Currently, the EPP consists of one full professorship (Ralph Bader), two graduate assistant, one PhD assistant, one post-doc and two PhD students SNF.
Colloquium 2024
Ethics and Political Philosophy Colloquium - SP 2024
Wednesday, 10.15-12.00, MIS03 3025
21.02. Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
28.02. Aidan Penn (NYU)
06.03. Paul Keller (Fribourg)
14.03. Jonas Hertel (Oxford) MIS03 3018
20.03. Alain Pe-Curto (USI Lugano)
27.03. Anthony Taylor (Fribourg)
10.04. Sarah Köglsperger (Fribourg)
17.04. Peter Schaber (UZH)
24.04. Nadia Mazouz (ETH)
01.05. Dominic Roser (Fribourg)
08.05. Alex Moran (Fribourg)
15.05. Sze Ching Wong (Fribourg)
22.05. Philipp Schwind (UZH)
29.05. Luca Passi (Berkeley)
More information can be found here
01.-06.09.2024 Summer School: Anarchy, State, and Utopia at 50
with Erick Mack (Tulane) and Ralf Bader (Fribourg), Belle Epoque Hotel Victoria, Kandersteg, Switzerland
The week-long summer school aims to foster a deeper understanding and critical evaluation of Nozick’s
political philosophy and the ways in which it has helped to shape moral and political philosophy over
the course of the last 50 years. The goal is to discuss and critically engage with the ideas presented
by Nozick in his groundbreaking work and explore its lasting impact and contemporary relevance,
including topics such as the nature and basis of individual rights, the entitlement theory of justice,
the relationship between social and economic liberty, and the tension between liberty and equality.
05.-09.08.2024 Summer School: Recent Work in the Metaphysics of Ethics
with Gideon Rosen (Princeton); Crêt Bérard VD
The week-long summer school will focus on the metaphysics of morality, with a special focus on non-naturalist moral realism: the view that moral thought and
discourse are concerned with real, mind-independent facts that are distinct from the empirical psychological and sociological facts that underly them. Topics to be discussed include the proper characterization of this view, the main motivations for it, and questions that arise with in it, including questions about the explanatory structure of moral reality, the role of moral laws in moral
explanation, the modal status of those moral laws, and the distinctive forms of grounding that figure
in them. One recurrent theme will be analogies (and disanalogies) between non-naturalist moral
realism and other forms of dualism in recent metaphysics, including property dualism in the
philosophy of mind and platonism in the philosophy of mathematics. The seminar will be designed to
expose advanced students to the most important recent work on these topics and to provide a forum
for the discussion of student work on open problems.
29.-30.07.2024 Applications of Grounding
- Stephan Leuenberger (University of Glasgow): “Metaphysical dependence: grounding and determination”
- Henrik Rhydén, (Uppsala University). "Metaphysical Determination and Existential Requirements: Deeper into Grounding and Ontological Dependence"
- Francesca Poggiolesi (Université Paris): “Conceptual (and hence mathematical) explanation, conceptual grounding and proof”
- Taylor Pincin (Columbia University) “Two Kinds of Priority in Aristotle”
- Ralf Bader (Université de Fribourg). “Intrinsicality and hyperintensional compatibility”
- Zachary Blaesi (Austin Community College). “Grounding a Definition of Physicalism”
- Alex Moran (Université de Fribourg) ‘Physicalism without reduction’
- Audrey Powers (Rutgers). “Will the Real Non-Naturalist Please Stand Up?”
- Carlo Rossi (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) ‘Universals and Grounding’
- Applications of Grounding, Alex Moran, Fribourg (TBD), 10:00 - 17:00
07.04.2024 Authority
- Massimo Renzo (KCL): “Authority, War and Obedience” (9.15 - 10.45)
- Ralf Bader (Fribourg): “Immunity violations” (11 - 12.30)
- David Owens (KCL): “Rules and Rulers” (14 - 15.30)
- Matthias Brinkmann (LMU): “A Principled Refutation of Consent Theory” (15.45 - 17.15)
- 02.07.24, Authority, Workshop
Salle Jäggi (MIS04 4112)
09:00 - 18:00
13.04.2024 Decision Theory
09.04.2024 Population Ethics
- 9.15 - 10.45 Jonas Hertel (Oxford): 'The no-difference view revisited'
- 11.00 - 12.30 Christopher Cowie (Durham): 'Axiological impossibility results and metaethical revisionism'
- 14.00 - 15.30 Ralf Bader (Fribourg): 'Rights, duties and non-existence'
- 15.45 - 17.15 Christian Piller (York): 'Why interpersonal comparisons of utility and well-being might be problematic'
16.02.2024 Modality in Kant's Practical Philosophy
- 9.15 - 10.45 Stephan Zimmermann (Halle): Funktion und Kategorie. Einige Überlegungen zu Kants modalen "Kategorien der Freiheit"
- 11.00 - 12.30 Sofie Møller (Köln): Possibility, Necessity and Contingency in Kant’s Theory of Progress
- 14.00 - 15.30 Ralf Bader (Fribourg): Necessitation, Contingency and Freedom
- 15.45 - 17.15 Michael Walschots (Mainz): Kant on Moral Impossibility
Colloquium 2023
A PhD Colloquium takes place every Wednesday from 10:15-12 in the room MIS 03 3026.
Spring Program:
22.02. Olivier Massin (Neuchâtel)
02.03. Billy Christmas (King’s College London)
08.03. Dominic Roser (Fribourg) & Jack Baker (Bern)
15.03. Anthrony Taylor (Fribourg)
22.03. Emanuela Ceva (Genève)
29.03. Luke Davies (Oxford)
05.04. Sarah Köglsperger (Fribourg)
19.04. Gaspard Lemaire (Fribourg)
26.04. Paul Keller (Fribourg)
03.05. Jörg Löschke (Zurich)
10.05. Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger (Fribourg)
17.05. Sze Ching Wong (Fribourg)
24.05. Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
31.05. Davide Dalla Rosa (Fribourg)
Programme Autumn semester 2023:
20.09. Sarah Köglsperger (Fribourg)
27.09. Alex Moran (Fribourg)
04.10. Davide Dalla Rosa (Fribourg)
11.10. Micha Gläser (Zürich)
18.10. Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
25.10. Markus Stepanians (Bern)
08.11. Felix Koch (Zürich)
15.11. Anthony Taylor (Fribourg)
22.11. Julien Deonna (Genève)
29.11. Paul Keller (Fribourg)
06.12. Sze Ching Wong (Fribourg)
13.12. Friedemann Bieber (Zürich)
20.12. Adriano Mannino (Berkeley)
More information can be found here