
Discover what's new on

The Swiss Portal of Philosophy offers more than 800 articles by more than 600 authors in German, French, Italian and English, as well as an event calendar with events organised by all Swiss institutions active in philosophy. It is visited every month by more than 30,000 people interested in philosophy. 

We offer a carefully curated newsletter, which will keep you up-to-date on developments in philosophy. Subscribers receive one email per month, with updates concerning the portal, an overview of recently published articles, and  information about upcoming events. 


Membership and Newsletter

We would like to invite you to become a member of our association. As a member of the association you have the chance to help shape and to support us with your criticism and suggestions. 

Furthermore, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter. You are also welcome to forward it to interested people. When you subscribe to the newsletter, you may give us additional information: about yourself (whether you’re a PhD student, a highschool teacher, etc.) and about your interests in particular topics. 

We are also very happy about other forms of support, be it financial or in terms of content!

We would like to invite you to our general assembly in Bienne on 29.6.2024 - we would be very happy to have you with us!

We have moved and are developing a series of new projects: Philosophy and Literature, Online Courses, Philosophy in Bulk, Philosophers Across Time. We have started to publish on the portal the first results of our major bibliography project:

Our pages on research projects in philosophy in Switzerland, on PhD students, on BA/MA students in philosophy, on high schools, and on philosophy in high school are progressing steadily - stay tuned!


Job Offers

We try to keep our page with job advertisements in philosophy (primarily but not exclusively in Switzerland) up to date. We are very grateful for any tips!!!


Our monthly newsletter is developing nicely, as the following graph shows (the newsletter in German reaches the most subscribers, followed by French, English and Italian):



The Social Destiny of Reason in the "Absolute Pragmatism" of Josiah Royce Interpreter of Hegel

This is a paper by Riccardo Roni, a researcher at the University of Florence. The paper explores the original historical problem of Hegel’s presence in Royce’s thinking. Here's the paper! 




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An Environmental Ethics of Vulnerability and Dependence

The essay explores the ethical relationships between people, with a focus on vulnerability and dependence. Jørgen Meyer uses Judith Butler's "Precarious Life – The Powers of Mourning and Justice" as a framework to discuss how address, discourse, and grief are key concepts in this discussion. Recognizing vulnerability and dependence as integral components of ethical relationships can have significant implications for our understanding thereof.





The Philosophy of Orientation

The philosophy of orientation, as Werner Stegmaier has developed it over several decades, instead observes and reflects how different philosophies orient themselves from different standpoints, in different perspectives, and within different horizons.





Philosophy’s No-Go Zone

The confrontation of opposing worldviews often leads to conflict, but what happens when even the basic assumptions are disputed? Digital phenomena like "shitstorms" show how shared reality becomes a battlefield of irreconcilability. Alex Byrne shares his personal experiences with "social media outrage" and "virtue signalling".



Un oeil sur la France
Une perspective philosophique des enjeux politiques et sociétaux français.
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Nāgārjuna and Madhyamaka

A Podcast by Jan Westerhoff





Projects and Thematic Features

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Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series

The philosophy portal offers an archive where you can safeguard your drafts, teaching materials, handouts, and powerpoints from being plagiarized. Additionally, it allows you to share them freely under a Creative Commons license. You can easily submit your material by sending it to



Press Review

In addition to philpublica's excellent press review, a record and discussion of substantial reports in the Swiss media on philosophy or philosophers will be available on the platform. This concerns both print and online press, radio and television.

Press review



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Refugees' stories

We care not only about the philosophy, but also about the wider environment in which it takes place. This gives a voice to those who are not heard.



Book reviews and notes

It can be difficult to keep up with all the new publications in philosophy, but our reviews and book notes page can help make it easier to choose what to read. We have revised the page to make it clearer and more helpful.



Philosophers Across Time

This projet links philosophie and theatre. The format is simple: Attendees will be provided with a list of philosophers’ names each written on an individual piece of paper. Two people at the time can pick one piece of paper each. The actors will then perform an imaginary philosophical discussion between these two figures.

The performance will be followed by a discussion of the main philosophical topics appearing on stage.

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