Jonathan E. Adler (adler-je)
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Adler, Jonathan E. 1976. “Evaluating Global and Local Theories of
Induction.” in PSA
1976: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science
Association, Part I: Contributed Papers & Special
Sessions, edited by Frederick Suppe and Peter D. Asquith, pp. 212–223. East Lansing, Michigan:
Philosophy of Science Association.
Adler, Jonathan E. 1986. “Knowing, Betting and Cohering.”
Philosophical Topics 14(1): 243–257.
Adler, Jonathan E. 1987. “Comparisons with Grice.” Behavioral and
Brain Sciences 10: 710–711.
Adler, Jonathan E. 1990. “Epistemic Universalizablity: From Skepticism to
Infallibilism.” in Doubting:
Contemporary Perspectives on Skepticism, edited by Michael
D. Roth and Glenn Ross, pp. 83–98. Philosophical Studies
Series n. 48. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Adler, Jonathan E. 1997. “Lying, Deceiving, or Falsely Implicating.”
The Journal of Philosophy 94(9): 435–452.
Adler, Jonathan E. 1999. “The Ethics of Belief: Off the Wrong Track.”
in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 23: New
Directions in Philosophy, edited by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 267–285. Boston, Massachusetts:
Blackwell Publishers.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2002a. Belief’s Own Ethics. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2002b. “Conundrums of Belief Self-Control.” The
Monist 85(3): 456–467.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2002c.
“Akratic Believing?” Philosophical
Studies 110(1): 1–27.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2003. “Knowledge, Truth, and Learning.” in
A Companion to the Philosophy of
Education, edited by Randall R. Curren, pp. 285–304. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470996454.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2005. “Reliabilist Justification (or Knowledge) as a Good
Truth-Ratio.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 86:
Adler, Jonathan E. 2006. “Confidence in Argument.” Canadian
Journal of Philosophy 36(2): 225–258.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2007. “Argumentation and Distortion.”
Episteme 4(3): 382–401.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2009. “Another Argument for the Knowledge Norm.”
Analysis 69(3): 407–411.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2012a. “Pragmatic Encroachment, Methods, and
Contextualism.” Analysis 72(3): 526–534.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2012b. “Epistemological Problems of Testimony.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Adler, Jonathan E. 2012c. “Contextualism and Fallibility: Pragmatic Encroachment,
Possibility, and Strength of Epistemic Position.”
Synthese 188(2): 247–272.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2013. “The Reasoning and Lapses of James’ The Will to
Believe.” in Fallacious
Arguments in Ancient Philosophy, edited by Christof Rapp and Pieter Sjoerd Hasper, pp. 387–399. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 15.
Münster: Mentis Verlag.
Adler, Jonathan E. 2018. “Lying and Misleading: A Moral Difference.”
in Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and
Politics, edited by Eliot Michaelson and Andreas Stokke, pp. 301–317. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198743965.001.0001.
Adler, Jonathan E. and Hicks, Michael R. 2014. “Non-Evidential Reasons to Believe.” in
The Aim of Belief, edited by
Timothy Chan, pp. 140–166. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199672134.001.0001.
Adler, Jonathan E. and Levin, Michael E. 2002. “Is the Generality Problem Too General?”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65(1): 87–97.
Adler, Jonathan E. and Vasiliou, Iakovos. 2008. “Inferring Character from Reasoning: The Example of
Euthyphro.” American Philosophical Quarterly
45(1): 43–56.