Robert Ackermann (ackermann-r)
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Ackermann, Robert. 1963. “Inductive Simplicity in Special Cases.” Synthese 15(1): 436–444.
Ackermann, Robert. 1966. Nondeductive Inference. Monographs in Modern Logic. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Ackermann, Robert. 1967a. Introduction to Many Valued Logics. Monographs in Modern Logic. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Ackermann, Robert. 1967b. “Comments on Rescher (1967).” in The Logic of Decision and Action, edited by Nicholas Rescher, pp. 71–76. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Ackermann, Robert. 1969a. “Consistency and Ethics.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 69: 73–86.
Ackermann, Robert. 1969b. “Mechanism, Methodology and Biological Theory.” Synthese 20(2): 219–229.
Ackermann, Robert. 1969c. “The Fallacy of Conjunctive Analysis.” The Monist 53(3): 478–487. Reprinted in Freeman and Sellars (1971).
Ackermann, Robert. 1969d. “Some Problems of Inductive Logic.” in Philosophical Logic, edited by John W. Davis, D. T. Hockney, and W. Kent Wilson, pp. 135–151. Synthese Library n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9614-0.
Ackermann, Robert. 1969e. “Rejoinder to Skyrms (1969) and Salmon (1969).” in Philosophical Logic, edited by John W. Davis, D. T. Hockney, and W. Kent Wilson, pp. 164–171. Synthese Library n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9614-0.
Ackermann, Robert. 1969f. “Sortal Predicates and Confirmation.” Philosophical Studies 20(1–2): 1–4.
Ackermann, Robert. 1972. “The Consequences.” in Logic and Art: Essays in Honor of Nelson Goodman, edited by Richard S. Rudner and Israel Scheffler, pp. 43–57. Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
Ackermann, Robert. 1974. “Perspicuous Languages.” in The Ontological Turn: Studies in the Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann, edited by Moltke S. Gram and Elmer Daniel Klemke, pp. 264–275. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press.
Ackermann, Robert. 1982. “Context Dependent Knowledge.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42: 425–433.
Ackermann, Robert. 1985. “Popper and German Social Philosophy.” in Popper and the Human Sciences, edited by Gregory Currie and Alan Musgrave, pp. 165–184. Nijhoff International Philosophy Series n. 19. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Ackermann, Robert. 1987. “Consensus and Dissensus in Science.” in PSA 1986: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposium Papers, edited by Arthur I. Fine and Peter K. Machamer, pp. 99–105. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Ackermann, Robert. 1991a. “Allan Franklin, Right or Wrong.” in PSA 1990: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposium Papers, edited by Arthur I. Fine, Micky Forbes, and Linda Wessels, pp. 451–457. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Ackermann, Robert. 1991b. “Super Pragmatic Paradoxes.” in Logical Foundations. Essays in Honor of D.J. O’Connor, edited by Indira Mahalingam Carr and Brian Carr, pp. 3–10. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Further References
Freeman, Eugene and Sellars, Wilfrid, eds. 1971. Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Time. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Rescher, Nicholas. 1967. “Semantic Foundations for the Logic of Preference.” in The Logic of Decision and Action, edited by Nicholas Rescher, pp. 37–62. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Salmon, Wesley C. 1969. “Induction and Intuition: Comments on Ackermann (1969d).” in Philosophical Logic, edited by John W. Davis, D. T. Hockney, and W. Kent Wilson, pp. 158–163. Synthese Library n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9614-0.
Skyrms, Brian. 1969. “Comments on Ackermann (1969d).” in Philosophical Logic, edited by John W. Davis, D. T. Hockney, and W. Kent Wilson, pp. 152–157. Synthese Library n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9614-0.