Participate in organizing portal content.

Become an Area Editor

All topics are welcome!

New way to access portal content

In the summer of 2022, we have introduced focus areas ("Themenschwerpunkte", "axes thématiques", "focus thematico") in order to improve the attractiveness and accessibility of the portal. Focus areas serve as introductions to and connecting points between thematically related articles. 

"Area editors" are responsible for curating the focus areas. Their tasks include to get access to new articles related to the topic of their chosen area of interest. Moreover, they can introduce, present, discuss, comment, criticize such articles individually or in relation to each other. 

Are you interested?

If you would like to become an area editor, do not hestiate to contact us

Editing an area will enable you to reach out to people of your interest as well as to publicly advance a discussion. You can choose how much you want to contribute to your focus area at any time. It is entirely up to you if you want to keep your focus area on a small scale or invest more time in elaborating it further. 

The publication and editing of the articles does not belong to the duties of the area editiors. Your job as an area editior is solely responsible for the motivation of new contributors of new texts. 

Neither do thematic areas need to be exhaustive, nor exclusive. Portal articles which align well with your area but have not been organized by you may as well be added to your thematic area. 

Thematic areas

You are free to choose your own focus area. If you would like to create focus area with one of those topics in English or if you have an idea for a new foucs area, please do not hestitate to send us your suggestion. Some focus areas in German are not curated yet (you find them listed here). It would be possible to convert some of them into English focus areas.