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Anna Mahtani (mahtani)

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Decision Theory Workshop, Environmental Humanities at UniFR, EPP Fribourg

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A Generalization of the Reflection Principle

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    Horgan, Terence E. and Mahtani, Anna. 2013. Generalized Conditionalization and the Sleeping Beauty Problem.” Erkenntnis 78(2): 333–351.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2008a. Can Vagueness Cut Out at Any Order? Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86(3): 499–508.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2008b. Williamson on Inexact Knowledge.” Philosophical Studies 139(2): 171–180.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2012a. Imaginative Resistance without Conflict.” Philosophical Studies 158(3): 415–429.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2012b. Diachronic Dutch Book Arguments.” The Philosophical Review 121(3): 443–450.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2015. Dutch Books, Coherence, and Logical Consistency.” Noûs 49(3): 522–537.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2017a. Deference, Respect and Intensionality.” Philosophical Studies 174(1): 163–183, doi:10.1007/s11098-016-0675-6.
    Mahtani, Anna. 2017b. The ex Ante Pareto Principle.” The Journal of Philosophy 114(6): 303–323.