to the way and method by which a system operates to produce specific results. - Providing details on how a process works and its components is crucial. - It can act as a guideline or roadmap for executing different tasks. Structure: - Refers to the framework that determines how the components of a system or entity are related and organized. - It can refer to physical structure (like a building) or organizational structure (the arrangement of a company) - Structure typically has a significant impact on the function and performance of a system, as it defines the interactions between different components. The mechanism presents function as a capability. In other words, capabilities refer to the functions of the system. The structure expresses performance as a feature. In other words, features refer to the performances of the system. - Capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc) - Features (healthy, safe, efficient, etc). Emergence, Nurturing, Unprecedented Emergence Process of Emergence The emergence of any entity or phenomenon in existence encounters a certain level of specific problems (deficiencies, flaws) and challenges (interaction between the system and its environment). Every phenomenon, in order to sustain its existence, maintain stability, flexibility, continuous development, and achieve growth and flourishing, must solve its problems and overcome its challenges. Nurturing procedures The Procedures of Nurturing new capabilities and the emergence of novel characteristics to solve problems and overcome challenges is achieved through: - Available resources (usable materials and applicable tools). - Existing capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.). - Existing characteristics (healthy, safe, efficient, etc.). • Each capability is governed by specific systematic laws and structures. Thus, the acceptance and establishment of efficient rules, and the creation of systematic structures based on these laws, lead to the development of new capabilities. • Each characteristic is governed by stable principles and specific methodical behavior. Therefore, acceptance and adherence to stable principles, along with methodical behavior, lead to a determined will (performance) and result in the emergence of novel characteristics. Unprecedented Emergence Model The Unprecedented Emergence model (re-emergence, unprecedented emergence) refers to methods for generating widespread enthusiasm to find purpose in acquiring new capabilities and manifesting novel characteristics to solve problems and overcome challenges, allowing the phenomenon to progress towards appropriate growth and flourishing. By organizing (in the form of learning and reprocessing) new, efficient relationships between the existing (and emerging) elements and members within the phenomenon: - This leads to the emergence of new capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.) within the phenomenon (as a system). - These new relationships help to find suitable solutions to the problems the phenomenon faces. - These relationships are accepted as new laws within the phenomenon and become established as new structures. By balancing (in the form of adaptation and harmony) the novel interactions between the phenomenon and its environment: - This leads to the emergence of novel characteristics (healthier, safer, more efficient, etc.) within the phenomenon (as a system). - This balance helps to better address the challenges between the phenomenon and its environment. - This new way of functioning becomes accepted as new principles within the phenomenon and is followed as new methods. By orienting (in the form of a broad tendency) toward the continuous emergence of growth (development and expansion of resources) and flourishing (the appearance of new capabilities and characteristics) within the phenomenon: - It is through this broad tendency toward growth and flourishing that the phenomenon (as a system) avoids going off course. - This tendency is accepted as a guiding force within the phenomenon and manifests itself as a drive for progress. • By accepting and establishing new efficient rules, and creating new systematic structures based on them. • By embracing and adhering to novel stable principles, along with novel methodical behaviors. Through self-referencing, utilizing available resources, and leveraging existing capabilities and characteristics, this process will pave the way for the emergence of new capabilities and the manifestation of novel characteristics. In this way, the phenomenon (as a system) will be able to respond effectively to solving problems and overcoming challenges. Consequently, the phenomenon will experience an unprecedented emergence, allowing it to undergo change, diversification, transformation, and even sudden leaps into a new phase. Through the discovery, understanding, and acceptance of efficient rules, and the creation of systematic structures based on them, the phenomenon can harness new capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.). Similarly, accepting and adhering to stable principles, along with methodical behaviors, enables it to benefit from novel characteristics (healthier, safer, more efficient, etc.) within the consistent processes and dynamics of existence. The acceptance and establishment of new efficient rules (and the resulting structures) lay the groundwork for the emergence of new capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, and functional/operational possibilities). Every phenomenon, in order to effectively solve problems and address challenges in each phase, requires new capabilities and the emergence of novel characteristics as suitable solutions to these problems and challenges. The ongoing need to solve problems and overcome challenges in each phase necessitates the replacement of existing laws and structures with new ones, to ensure that the emergence of new capabilities allows for a competent response to the issues at hand. By accepting and establishing new efficient rules and laws (new relationships between the elements and members within the phenomenon), new systematic structures are formed based on them, providing the foundation for the development of capabilities that are aligned with solving upcoming problems. Efficient rules guarantee the improved performance and efficiency of the phenomenon (as a system). These efficient rules (and the resulting structures) refer to the functional relationships among the elements and members within the phenomenon, and between the phenomenon and its environment (as a system). They are designed to enhance, transform, and optimize the efficiency, performance, and task execution within the phenomenon and its interaction with its environment. These laws (and the resulting structures) are the outcome of extensive experiences in addressing the challenges faced by the phenomenon (as a system) throughout history, evolving from simple to more complex regulations in each phase. In other words, the acceptance and establishment of efficient rules (and the resulting structures) provide a platform for the emergence of new capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.). These laws are typically based on past experiences of effective relationships between the elements and members within the phenomenon (as a system) and are established within a certain level of intelligence, serving as the foundation for the creation of new systematic structures. Appendices: Balance, Adaptation, Compatibility, Equilibrium. - Organization: Refers to arranging and structuring something in a way that is orderly and systematic. By organizing new efficient relationships between the elements and members within the phenomenon (as a system), new capabilities emerge, leading to the manifestation of novel characteristics and paving the way for the phenomenon's adaptation to its environment. Organization involves the process of arranging and structuring resources, capabilities, and activities to create appropriate and optimized structures and procedures. - Processing: Refers to the process of converting and analyzing data into usable information. Processing refers to the transformation and analysis of information and data in a way that makes it usable for making informed decisions. - Nurturing: Refers to the act of training, nurturing, or fostering the growth and development of something. The Emergence of the Fundamental Capability System in Existence In existence, specific laws and mechanisms emerge through "necessary processes" to maintain survival, sustain stability, and ensure continuous development. These processes, by "regulating and controlling" every entity and phenomenon, give rise to the "fundamental capability system" in existence: 1- Initiation: At the beginning of the emergence of any entity or phenomenon, it is faced with solving new problems (compensating for deficiencies, addressing flaws) and overcoming new challenges (adapting the phenomenon to its environment). 2- Manifestation: At this stage, the entity or phenomenon is enabled to utilize available resources, capabilities, and existing characteristics. 3- Foundation: At this stage, the entity or phenomenon explores possible solutions to address the issues and challenges it faces. 4- Implementation: In this stage, the entity or phenomenon examines and accepts new efficient relationships and novel performance between its internal elements and members, as well as between the phenomenon and its environment (as a system), in order to solve problems and challenges while finding the optimal solutions. 5- Flourishing: At this stage, the phenomenon (as a system) continuously self-references, utilizing: - Available resources - Existing capabilities and characteristics Through creating efficient new relationships between elements and members for novel performance, it finds the best possible solutions for solving problems and overcoming challenges. 6- Achievement: At this stage, the phenomenon has established new relationships (laws) and manifested new performance (principles) between the internal elements and members (as a system). It has achieved the necessary dimensions and scale for the emergence of new capabilities and the manifestation of novel characteristics to effectively address the challenges it faces. 7- Scalability: At this stage, the phenomenon reaches measurable levels of expansion, development of quality, and diversity, allowing it to scale. 8- Replicability: At this stage, the phenomenon (as a system) has embraced the necessary changes and is able to reproduce itself in new frameworks. This analytical model is commonly used to describe the capabilities and performance of a system or process because it explains capabilities through the acceptance and establishment of efficient rules and the creation of systematic structures within the phenomenon. This model not only helps AI designers in areas such as developing AI systems, machine learning, and complex algorithms, but it also assists them in better understanding the various processes and transformations within AI systems and in providing suitable solutions for improving the performance and flexibility of these systems. Additionally, this analytical model can help other researchers and developers working on complex systems and processes. This model can create significant added value for developers and researchers in various fields, including AI, software development, life sciences, and other complex sciences. 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: This analytical model can assist AI developers in identifying and implementing the best methods for flexibility and adaptation to environmental changes within AI systems. 2. Complex Systems Development: This model can help software engineers recognize and apply the best methods and patterns for developing and optimizing complex systems. 3. Biology and Life Sciences: This model can help researchers in biology identify and apply the best strategies for sustainability and adaptation to environmental changes within living systems. By using this model, continuous improvements and sustainable development can be considered, leading to enhanced processes related to transformation and innovation. Overall, this model can assist managers and specialists in improving development and innovation processes, leading to more effective and efficient organizational management. This model is an analytical one because it focuses on analyzing and examining the various stages and processes that a system must go through to achieve improvement and development. - The acceptance of fundamental laws in existence aligns with the acceptance of the "game algorithms" that are employed in existence, and considering social laws helps to create the necessary harmony, coordination, and adaptation to establish democracy and public welfare, ultimately enabling growth, well-being, and the flourishing of human beings. Appendices: • To improve the clarity of the above content, it's helpful to consider the following: 1. Add more detailed explanations for each step to enhance understanding. 2. Use examples or real-world cases to better illustrate each step. 3. Connect each step to the previous and following ones, showing how they overlap and influence one another. 4. Provide practical methods for implementing each step and outline the related operational actions. By incorporating these changes, you can refine this analytical model and present it in a more effective and understandable way for others. • Essential: Something that is necessary or required for an event or occurrence to take place. • "Bring forth" refers to the creation or emergence of something new, while "Reveal" refers to the understanding or uncovering of something that already existed. • In an analytical model, various factors and their relationships are analyzed structurally and theoretically to explore the subject matter. In an analytical framework, existing data and information are used to analyze and derive real and practical conclusions. In short, the analytical model focuses more on theory and concepts, whereas the analytical framework is more centered on data, information, and methods of analysis. The acceptance and adherence to stable principles, along with methodical behavior, lead to the emergence of novel characteristics (healthy, safe, efficient, etc.). By discovering, understanding, and accepting efficient rules and, based on them, creating systematic structures to harness capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.), and by embracing and adhering to stable principles along with methodical behavior to benefit from characteristics (healthy, safe, efficient, etc.) in the processes and dynamics of existence, it becomes possible. In this way, alignment, harmony (through the organization of elements and members within the phenomenon), and adaptation (through the phenomenon balancing with its environment) are achieved, enabling coexistence with the processes and dynamics of life. Specifically, for human societies, this manifests in the establishment of democracy and public welfare, ultimately leading to individual, social, and organizational growth, well-being, and flourishing. By accepting and adhering to novel stable principles (in the system's interaction with the environment), novel behavioral characteristics will emerge in the phenomenon’s response to its surroundings. In other words, the adoption and adherence to stable principles, combined with methodical behavior, pave the way for novel characteristics that are aligned with future challenges. Stable principles (along with methodical behavior) refer to actions that serve as a foundation for selecting the best possible options and applying them in different situations where the phenomenon interacts with its environment. These principles are usually based on extensive past experiences, considering necessities, prerequisites, priorities, sequencing, preferences, advantages, etc., at a particular level of intelligence and are used as guidance for correct and methodical behavior. The adherence to stable principles (along with methodical behavior) forms a platform for cultivating characteristics (healthy, safe, efficient, etc.). This descriptive model, because it illustrates a phenomenon’s broad, diverse, and unique characteristics through adherence to stable principles combined with methodical behavior (as a system), is typically used to describe the attributes and behavior of a phenomenon or process. Establishing Efficient rules with a Systematic Structure The establishment of efficient rules with a systematic structure conveys and represents a specific intent (content), and each intent (content) has obligations toward the real world. It is through the process of realizing a phenomenon that specific content, with a definite and necessary commitment, can emerge and be accepted. The adoption and establishment of efficient rules (and the structures derived from them) lay the groundwork for the emergence of capabilities that enable the phenomenon (as a system) to respond to and solve its forthcoming challenges. Executing Stable Principles for Methodical Performance Executing stable principles for methodical performance conveys and represents a determined will (performance), and it is through applying this determined will that specific performance becomes apparent. The acceptance and adherence to stable principles (along with methodical behavior) provide the groundwork for the emergence of characteristics that enable the phenomenon to adapt to its environment. ---------------------------------------------------- The Presence of Intelligent Intent Dominance of Powerful Will The All-Encompassing Trend Toward Growth and Flourishing in Existence While it may seem that there is no predetermined intent, will, or inclination within the universe (and perhaps there doesn’t need to be), the following points are evident: - The laws and principles governing the universe carry a specific intent and will, which together result in the emergence of particular phenomena. - The universal and continuous tendency toward growth and flourishing across existence consistently reveals itself as a distinct intent and will in every event and phenomenon. - The emergence, nurturing, and unprecedented emergence of each phenomenon in the universe showcase vast wisdom (broad awareness, deep understanding, intelligence) and immense power (precision, capability, mastery), along with a meaningful tendency (universal and ongoing). - Thus, every emerging phenomenon is uniquely intelligent and unprecedented in its nature (emerging, newly emerging, unprecedentedly emerging). Intent, Will, and Tendency The process of Emergence, Nurturing Procedures, and the Model of Unprecedented Emergence. Emergence of Fundamental Characteristics in Existence In existence, adherence to systematic principles through "essential processes" facilitates the continuous adaptation of phenomena to their environments. These processes lead to "adaptation," showcasing various fundamental characteristics of existence: 1. Compliance Being compliant involves following commands, laws, and principles to address challenges and issues while accepting new capabilities and exhibiting novel characteristics within the system. It signifies that a system can act as a compliant entity—obeying orders, executing principles, and carrying out various actions. This trait reflects a commitment to following, adhering to, and accurately implementing decisions, orders, laws, and principles. Essentially, it demonstrates the power and ability to perform tasks and fulfill responsibilities precisely according to established rules and directives. 2. Proactive This characteristic entails evaluating and selecting the best solutions to adapt to future changes. It reflects the ability to assess potential solutions and choose the best option while considering the limitations of available resources and the existing capabilities and traits within the system. Proactivity involves responding appropriately to ongoing activities and anticipating future events, ensuring that elements and members within the phenomenon correctly evolve, develop, and adapt to changing conditions. 3. Wellness This aspect emphasizes the integration within the system to maintain stability and balance. It highlights the coordination and coexistence among elements and members within the phenomenon to ensure the system's survival and sustainability while adapting to environmental interactions. This characteristic refers to sustainable health within the system, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony and balance so the system can function correctly and sustainably. 4. Protected This quality refers to the system being safeguarded from external harm and ensuring it does not cause harm to others. The system is shielded from unintended consequences and remains safe from various risks. This aspect focuses on efforts to prevent incidents or unforeseen events that could lead to damage or loss, emphasizing protection against diverse threats and dangers. 5. Resilience The ability to maintain balance and stability in the face of change and prevent collapse. This characteristic refers to the equilibrium between what currently exists and what will emerge in the future. It involves efforts to sustain the balance and stability of the system when confronted with upcoming changes and transformations. These changes and developments should not be seen as factors leading to the system's collapse; rather, they are processes for refining the system. 6. Efficiency This refers to possessing value and continuously developing capabilities and resources. This characteristic highlights the ongoing growth of resources, development of capabilities, and nurturing of novel features within the system. It signifies having value and being valuable, achieving results with minimal costs while ensuring that the system experiences continuous growth in resources, capabilities, and characteristics. 7. Adaptability This characteristic signifies the ability to solve problems (addressing deficiencies and rectifying flaws) and overcome challenges faced by the phenomenon (the phenomenon’s adaptability to the environment) using available resources and existing capabilities within the system. This means that the system has the capacity for self-correction and improvement in the best possible manner. 8. Excellence Driven by Competence Achieving proficiency and competence to attain the best results and play an effective role. When dealing with problem-solving and addressing challenges, it is essential to receive the best possible and most appropriate responses for optimal growth and balance. This characteristic pertains to acquiring competence and effectively obtaining potential solutions, emphasizing the system's competence and capability to act in order to achieve the desired goals and entitlements. 9. The Supremacy of Results Over Unintended Consequences The ability to control outcomes and prevent adverse consequences. This characteristic means that results prevail over unintended consequences, allowing the system to supervise, manage, and dominate outcomes over unwanted effects. It reflects an effort to avoid negative repercussions while maintaining the health, stability, and continuous efficiency of the system. Appendices: - Sustainability refers to the survival of the system in the face of various changes and challenges. Stability indicates the continuous operation and maintenance of the system's performance. - “Emergence” primarily means the occurrence or manifestation of something. “Emergence” is used to describe the process of something appearing or becoming unique and distinct. “Manifestation” generally means the appearance and understanding of something. “Nurturing” refers to the growth of resources and development of capabilities in a unique and distinct manner. - Laws: Laws represent a certain level of realized desires that lead to the emergence of new capabilities. In other words, realized (organized) desires are expressed as specific laws. New capabilities are aimed at compensating for deficiencies and addressing the shortcomings faced by the phenomenon (as a system). - Principles: Principles represent a specific level of exercised will that leads to the emergence of novel characteristics. In other words, exercised (adaptive) will is expressed as specific principles. Novel characteristics serve the adaptation of the phenomenon to its environment. - Emergence of Capabilities: Capabilities refer to the abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, functional and operational resources, and other relational factors within the system. They arise through the creation of relationships and structures among the elements and members of the phenomenon to respond to issues and address challenges. Capabilities manifest themselves as laws and directives, ensuring the survival and stability of the phenomenon (as a system). Capabilities: - Ability: Indicates the capacity to utilize available resources and existing facilities. - Capacity: Refers to possessing functional and operational capabilities. - Talent: Indicates readiness for development and progress. - Potential: Refers to the possibility of utilizing existing and possible capabilities. - Emergence of Features: Features refer to the functional characteristics of the system’s interaction with its environment, resulting from the implementation of principles and systematic behavior of the system. Features describe how the system interacts with its environment and relate to the phenomenon's adaptability to that environment. These features point to the unique or specific characteristics of the system and describe its attributes. - Capabilities are associated with effectiveness. Features are associated with impact. - Capabilities: Refer to the system's abilities to perform the tasks it is designed to execute. These abilities can be realized through the system's features. - Features: Refer to the specific characteristics and properties of the system that shape its performance. Features include technical, aesthetic, functional attributes, etc., that distinguish the system from others. Capabilities tell you what the system can do (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, ...). Features describe how those tasks are performed (healthy, safe, efficient, ...). Organizing lays the groundwork for the emergence of capabilities. Balancing lays the groundwork for the emergence of features. Guiding creates a foundation for growth and flourishing. - Innovative: More advanced. New: Anything fresh. - First, we face issues, and then we encounter challenges to solve them. An issue initially creates a challenge, and if it remains unsolved, problems arise. "Comprehensive Cycles in Existence, Life, and Social Living" Every entity and phenomenon benefits from various cycles for the preservation of existence, continuous sustainability, flexibility, ongoing development, growth, and flourishing. Cycle: Solving problems and addressing challenges to achieve possible solutions. The system faces the following issues: - Shortage of accessible resources within the system and the need to acquire new resources. - Deficiencies in the system's optimal performance and the need for new capabilities to emerge within the system. Addressing the challenges of the system's interaction with the environment: - The need for adaptation and alignment of the system's interactions with the environment is made possible through acquiring novel features within the system. Possible Solutions: Through self-referentiality and utilizing available resources, capabilities, and existing features. - Available Resources - Existing Capabilities and Features Each phenomenon or entity achieves transformation (a sudden leap) by obtaining suitable responses and solutions to compensate for deficiencies, rectify shortcomings, and address emerging needs. Following this transformation (through the establishment of new structures and functions), the utilization of new resources and capabilities (in addition to previous resources and capabilities) becomes possible. Furthermore, the relevant phenomenon or entity enters a new phase characterized by the introduction of new resources and capabilities, continuing the process of growth and balance in this new stage. The cycle of Emergence Process, Nurturing Procedures, and the Model of Unprecedented Emergence in systems is a continuous and highly complex phenomenon. Emergence process: Emergence refers to a specific stage in a process where a phenomenon achieves internal harmony among its elements and members while adapting to its environment. Nurturing Procedures: After the phenomenon emerges into a new phase, it leads to the revelation of new challenges, issues, available resources, and novel capabilities and features. There arises a need to optimize the available resources, as well as the current capabilities and features, in order to address and overcome the challenges ahead. Nurturing Procedures Development: - The process involves optimizing accessible resources while also reproducing and nurturing current capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.) and existing features (e.g., health, safety, efficiency). - Simultaneously, there is a reassessment of relationships between elements and members within the phenomenon, enabling the development of new abilities, capacities, talents, and potentials, and thus revealing new capabilities. - These new capabilities are then applied to solve upcoming challenges and are adopted as effective principles, establishing a new, organized structure within the phenomenon. Model of Unprecedented Emergence: The tendency toward growth and flourishing manifests clearly through the "unprecedented emergence" of new phenomena. This growth is seen as an expansion of possibilities and the emergence of new capabilities and features. As new capabilities emerge and novel features arise to address challenges and resolve issues, the tendency toward growth and flourishing becomes evident in this model of unprecedented emergence. The phenomenon then reveals itself in a new phase, expanding and developing as new resources (within specific boundaries) become available and existing capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.) and features (health, safety, efficiency, etc.) are further developed. Thus, the three-part cycle of Emergence process, Nurturing Procedures, and Unprecedented Emergence continues to unfold as a system. Appendices - Unprecedented Emergence: Refers to the process of "new emergence" or "unprecedented emergence," allowing for change, diversity, transformation, and sudden mutation. It signifies growth and rising in a particular path. - Emergence: The creation or bringing forth of something that did not previously exist, indicating the birth or appearance of something new. - Revelation: Refers to the understanding or uncovering of something that has existed but may have been hidden, highlighting the discovery of something previously present but not yet recognized. Emergence, Nurturing, and Unprecedented Emergence Emergence, nurturing, and unprecedented emergence form a natural-historical process that occurs in existence, consisting of the following three stages: - The Emergence process begins with the identification of the necessity to solve issues (addressing deficiencies, eliminating shortcomings) and overcoming challenges (adapting the phenomenon to its environment). - The Nurturing Procedures involves developing new capabilities and characteristics to solve the issues and challenges the phenomenon faces. - The model of unprecedented emergence; (re-emergence, unprecedented occurrence) reflects the arising of a desire to pursue a purpose, with each stage unfolding in sequence. Reevaluation of the existing relationships between the elements and members within the phenomenon and its environment. Optimizing and utilizing available resources, capabilities, and existing characteristics. Each phenomenon or entity can only be observed in one of three forms at any given time: "the emergence process (issues and challenges), the Nurturing Procedures (capabilities and characteristics), or the model of unprecedented emergence (re-emergence, unprecedented occurrence)." Although there may be limited overlap in certain timeframes, the nurturing procedures, which involves the use of available resources, capabilities, and characteristics, tends to last the longest, while the model of unprecedented emergence (re-emergence, unprecedented occurrence) is the shortest in duration. To effectively address issues and overcome challenges, it is essential to grow resources, develop new capabilities, and bring forth novel characteristics. The cycle: "Emergence Process (issues and challenges), Nurturing Procedures (capabilities and characteristics), and Model of Unprecedented Emergence (re-emergence, unprecedented occurrence)." - In the emergence stage, the phenomenon encounters issues (addressing deficiencies, eliminating shortcomings) and challenges (adapting the phenomenon to its environment). - In the nurturing stage, the phenomenon engages in self-referencing (using available resources, capabilities, and existing characteristics) to reevaluate the relationships between the elements and members within the phenomenon, allowing it to respond effectively to the deficiencies and shortcomings it faces. - In the unprecedented emergence stage, the phenomenon attains new resources and capabilities by replacing outdated relationships between the elements and members, transforming itself and achieving a higher level of efficiency. The cycle: the emergence process (issues and challenges), the Nurturing Procedures (capabilities and characteristics), and the model of unprecedented emergence (re-emergence, unprecedented occurrence) is a natural occurrence. This cycle effectively explains how the phenomenon addresses issues and resolves challenges. This cycle can be simulated and modeled. The cycle of Emergence process, Nurturing Procedures, and the Model of Unprecedented Emergence continues to operate continuously in the vast expanse of existence: - Throughout the boundless universe, in the realms of nature, and within the processes of life - In the realm of the psyche, within the workshop of thought, and in the field of practice (the interaction of theory and practice in an integrated process) of humanity - Within the process of life on individual, social, and organizational levels The changes and developments of any phenomenon depend on the following factors: - Solving issues (addressing deficiencies, correcting flaws) and overcoming challenges (adapting the phenomenon to its environment) - Available resources (usable materials and applicable tools), existing capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.), and features (health, safety, efficiency, etc.) There is an organic relationship (intelligent, structural, purposeful, etc.) between these factors. These elements guide the phenomenon (as a system) in a specific direction, steering it away from going off course. These emergences, nurturings, and unprecedented emergence developments guide the phenomenon, as a system, toward growth, well-being, and flourishing. - Well-being (the improvement and growth of resources, opportunities, and connections) - Flourishing (utilizing available resources, capabilities, and existing characteristics to develop and enhance abilities, traits, skills, and performance in order to solve issues and overcome challenges ahead) Appendices: Organistic Relationships of the System: 1. At the Level of Emergence of Structures and Functions: At this level, the system’s organistic relationships are clearly observed in the emergence of its structures and functions. These connections may include interactions between system elements and members, interactions among units and groups, hierarchical or network structures, etc. These relationships are usually determined based on the system’s goals, tasks, and needs, and are essential for the optimal execution of the system’s functions. 2. At the Level of Intelligent Nurturing: At this level, the organistic relationships of the system take place through intelligent and conscious nurturing. These relationships include how the system is managed and led, strategic decision-making, development of members’ skills and strengths, promotion of organizational culture, and creation of effective communication systems. Such relationships can enhance performance and improve the overall development of the organization. 3. At the Level of Purposeful Unprecedented Emergence: At this level, the organistic relationships of the system are directed toward the growth, development, and flourishing of the system to improve and expand capabilities and competencies. These relationships may lead to new opportunities, the development of innovative strategies, agile structures, organizational changes, and major transformations within the system. They influence the system's ability to address challenges and seize new opportunities, contributing to the system’s growth and advancement. The tendency towards growth and flourishing becomes clearly evident in unprecedented emergence (emergence of new, unprecedented phenomena), bringing growth (expansion of resources) and flourishing (the emergence of new capabilities and traits). • Organistic Relationship refers to the interrelationship between components of an organic or environmental system. In this type of relationship, the components of the system act mutually and depend on each other, with each part being vital to the overall functioning of the system. In other words, the elements of an organic system are like the organs of a living body, intricately connected and interdependent. Organistic relationships help the system identify and implement the best methods, practices, and strategies to improve efficiency and address challenges. Some characteristics of an organistic relationship include: 1. Mutual Dependence: Each component of the system is dependent on the others, and a change in one part causes changes in others. 2. Dynamic Balance: The organic system is constantly changing and balancing itself, with its components continuously interacting with one another. 3. Self-Regulation: The organic system adjusts itself automatically to maintain equilibrium. 4. Constant Evolution: Like a living organism, the organic system evolves and changes over time. Thus, an organistic relationship (intelligent, structural, purposeful, etc.) refers to the internal connections and interdependencies within a biological or environmental system, and these relationships enable optimal performance and the system’s sustainability. • Organistic Relationship (intelligent, structural, purposeful, etc.) refers to the relationship between various elements of an organization. Through effective goal-setting, logical structuring, and the intelligent use of resources, these relationships help the organization achieve its objectives. An organistic relationship allows the organization to operate optimally and more efficiently. By focusing on structuring, attention is given to how the organization organizes and arranges its elements to achieve specified goals. Additionally, by purposefully directing actions and activities, the organization becomes more effective in reaching its targets. These relationships help maintain alignment and coordination among the different elements of the organization, and because they are purposeful, progress and improvement in organizational performance become possible. Organistic relationships (intelligent, structural, purposeful, etc.) help the system identify and implement the best strategies, methods, and solutions for productivity and performance in addressing issues and overcoming challenges. • Development refers to qualitative progress, aiming for improvement and enhancement. Expansion refers to quantitative growth, aiming to increase size, dimensions, and volume. • Development: This term refers to a systematic and continuous process in which organisms, systems, or concepts evolve from simplicity to complexity, moving from a basic to a more advanced form. These changes occur over time and lead to growth and improvement. • Evolution (Unprecedented Emergence) refers to gradual progress and development over time. It describes soft and long-term changes. This term is widely used in biology to describe the gradual process that leads to diversity and complexity in living organisms. In other fields, it refers to the gradual progress and development of a system or concept over time. • Transformation refers to fundamental and qualitative changes, typically characterized by a sudden mutation. This term describes major and essential changes that alter the nature of what is transforming. These changes usually happen abruptly and within a short period. • Unprecedented Emergence refers to the reappearance or emergence of something entirely new, signifying the possibility for change, diversity, transformation, sudden mutation, and growth along a specific path. • Through continuous unprecedented emergence, living organisms adapt with the potential for change, diversity, transformation, and sudden mutations in response to changing environmental conditions (such as the emergence of new ecosystems). This process leads to the creation of biodiversity among these organisms. This biodiversity provides a suitable foundation for the evolution and transformation of living beings, creating diverse conditions for their development. It allows organisms to evolve into new forms and traits, adapting optimally to their environment. The Cycle of Experiencing Biological Necessities Living organisms navigate the sphere of acquiring "experiences of biological necessities" to respond effectively to issues and challenges they face throughout their specific natural-historical processes. To ensure their survival, maintain stability, achieve flexibility, and promote continuous development in their life processes, living organisms have engaged in accumulating "a wealth of experiences regarding biological necessities" over millions of years. The representation of this vast "experience of biological necessities" within the physiological systems of living beings has resulted in the formation of the genome (a part of the DNA molecule) and has been recorded in the genetic system as biological capabilities. This information is passed down from generation to generation as genetic heritage, along with instinctual behavioral traits. In other words, living organisms are immersed in the process of acquiring their "experiences of biological necessities," inheriting these experiences in the form of (capabilities) as genetic heritage and (traits) derived from instinctual behaviors. The experience of biological necessities, as a valuable heritage, reveals and organizes the fundamental biological needs of living beings, ensuring its continuity as genetic inheritance. This legacy assists them in selecting and implementing the best strategies for survival, maintaining stability in their life processes, and achieving continuous development while addressing the challenges and problems they face. Appendices • Instinctual Behavior (or instinctual behavior patterns) refers to the actions taken by humans or animals that are acquired in the process of gaining "experiences of biological necessities" and that respond to their basic and essential needs. These types of behaviors arise from biological needs necessary for the survival and continuity of living beings and are performed to meet the fundamental needs of life. These behavioral patterns are recorded through the activity of genes in the genetic system of the organism and can be transmitted from one generation to the next. For example, behaviors such as eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, and reproducing are instinctual behaviors (stemming from genetic heritage) exhibited by living beings based on their biological needs. The emergence of instinctual traits within the organism is recorded as part of its genetic heritage and is perpetuated over time. Genetic heritage continuously exists within the living being in specific boundaries and will not become inactive. Although the expansion of genetic heritage is very slow, it persists continuously. When living beings face challenges ahead, the need for the development of behaviors that go beyond instinctual actions becomes necessary, leading to the continuous representation of new behaviors in genetic heritage. Emergence of the Neocortex Layer The representation of "experiences of biological necessities" in the nervous system and the structure of the human brain ultimately led to the nurturing of the neocortex layer around 200,000 years ago, marking a high level of development in the human nervous system and brain. The neocortex layer, or neocortical cortex, is one of the layers of the brain that sits above the other layers. This layer is highly developed in human brains. With the nurturing, development, and emergence of the neocortex layer within the structure of the human brain, the functioning of the nervous system and the brain underwent a remarkable transformation. The emergence and development of the neocortex layer have elevated the complexity and functionality of the human nervous system and brain. This layer of the human brain not only processes sensory information, makes decisions, and engages in planning but also plays a crucial role in humans’ adaptation to environmental changes and in recognizing patterns and relationships. The emergence of the neocortex layer in the human brain is one of the significant and impactful developments in human evolution. This highly developed layer of the human brain plays a critical role in emotional regulation, cognition, and decision-making. Overall, the neocortex layer acts as the center for emotional, cognitive, and conscious activities in the brain and will have a significant impact on our functioning and future. The emergence of the neocortex layer in the brain is one of the important changes that occurred during human evolution. However, it is essential to note that human evolution is a complex process that has produced numerous changes in human physiology over time, and the nurturing of the neocortex layer is just one of these changes. The emergence of the neocortex layer has been a key factor in human evolution and advancement, playing a crucial role in shaping human intelligence and cleverness. This layer of the human brain provides us with remarkable abilities, enabling us to make the best decisions and successfully navigate the complex and ever-changing environment in which we live. Emergence of the Neocortex Layer: Achieving Efficiency Beyond Complexity The need for efficiency in the nervous system and structure of the human brain extends beyond complexity (the components and relationships between components), which has laid the groundwork for the nurturing of the neocortex layer in the human brain. In other words, the neocortex layer has enabled humans to achieve efficiency that surpasses mere complexity (the components and their interrelationships). It is important to note that complexity (the components and their relationships) is a hardware matter and has taken a significant amount of time to manifest. In contrast, efficiency is a software matter that can emerge more quickly and with flexibility. In the ongoing acquisition of experiences related to biological necessities, human groups and herds have needed to organize their collective activities in early subsistence practices such as gathering fruits, hunting, fishing, and domesticating animals. This has required the acquisition of new experiences (beyond experiences of biological necessities) within the context of social living. It is in response to these needs that the emergence of the neocortex layer, with its various capabilities, has been facilitated. The neocortex layer reached a high level of development approximately 200,000 years ago. The emergence of language, speech, and the ability to engage with objective conditions in psyche, thought and behavior within the context of existing biological conditions and subsistence practices has been one of the critical capabilities of the neocortex that has arisen in the course of social life. The existence of the neocortex layer has enabled humans to optimize their subsistence practices, which include early methods such as hunting, fishing, gathering fruits, domesticating animals, and cultivating plants. By employing optimal relationships among individuals in human herds, they have been able to effectively share resources and products obtained among group members. This ensures a continuous response to solving problems and overcoming challenges faced by human groups. With the emergence of language and the ability to speak, along with the crafting of tools and skills to use them, humans have benefited from these subsistence methods, which have manifested as experiences of social necessities in their early subsistence practices. In addition to the above, and simultaneously with the representation of processes and phenomena in stable objective conditions in human psyche, thought and behavior within the context of existing biological conditions and subsistence practices, the capacity for appropriate reactions manifests as purposeful behavior (praxis) in the field of practice (the interaction of theory and action in an integrated process), which is one of the essential capabilities exhibited by the neocortex layer. The emergence of the neocortex layer, like that of any other natural phenomenon, has been a nurturing, gradual, and necessary process. The neocortex layer has appeared within a specific "historical-necessity context." It has gradually emerged through continuous interaction with objective reality and reached a high level of development approximately 200,000 years ago. The neocortex layer has achieved efficient functionality that transcends complexity (the components and relationships between components) through interaction and coordination among its elements and members, as well as adaptability to the environment. Appendices: Living Conditions: - Natural, geographical, and climatic conditions - Biological, genetic, and instinctual conditions - Social and cultural conditions Modes of Subsistence: 1. Specific methods for producing goods and providing services using technology within a defined mode of production. 2. Social relations of production, distribution, and consumption established through the application of suitable institutions and social establishments within a defined mode of production. Human Tripartite Brain: 1. Reptilian Brain (for survival) / 400 million years ago 2. Amygdala (Limbic Brain) (emotional and affective needs) / 150 to 250 million years ago 3. Neocortex (logical brain, cognitive learning) / 2 to 3 million years ago / has reached its current level of development approximately 200,000 years ago. Understanding, Representation, and Processing of Objective Conditions - Recognition, representation, and processing of objective conditions in the mind (understanding and comprehension) occur through experience, learning, observations, and analyses. - Understanding: Having accurate information and knowledge about a subject. - Comprehension: The ability to interpret and analyze this information and understanding to solve problems, overcome challenges, and make logical decisions. Informing vs. Making Aware - Informing refers to the transmission of information or data to another individual, while making aware involves creating awareness or knowledge in the recipient regarding that information. - In other words, informing typically involves only the transfer of information, whereas making aware includes transferring information along with fostering understanding and knowledge in the recipient. The Ability to Represent Existence in Human Psyche, Thought, and Behavior (Considering Evolutionary Epistemology) These representations are time-bound and evolve throughout history. 1. These representations are influenced by the legacy of instinctual behaviors in humans. This legacy, as "the experience of biological necessities," is recorded in the genetic system as biological capabilities of living organisms. 2. These representations are also influenced by the legacy of various forms of livelihood. This legacy, known as "the experience of social life's necessities," is recorded as a shared cultural-social inheritance (Meme) among humans. . The representation of static, balanced objective conditions in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans within the context of existing living conditions and livelihood practices. The preservation of survival, the continuation of stability, and the pursuit of efficiency beyond complexity have been achieved with the emergence of the neocortex layer (which developed over the last 200,000 years). This development has enabled the representation of static, balanced objective conditions in human psyche, thought, and behavior within the context of existing living conditions and livelihood practices. The representation of these static, balanced conditions appears in the psyche as tendencies, in thought as cognition, and in will as purposeful behavior. In the Psyche - The emergence of needs, wants, and demands to solve problems and address challenges ahead. - The appearance of values, motivations, and desires in emotions, feelings, inclinations, and interests. - Imagination, visualization, and perceptions are functions of the human psyche that are shaped by specific livelihood systems and evolve as these systems change. - The psyche is the space where widespread aspirations and tendencies emerge, guiding humans to find purpose in solving problems and overcoming challenges, leading to personal growth and flourishing. Attachments: • The Representation of Static, Balanced Objective Conditions in the Psyche, Thought, and Behavior of Humans within the Context of Existing Living Conditions and Livelihood Practices This sentence refers to the impact of real-life conditions (such as economic, social, climatic, and environmental factors) on the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans. 1- Representation of Objective Conditions: This means that real and tangible life conditions, such as economic, social, and geographical status, are reflected in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans. In other words, people mirror external conditions in their psyche, thought, and behavior. 2- Static Balanced: Refers to conditions that are relatively constant and change slowly over time. These conditions continuously affect the psyche, thought, and behavior of individuals. 3- . Human Psyche, Thought, and Behavior: These external conditions influence the psyche (emotions and inner states), thought (how people think and judge), and behavior (what people do). 4- . Within the Context of Existing Living Conditions and Livelihood Practices: This refers to how these influences occur within the framework of people's living conditions, such as the type of environment they live in (weather, nature, and climate) and their lifestyle and livelihood (job type, income, and daily life). In other words, real-life conditions such as the economic, social, climatic, and environmental status of individuals continuously influence their psyche, thought, and behavior, shaped within the framework of their environment and daily lifestyle. • Values The emergence of values (moral dos and don’ts): Principles and standards that form the basis of behavior and decision-making. Values: Refer to the principles, beliefs, and standards that guide the behavior and decision-making of individuals and groups. These principles cover topics such as honesty, justice, and respect and are shaped by family upbringing and cultural influences. Values help individuals make choices and guide their behavior. Values are the principles and standards that individuals or societies use to judge behaviors, ideas, and choices. Values (moral dos and don’ts) typically relate to issues such as honesty, justice, loyalty, and respect. • Motivations The formation of motivations: Factors or needs that drive individuals toward specific actions. Motivations refer to the reasons and factors that drive individuals to act or achieve a specific goal. These factors can be internal (such as personal needs and desires) or external (such as rewards and encouragement). Motivations play an important role in shaping behavior and striving for success. • Tendencies The manifestation of tendencies: General inclinations and behaviors stemming from values (moral dos and don’ts) and motivations. Tendencies refer to general inclinations and behaviors that arise from values and motivations. These inclinations represent individual or group orientations based on the principles and standards of values (moral dos and don’ts) and the needs or reasons behind them. In other words, tendencies reflect behaviors that individuals naturally lean toward, influenced by cultural, social, and individual factors. Emotions Emotions are mental and psychological states that typically respond to specific situations or experiences. These states can change quickly and intensely and include feelings such as joy, sadness, fear, and anger. Emotions help us better understand social interactions and have a direct impact on our behavior. Moods Moods refer to more stable and deeper feelings that do not usually respond to an immediate stimulus. These states may include intense happiness, sudden sadness, or fear and often drive us to take immediate action. Moods can last longer than emotions and influence how we think and interact with others. Affections Affections are the deepest and most enduring psychological reactions, often linked to a specific event or previous experience. These affections can include love, affection, hatred, or aversion and significantly impact our behavior, decision-making, and social relationships. Affections usually develop gradually and can persist for a long time. Inclinations Inclinations refer to internal tendencies that guide us toward specific goals or activities. These inclinations may stem from our psychological, physical, or social needs and motivate us to move toward achieving certain objectives. Tendencies Tendencies refer to general interests and choices that are shaped by an individual’s experiences, culture, or values. These tendencies can influence behavior and decisions in various fields and reflect more stable behavioral patterns that may change over time. Interests Interests refer to subjects or activities that a person has a particular focus on and may pursue. These interests can be shaped through education, experience, or social influences and usually indicate areas where an individual has more motivation and enthusiasm. In this way, we can observe a hierarchy of psychological states, moving from the most superficial (emotions) to the deepest (affections). This logical progression reflects a transition from initial experiences to more enduring attitudes and provides a better understanding of how these states affect our behavior and decision-making. Psychological Functions Psychological functions refer to the processes that help in the formation and emergence of values (moral dos and don’ts), motivations, and tendencies in humans. These functions manifest in the form of emotions, moods, affections, inclinations, tendencies, interests, and more, playing a crucial role in guiding behaviors and decision-making. In other words, psychological functions, in interaction with individual cognition, can contribute to shaping fundamental behavioral patterns and decision-making processes. • Imaginations Imaginations refer to ideas or images that a person constructs in their mind. These imaginations can stem from real experiences or fantasies and play a significant role in shaping an individual's beliefs and behaviors. In other words, imaginations form the foundation for the following two concepts: fantasies and visualizations. • Fantasies Fantasies refer to creative and unrealistic imaginations that are usually created without the need for concrete evidence. These fantasies may include daydreams, wishes, and imaginary scenarios that individuals create to make themselves happy or escape reality. As a form of imagination, fantasies focus more on the creative and unreal aspects. • Visualizations Visualizations refer to the process of mentally picturing or visualizing something in such a way that a person can clearly and specifically see what they want or what experience they are seeking. This process can help improve performance and achieve goals. Visualizations also involve the ability to analyze and mentally reshape thoughts and fantasies, leading to practical applications of them. • Illusions Illusions refer to false perceptions or unrealistic beliefs that a person strongly holds, even when there is evidence to the contrary. This phenomenon may result from psychological disorders, traumatic past experiences, or incorrect social beliefs. Illusions can deeply affect behavior, decision-making, and social relationships and, in some cases, lead to isolation or interpersonal problems. • Psyche The psyche encompasses the full range of human emotions. • Spirit The spirit is an intelligent, all-encompassing, enduring, and pure inclination that guides and directs the capacities and qualities within each phenomenon, keeping them from deviating and helping them, as much as possible, to achieve growth and fulfillment In Thought The necessity of understanding the governing laws and principles of existence in the process of acquiring awareness within the expanse of the mind, through continuous workshops of critical thinking. The emergence of systems of beliefs, concepts, attitudes, ideas, symbols, and more. The expression of the governing laws and principles of existence through scientific theories (tools of knowledge), mental models (guides for action), and algorithms (step-by-step instructions for solving a problem or performing a specific task) serves as tools for human thinking. These tools form within the context of a particular way of life and evolve alongside changes in the current lifestyle. Critical thinking is the workshop for shaping humans' understanding of the processes of creation, development, and evolutionary models in existence. Appendices: Beliefs Beliefs are a set of convictions or assumptions that individuals hold about various realities and phenomena. Beliefs are hypotheses in which we feel confident. Beliefs refer to the ideas and assumptions that individuals or groups have about specific realities, facts, or concepts. They can include religious beliefs, scientific theories, or even perceptions about oneself and others. These beliefs not only form the foundation of an individual's thoughts and experiences but also influence their behavior and decision-making, serving as the starting point for the development of concepts and attitudes. Concepts After forming beliefs, individuals can develop concepts. Concepts are general understandings or definitions of phenomena or subjects, helping individuals organize information and make sense of connections between ideas and their experiences. Attitudes Attitudes are general tendencies or perspectives individuals have toward various subjects, shaped by experiences and beliefs (truthful, justified, supportive). These attitudes influence people's behavior and judgments and result from the interaction of formed concepts and beliefs. Ideas Ideas are new thoughts or imaginings that can address unresolved problems or introduce various innovations. These ideas usually arise from concepts and attitudes and can be a starting point for creativity and initiative. Symbols Symbols are signs or markers that convey specific meanings and assist in human and cultural communication. These symbols can include words, images, or specific signs and are used as tools to express beliefs, concepts, attitudes, and ideas These elements together form a set of cognitive and social factors that contribute to the process of thinking and, within the framework of individual and social efforts, shape the complex structure of human thought and behavior, helping to achieve a better understanding and more meaningful connection with the surrounding world. • Being Informed Being informed means receiving information or news about a topic, situation, or phenomenon. This process helps us stay aware of changes and developments around us, allowing us to make better decisions. Knowing this information can have a significant impact on our choices and behavior, enabling us to approach matters with more accuracy. • Becoming Aware Becoming aware refers to gaining a deeper understanding of a subject or situation. This stage involves analyzing and processing the information that helps us become more sensitive to our environment. Awareness can influence our decision-making and guide us toward better choices. In fact, awareness provides us with the tools to face challenges and seize opportunities. • Recognizing Recognizing is the initial stage of understanding, which involves identifying specific features or signs of an object or concept we've encountered before. This process allows us to connect new information with our previous experiences and develop a better understanding. Recognizing lays the foundation for the later stages of learning and comprehension. • Understanding Understanding signifies a deeper and more comprehensive grasp. This stage involves analyzing and interpreting information in a way that allows us to identify patterns and connections. For example, understanding a scientific concept enables us not only to recognize it but also to apply it in different contexts and comprehend relationships between concepts. This deeper understanding helps us gain better insights into phenomena and the relationships between them. These four stages—being informed, becoming aware, recognizing, and understanding—lead us to a more profound knowledge of the world around us. These cognitive processes not only assist us in making better decisions but also contribute to our personal and social growth. As we progress through each stage, our ability to analyze and respond to life’s challenges and opportunities increases. • Theorizing Theorizing refers to the process of developing a theory or explanatory model for a particular phenomenon, event, or topic. This process involves gathering data and evidence to propose a hypothesis or explanation related to that phenomenon. The four stages above—being informed, becoming aware, recognizing, and understanding—allow us to gain deeper knowledge of information and connections. Each of these stages strengthens our ability to analyze data and build stronger hypotheses. In other words, deeper understanding provides the necessary foundation for effective and systematic theorizing, helping us present more logical interpretations of events and phenomena. Scientific Theory: A scientific theory is a set of principles and laws used to explain natural and social events, occurrences, and transformations. Scientific theories serve as tools for understanding and interpreting phenomena, offering guidance for interpreting data and predicting future behaviors. They are effective tools for analyzing structures, functions, processes, and patterns in natural and social phenomena. Overall, a scientific theory acts as a tool for understanding and deciphering events and transformations in nature and society. Scientific theories are valuable tools for recognizing and understanding (thinking, analyzing, and processing information) various phenomena from different perspectives, including: - The process of emergence, development, and evolutionary models - Structures, functions, operations - Events, occurrences, and transformations - Capabilities, features, tendencies - Laws, principles, methods These apply to natural, social, and other types of phenomena. Mental Model: A mental model is a representation of how individuals perceive and understand the world, based on which they take actions and make decisions. This model reflects a person’s beliefs (valid, justified, supportive) and experiences, helping them interpret their surroundings. Mental models serve as guides for action, outlining the decisions and steps necessary to achieve goals. Structuring: Structuring refers to organizing an idea, topic, or plan in a coherent manner. It involves arranging information in a way that makes it understandable. Structuring differs from theorizing in that theorizing focuses on providing explanations for phenomena, while mental models focus on how individuals interpret data. Framing: Framing refers to choosing a perspective or way of presenting a topic to influence how it is perceived. The goal is to direct attention and create a specific understanding. Structuring: Structuring involves organizing and arranging information in a coherent and logical way. Its aim is to make the content easier to understand and follow. In general, framing emphasizes how something is presented, while structuring focuses on organizing information. Representing: Representing is the process of displaying or presenting information or concepts in a way that is understandable to humans or machines. This process involves creating frameworks, models, or diagrams that clearly present information. Representation can occur independently or alongside structuring. In general, representing means showing or describing something clearly. Algorithm: An algorithm is a precise set of instructions or steps designed to solve a problem or perform a specific task. Algorithms are used as computational methods that, in a specified sequence, solve problems and produce desired results. • Tools for Thought: Tools for thought help shape and develop belief systems, symbols, and perspectives in people's minds. These tools allow individuals to organize ideas and concepts, gaining a better understanding of the world around them. As part of the thinking and cognition process, these tools assist in analyzing problems and providing appropriate solutions. As a result, thinking and reasoning are key skills in everyday life and decision-making, significantly influencing behaviors and choices. In Behavior By utilizing available resources and capabilities (abilities, capacities, talents, potentials, etc.) and existing qualities (healthy, safe, efficient, etc.), while considering prerequisites, priorities, dependencies, preferences, advantages, and more, human behavior is shaped. Methods, approaches, strategies, problem-solving techniques, and careful actions are applied as behavioral tools, which are influenced by and evolve alongside changes in ways of living. Behavior is the tool for intentional intervention (praxis) by humans in practical fields, leveraging capabilities, qualities, and tendencies to achieve growth, well-being, and flourishing. Appendices: • Prerequisites: Prerequisites refer to the initial conditions or requirements that must be met before carrying out a specific task or project. These may include skills, resources, or other factors necessary to start a process. In other words, without prerequisites, completing the task may be impossible or insufficient. • Priorities: Priorities are tasks or issues that are of greater importance and must be addressed first. These are usually determined based on urgency, time constraints, or their impact on overall goals. Identifying priorities helps individuals or groups allocate resources more efficiently and focus on the most critical tasks. • Dependencies: Dependencies refer to the logical or chronological order in which tasks should be completed. This concept involves identifying which task needs to be done first and which should follow. This order can be based on logical relationships between tasks or specific scheduling and helps optimize workflow. • Preferences: Preferences refer to an individual’s choices and inclinations, which can significantly affect decision-making and task execution. Preferences often stem from experiences, values (ethical "shoulds" and "should nots"), and personal or organizational goals, and they can influence how priorities are set and solutions are chosen. • Advantages: Advantages refer to specific features or factors that make one option or solution superior to others. These advantages may include cost, quality, execution time, or the ability to meet needs. Identifying advantages helps in making better choices and gaining greater benefits. Methods: Methods refer to systematic approaches or techniques used to achieve a specific goal or solve a problem. These usually involve steps, tools, and techniques applied in various fields such as research, education, and business. Approaches: Approaches refer to consistent ways of thinking or feeling about particular topics. These can significantly impact behavior, decision-making, and interactions with others. Approaches are often shaped by experiences, beliefs, and values (ethical “shoulds” and “should nots”). Solutions: Solutions are comprehensive plans or frameworks designed to achieve specific goals. These typically involve setting objectives, analyzing situations, and identifying actions to effectively address challenges or capitalize on opportunities. Remedies: Remedies are responses or solutions provided for problems. These can include immediate fixes or long-term strategies that address underlying issues, often resulting from careful analysis and creativity. Masteries: Masteries refer to advanced skills or expertise in a particular area. Mastery involves a deep understanding and the ability to perform tasks or solve problems skillfully, usually acquired through experience, practice, and learning. Deliberations: Deliberations are actions taken after careful thought and evaluation of potential consequences. They reflect a thoughtful approach to decision-making, where the outcomes are weighed, ensuring well-informed choices are made. Behavioral Methods: Behavioral methods depend on living conditions and social contexts. These methods help individuals better cope with environmental challenges and changes, enabling them to make more effective decisions. As life situations evolve, these behaviors also transform, helping people adapt more easily to new conditions. Ultimately, these methods not only improve quality of life but also contribute to personal growth and development. The representation of existence in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans is a historical-social phenomenon, manifested as one of the important capabilities of the neocortex layer. There is a complex organic relationship between the three factors: the psyche, thought, and will of humans (intelligent, structural, purposeful, etc.), working in harmony and balance to optimally provide and reveal human intelligence at each stage. To find suitable solutions for the challenges and issues within the framework of the existing way of life, self-referencing is used to utilize available resources, capabilities, and existing qualities. Group nature walks and yoga or meditation exercises can enhance and bring balance to these three factors. While they have independent identities, they function continuously and interconnectedly as a unified whole, producing an outcome greater than the sum of each individual factor. From another perspective, the process of final evolution in gaining the "experience of biological necessities" has led to the emergence of the neocortex layer (at a high level of development) with extensive capabilities, including the remarkable capability of creating "equal static conditions in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans within the context of existing biological conditions and the current way of life." This provides a basis for humans to experience the necessities of social life. The capability of "equal static conditions in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans within the context of existing biological conditions and the current way of life" has undergone significant qualitative evolution alongside the experience of the necessities of social life over the past 200,000 years. Humans engage in representing these equal static conditions in their psyche, thought, and behavior within the context of current biological conditions and the way of life, responding through purposeful behavior (praxis) in practical fields. In doing so, humans develop a connection to objective reality far beyond instinctive behavior with their environment. The level of intelligence in the functioning of the neocortex layer is very different from the level of intelligence in instinctive behavior. The intelligence of the neocortex is accompanied by wisdom. The representation of existence in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans within the context of a specific way of life is associated with a certain level of wisdom. With changes in the current way of life and the emergence of a new way of life, the opportunity arises for the gradual transformation in how new conditions are represented in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans. The productive forces (in each specific historical era) are the most receptive among social groups for adopting new representations of existence in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans. In every society, the productive forces lead the way in accepting new representations in human psyche, thought, and behavior. These representations remain valid as long as no significant changes occur in the existing way of life. These representations are more or less shared in the psyche, thought, and behavior of the productive forces and may even become a clear cultural-social agreement among the productive forces within a specific way of life throughout history. New representations of existence in the psyche, thought, and behavior of other social groups will emerge later, more obscurely, and may be expressed as ideological values (false consciousness). This creates the possibility for changing values, motivations, beliefs, attitudes, and advanced behavior patterns in humans. These changes pave the way for new abilities, the emergence of fresh characteristics, and the rise of widespread enthusiasm in individuals, helping them reach higher levels of intelligence. For example, if a society transitions from an agricultural economy to an industrial one, this shift can lead to increased individual awareness and knowledge in technical and industrial fields. These developments might also change people’s perspectives on work and life, which, in turn, could influence their behaviors. Thus, "equal static conditions" in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans within the context of their current living conditions and lifestyle reflect the changes that occur as a result of transformations in the way of life and the surrounding social environment. These changes can contribute to personal and social growth. The transition from the current way of life to a new one, along with how these changes are reflected in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans, can have profound effects. These changes can lead to positive transformations in the roles and functions of human psyche, thought, and behavior. For instance, the shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial or knowledge-based one can have a deep impact on human behavior and thinking. These changes might open up new opportunities for personal and social development. However, to ensure that these shifts benefit both individuals and society, proper planning and management are necessary to avoid potential harm and make the most of the new opportunities. Levels of Human Intelligence In both scientific and philosophical discussions, intelligence has been categorized based on the complexity and depth of human abilities. These levels are generally based on emotional, cognitive, and behavioral (individual, social, and organizational) capacities. Some of these classifications include: 1. Basic Intelligence: This includes fundamental abilities like basic calculations, memory, simple decision-making, and pattern recognition. 2. Intermediate Intelligence: Involves more complex abilities like learning, solving more complicated problems, making multiple decisions, and handling complex social interactions. 3. Advanced Intelligence: Covers highly complex abilities like strategic decision-making, innovation, creativity, abstract thinking, and analyzing abstract concepts. 4. High-Level Intelligence: Involves extremely sophisticated abilities like self-awareness, big-picture thinking, philosophical reasoning, spiritual and human connections, and the ability to engage with the mental and spiritual world. These classifications illustrate the diversity and complexity of human intelligence and highlight the different abilities humans possess in solving problems, innovating, and making intelligent decisions. They also help us understand how humans can develop their intelligence and reach higher levels of intellectual capacity. Attachments: - Ideology is false consciousness. (Karl Marx) Ideology is an inverted form of consciousness. - Productive forces refer to individuals, groups, and organizations that play a vital role in producing and creating economic, social, and cultural values. These forces can include workers, entrepreneurs, businesses, private organizations, the government, and other entities that contribute through the production of goods and services, job creation, technological advancement, and generating economic, social, and cultural changes. These forces are fundamental to the development and progress of societies, and they need support and development to sustain and strengthen them. - Social relations of production refer to the connections and relationships that have the most significant impact on the process of production and the creation of economic, social, cultural, and other societal values. These relations include cooperation, business relationships, economic exchanges, cultural interactions, social networks, employer-employee relationships, government interactions, and dealings with other institutions and individuals involved in production activities. These social relations of production play a crucial role in the development and advancement of societies, and maintaining and enhancing them requires cooperation, trust, positive interactions, and the development of effective relations. The necessity of human groups working together with the division of labor and group responsibility has led to the emergence of new and specific capabilities in the neocortex layer. In this way, human groups have appeared as a superorganism. - Superorganism refers to a highly complex and advanced organization or system that relies on collaboration and coordination between its various parts, enabling it to carry out tasks and solve complex problems. This organization or group of individuals works in a synchronized and coordinated way through cooperation and the division of tasks and responsibilities, leading to the development of new abilities and the emergence of unique and advanced features in the human brain. In other words, a superorganism represents a highly advanced and intelligent entity capable of performing very complex tasks, operating in a fully aligned and coordinated manner. - The domestication of humans: Throughout history, humans have gained the ability to change themselves in relation to their environment. This ability allows them to shape their personality and identity through their choices and decisions, effectively "domesticating" themselves. Human free will enables them to break away from predetermined paths and move towards change and progress. In this way, humans can escape the limitations of cultural, social, and political constraints, shaping their identity and character as they desire. This ability allows individuals to continuously learn from their own and others' experiences, constantly improving and evolving. Thus, by exercising free will, humans can domesticate themselves and move toward personal and social growth and progress. This capacity enables them to make decisions as independent and responsible individuals, establishing democracy and public welfare, and fostering the growth, well-being, and flourishing of humanity. In this way, over the course of history, the scope of human free will has expanded, and humans continue to domesticate themselves. - Intelligence refers to an individual's ability to understand, learn, solve problems, and apply knowledge when facing new challenges. Intelligence can be seen as a set of cognitive and mental abilities that help a person interact with and succeed in their environment. - Wisdom refers to the depth of understanding and insight an individual has when dealing with life and the world around them. Wisdom includes the ability to recognize and solve complex problems, understand the long-term consequences of decisions, and grasp the moral and social complexities of situations. Wisdom also involves self-control, emotional regulation, and an awareness of one’s own limitations. Intelligence is often seen as a foundation for wisdom, meaning that in order to become wise, one must first develop intelligent abilities. However, not all intelligent people are necessarily wise. Wisdom requires experience, awareness, and personal growth, which can develop over time through life experiences. In short, intelligence may serve as a base for wisdom, but wisdom does not solely depend on pure intelligence. It can emerge through experience, education, and personal development. - Being intelligent means having the mental capacity to make informed, logical, optimal, timely, and adaptive decisions. This ability is developed through planning and purposeful interventions in practical fields (where theory and practice interact in an integrated process) and improves with learning and past experiences. - Wise individuals, who have a broad understanding of their surroundings, typically use their knowledge and skills to create lasting and meaningful changes. - Evolutionary epistemology is an approach that explains how, as humans, we are capable of gaining knowledge about the world and ourselves. This perspective emphasizes that our knowledge has evolved historically and gradually over time. According to the theory of evolution, humans have developed the ability to gain knowledge and engage with the world due to adaptations to the environment and traits essential for survival. Additionally, through cultural and historical evolution, humans have progressively gained knowledge about themselves and others. This viewpoint explores the role of thought and experience in human progress and evolution, helping us to identify the best methods for growth and change in the dynamic and complex world we live in. In evolutionary epistemology, there are three major perspectives: differentiated knowledge, combined knowledge, and balanced knowledge. Of these, combined knowledge, which claims that the connection between experience and the data we receive leads to the formation of true knowledge, appears to be the most valid. This is because it emphasizes the integration of two main elements—sensation and reason—which play a crucial role in the development of human knowledge. Cycle: Social Existence, Social Experience, Social Consciousness Emergence of "Social Life Experience" The development of the neocortex layer in the human brain has laid the foundation for the emergence of social life experience. About 200,000 years ago, when the neocortex reached its current level of development, humans gained the ability to reflect objective, static conditions in their psyche, thoughts, and behaviors. This marked the beginning of the experience of suprasocial necessities such as understanding the necessities of social life in various forms of livelihood over the past 200,000 years. In responding to the necessities of social life (social and economic challenges), humans developed diverse forms of livelihood. This complex and diverse interaction, with mutual feedback, contributed to the efficiency of social life. - The emergence of the neocortex which allows for objective, static conditions to be reflected in human psychs, thought, and behavior within the context of existing biological conditions and livelihoods. - The acquisition of social life necessities involves stages of human evolution and interaction with their environment and climatic conditions in various societies. These stages contribute to the development of human behavior and decision-making in different forms. 1. The neocortex is the main part of the brain in humans and other mammals that handles complex cognitive activities such as memory, decision-making, language, abstract thinking, and problem-solving. Genetic, evolutionary, environmental, and social experiences play a crucial role in the formation and development of the neocortex. The broad representation of objective, static conditions in human psyche, thought, and behavior refers to the connection between human mental and cognitive representations and real-life situations. This includes the psychological and cognitive processes and behavioral patterns that influence human beings. 2. The acquisition of social life necessities encompasses culture, society, history, values (moral imperatives), beliefs, and individual and group experiences that shape social needs and expectations. These factors influence human behavior and decision-making. After the development of the neocortex, the foundation for experiencing the necessities of social life in the historical context emerged. Attachments: - Cycle: Social Existence, Social Experience, Social Consciousness is a natural historical phenomenon. - Social Existence: Refers to the network of relationships, institutions, culture, and other factors necessary for social activities in a society. In other words, social existence is the collection of stages and processes through which individuals interact as a community. - Social Experience: Refers to the individual experiences gained through interactions with others and society. Social experience includes both positive and negative experiences that an individual encounter throughout life. - Social Consciousness: Involves an individual's understanding and awareness of their social status and that of others, as well as the impact of social conditions on their life. It includes the ability to analyze social issues, understand one's role in society, and recognize how their and others' actions and decisions affect society. - Modes of Livelihood: These are various methods developed throughout history to meet the social needs of human life. Social needs include communication, social, cultural, and economic requirements, which may differ across cultures and economic systems throughout history. Acquiring the "Experience of Social Life Necessities" Over the Last 200,000 Years To ensure survival, maintain stability, adapt, and achieve continuous development in the course of life and efficiency in their social processes, humans have focused on acquiring an extensive array of social life necessities (beyond biological necessities) in a concrete and defined manner. Social life necessities have always been tied to a specific historical context and based on a particular mode of livelihood. This includes: - Technical work processes (production of goods, provision of services) and the growth of productive forces - Social relations of production (distribution, consumption) within the framework of capitalist production and social democratic tasks during the era of globalization. The objective, static conditions in human psyche, thought, and behavior are influenced by the existing biological conditions and livelihood systems: - Rooted in biological necessities (reflected as genetic inheritance and instinctual behaviors derived from them) - And aligned with the emergence of social life necessities (in various forms of livelihood) (reflected as social inheritance) These necessities have evolved in a synthetic and praxis-oriented manner (goal-directed action) within the historical context of social evolution. - In a specific mode of livelihood and within the cycle of problem-solving and overcoming challenges, objective, static conditions in human psyche, thought, and behavior are shaped by the existing biological and livelihood systems. These necessities and tasks influence and dictate appropriate responses for solving problems and overcoming challenges in social life (within a specific livelihood system), thereby affecting human psyche, thought, and behavior. Acquiring New Capabilities for Problem-Solving (Compensating for Deficiencies, Addressing Flaws). Acquiring novel characteristics to overcome upcoming challenges (Adapting phenomena to the environment). Within the context of existing biological conditions and the current mode of livelihood Through the dominant productive forces in the current mode of livelihood - Driven by a widespread desire to find solutions to problems and overcome challenges (in pursuit of continuous growth, well-being, and flourishing( - By adopting scientific beliefs and perspectives to better understand the capabilities, characteristics, and tendencies present in existence (with the aid of scientific theory and mental models( - Through methodical, coordinated, and adaptive behavior that aligns phenomena with the environment to utilize and benefit from the existing capabilities and characteristics in existence, life, and living Representation of Objective, Static Conditions in the Psyche, Thought, and Behavior of Humans Within the Context of Existing Biological Conditions and the Current Mode of Livelihood Objective, static conditions include the following processes and phenomena: - Large segments of natural phenomena, processes of life, and the environment in which humans live (humans themselves possess evolving capabilities and characteristics) - A vast amount of experience related to biological necessities, reflected as genetic inheritance (capabilities) and instinctual behaviors (characteristics) accumulated over millions of years - The broad experience of social life necessities, especially within the current mode of livelihood, in solving problems and overcoming challenges, continuing through the following processes: - At the level of the efficiency of existing social institutions and organizations - At the level of informational, scientific, technological, and technological achievements - At the level of the interwoven actions and reactions of individuals, groups, institutions, and organizations in utilizing capabilities and enhancing characteristics for individual and social well-being - At the level of beliefs, attitudes, customs, and social norms of existing social groups, which manifest as cultural inheritance (Memes) In all cases, what can be considered a driving force is the process of alignment, coordination, and adaptation—voluntary, intelligent, and goal-directed behavior (praxis)—of humans within the broader spectrum of creation, focusing on emergence, nurturing, and unprecedented emergence. As the productive forces face the need to solve problems (compensating for deficiencies, addressing flaws) and overcome challenges (adapting phenomena to the environment) in the current mode of livelihood, the following occurs: - New needs emerge, along with the desire to fulfill them, leading to the formation of novel motivations within the psyche. - New beliefs and fresh perspectives arise within the workshop of thought. - Optimized and efficient behavioral patterns emerge in the field of praxis (action). These developments take shape within the large body of productive forces present in the existing mode of livelihood, resulting from the interaction between the current mode of livelihood and the social environment. These processes repeat and drive forward within the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness. These changes pave the way for: - The emergence of new capabilities (first seen within the productive forces and then reflected across society). - The appearance of novel characteristics. - The rise of new, widespread needs and desires within the human experience. In this way, the productive forces (and subsequently, the entire society) will advance to a higher level of more intelligent living. Thus, the above-mentioned elements continuously emerge, are nurtured, and undergo unprecedented evolution within the discussed domains. They develop as interconnected, sometimes parallel, and intricately woven chains, forming a seamless network of astonishing coordination, adaptation, and interaction. In the globalization phase of capital (since 1980), an extraordinary transformation in the content of objective conditions has taken place, profoundly impacting the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans. Appendices: Livelihood: Livelihood refers to the set of activities and methods that an individual or society employs to meet daily needs, including food, shelter, and clothing. This typically involves work, the production of goods, the provision of services, and the use of natural resources. Livelihood methods have evolved throughout history under the influence of environmental, social, economic, and cultural factors. Since the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution has brought significant changes to livelihoods, with mass production of goods leading to factory work and population shifts towards urban areas. The emergence of capitalist modes of livelihood in the phase of globalized capital has enabled the intelligent design, implementation, and utilization of biological systems through advanced technology (automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc.). This has been facilitated by the globalization of capital (since 1980). The intelligent design, execution, and management of biological systems using advanced technology and next-generation techniques, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), now involves: - Mass data processing - The development of efficient algorithms, patterns, and models - Leveraging machine learning, robotics, simulation, modeling, and pattern recognition (especially in identifying evolutionary patterns) - Utilizing next-generation technology for these advancements. Technology is the method and process of applying knowledge to solve problems and create innovation. It refers to the practical use of scientific and technical knowledge to address challenges and drive new innovations. Technology enables the creation of new tools and techniques. Technological Products (Technology): Technology refers to the tools, devices, and methods produced through the application of technology. It is the outcome of employing technology to create useful tools. Examples include computers, mobile phones, smart systems, and various electronic devices. Cultural-Social Common Heritage (Meme): Humans are immersed in the process of gaining "experience of the necessities of social life," and these experiences are inherited as cultural heritage (science, knowledge, skills), behaviors, and social relationships. Various methods for addressing challenges and solving problems (at individual, social, and organizational levels) have emerged as different forms of livelihood over the past 200,000 years and have been passed down as cultural-social heritage. The early forms of livelihood involved the emergence of the division of labor, private ownership in its initial forms, and the development of social institutions and structures in a primitive manner. The pattern of living in the form of social life (through various modes of livelihood) and its representation in cultural-social heritage is one of the wonders of human existence. Cultural-social common heritage contributes to increasing social interactions and plays a crucial role in preserving and transferring knowledge and information to future generations. Through the transfer of cultural and social heritage (Meme), individuals become aware of and benefit from past experiences over time. This concept generally reflects the broad connection and attention given to cultural-social matters in human societies and plays an essential role in shaping individual and national identity. In summary, cultural-social common heritage (Meme) is not only a means of communication but also a vital part of human identity that must be preserved and supported. "Cultural heritage" has two distinct functions in its historical role: on one hand, it helps solidify material and spiritual achievements, and on the other hand, it can restrict the progress of social groups towards the future. Cultures are not realities themselves, but narratives of reality. At the same time, culture is considered a part of the objective and static conditions of each society. Cultures are not realities, but a collection of representations of reality that have formed in the psyche, thought, and behavior of humans throughout history, manifesting in the vast array of material and spiritual outcomes. The Cycle of Social Existence, Social Experience, and Social Consciousness in the Era of Global Capitalism (Since 1980) and the Emergence of Artificial Intelligence Since the phase of global capitalism began in 1980 and with the emergence of artificial intelligence, a fundamental transformation in the cycle of "social existence, social experience, and social consciousness" has been taking shape: - In line with the continuous interaction of "social existence, social experience, and social consciousness" within natural-historical forms. - With access to massive amounts of data, rapid information processing, and the exponential growth of science, knowledge, and diverse skills, it has become necessary to represent these achievements in virtual systems and perpetuate them through artificial intelligence, utilizing big data processing, the design and development of algorithms, patterns, and efficient models. - This is achieved by utilizing available resources and existing capabilities through analysis, simulation, modeling, and emulation of trends, processes, patterns, and cycles in existence. Examples of artificial intelligence applications in this field include the design of automated agricultural systems, intelligent medical systems, and environmental systems. Thus, artificial intelligence will actively participate in all three aspects of the cycle of "social existence, social experience, and social consciousness": - In social existence, AI decisions will influence real-world outcomes. - In social experience, through analysis, simulation, modeling, and emulation, AI can enhance social experiences. - In social consciousness, through big data processing, the design and development of algorithms, patterns, and efficient models, AI will continually optimize social consciousness. As a result, it becomes inevitable to reconsider the meaning, concept, and function of all three aspects of "social existence, social experience, and social consciousness", to the extent that AI intervenes in them. These transformations have already manifested (and will continue to do so) extensively in individual, social, and organizational life. Furthermore, this will create the foundation for the recreation of human identity (individual, social, and organizational) in a new phase, where humans will face new capabilities and the emergence of novel characteristics within themselves and society. It is important to constantly ask: - To what extent do these types of "narratives, interpretations, perspectives, theorizing, etc." about events, phenomena, processes, patterns, cycles, etc. in existence truly reflect the ongoing transformations and the direction of the future? - And how can these changes be processed into scientific theory (as a tool for understanding) and mental models (as a guide for action) so that we can make informed judgments and choose the right paths? By discovering, understanding, and accepting effective laws, and by creating systematic structures based on them, as well as identifying and adhering to firm principles and methodical behavior within existence, we can achieve alignment, harmony, compatibility, and coexistence, promoting well-being with the processes of life. This allows us to make appropriate decisions and take effective actions to establish democracy and public welfare, enabling human growth, well-being, and flourishing. Ultimately, these narratives, theories, and actions should create tangible value for individuals, society, and organizations. Appendices: Practical Philosophy is a philosophical approach that emphasizes action and practice rather than focusing solely on theories and ideas. In practical philosophy, more importance is placed on application and execution than on abstract concepts and philosophical principles. This approach seeks to directly connect philosophy with practicality in various fields, including the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of technology, and social philosophy. The primary goal of practical philosophy is to use philosophical perspectives to solve practical issues and improve real-life conditions. Science is a capability—a set of methods, processes, and techniques used to discover facts and realities. Through scientific methods, research, and experiments, science aims to provide accurate and reliable explanations of the world. Knowledge is a result of this process, encompassing the information, concepts, theories, and viewpoints that individuals acquire over time through experience and experimentation. Therefore, science as a capability for discovering facts, and knowledge as the outcome of this process, can be seen as complementary pairs in humanity’s progress toward understanding the world and advancing human knowledge. Science helps us achieve a better understanding of the world around us and find the best solutions for the challenges we face. By employing scientific methods and conducting research, science seeks to uncover new facts and realities. These methods include experimentation, observation, analysis, and theorizing. Science provides precise and reliable explanations of the world, enabling humans to make informed decisions and find optimal solutions to problems. Knowledge, as the result of the investigative process and discovery of facts, includes the information, concepts, theories, and perspectives that humans acquire over time through experiences and experiments. Knowledge helps people gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and make better decisions based on that understanding. It also addresses challenges and questions, providing answers to the problems that arise. The process of assessment, evaluation, judgment, and intelligent choice for making appropriate decisions and effective actions: Judgment, as a mental process, can encompass both subjective and objective aspects. - Judgments are influenced by emotions, beliefs, values, and personal experiences. - They can be based on objective and universal criteria. - Judgments grounded in documented evidence and facts tend to be more reliable. - Cultural and societal contexts also shape the judgments individuals make. Assessment refers to the collection of data and information related to a specific subject. This stage involves measuring and observing various aspects and characteristics of the topic at hand. Evaluation is the analysis and review of the collected data. In this stage, the information gathered during the assessment is examined to identify strengths and weaknesses. Judgment is the process of making a decision based on the evaluation. At this point, you must draw conclusions from the data and analysis. Judgment allows you to make an informed opinion or decision based on the available data and evaluations, leading to sound judgments and better choices in decision-making. Intelligent choice refers to making the final decision based on the judgment process. This involves selecting the best option from the available alternatives. This process helps you make more informed and effective decisions. Source: personal research and access to sources of scientific publications in various fields. Note: The original version of this article was prepared in Persian and then translated into English. Therefore, if a better translation is produced, a new version will be provided. Thank you for the time you've provided. Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi 12,October,2024 Shiraz-Iran