David E. Alexander (alexander-d)
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Alexander, David E. 2008. “The Recent Revival of Cosmological Arguments.” Philosophy Compass 3(3): 541–550.
Alexander, David E. 2011. “In Defense of Epistemic Circularity.” Acta Analytica 26(3): 223–241.
Alexander, David E. 2012. “Inferential Internalism and Reflective Defeat.” Philosophia 40(3): 497–521.
Alexander, David E. 2013. “The Problem of Respecting Higher-Order Doubt.” Philosophers' imprint 13(18).
Alexander, David E. 2016. “Orthodoxy, Theological Determinism, and the Problem of Evil.” in Calvinism and the Problem of Evil, edited by David E. Alexander and Daniel M. Johnson, pp. 123–144. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
Alexander, David E. 2017. “Unreasonable Cartesian Doubt.” Philosophia 45(2): 503–522.