Friends of the Portal

Our friends are like-minded individuals who support us morally or with mutual referrals and potential collaborations.

As a bookstore with a focus on the humanities, Labyrinth maintains close communication with students and doctoral candidates from the surrounding seminars. Philosophy is close to its heart, and its selection includes introductory texts as well as the latest publications in research is run by Dirk Boucsein and pursues a similar vision as, by making philosophical articles and other formats freely accessible on the blog

The blog prae|faktisch aims to be a German-speaking forum for the exchange of philosophical thoughts. The blog features philosophical comments and discussions on current social, political, and ethical issues.

Max der Zufallsphilosoph is a small-scale art project that deals with chance and, at the press of a button, spits out a randomly chosen quote. It is also possible to send him a message. He is on the trail of the inspiration of randomness.

Hörbuchverlag Fliegenglas

The Swiss audiobook publisher Fliegenglas operates an app of the same name, through which people interested in philosophy, science, or literature can purchase unique audiobooks and listen to them directly within the app.

Is a magazine for philosophy. It...

  • understands philosophy in the classical sense as an attitude to life and a lifestyle – life as adventure, learning, and development.
  • draws from the timeless knowledge of humanity and connects it with current insights and challenges.
  • is published with pure voluntary commitment by idealists for idealists.
  • has been published since 1981 and, with a current circulation of 17,000 copies, has become one of the leading philosophy magazines in the German-speaking world.