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Patrick Allo (allo)

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Reflective Equilibrium on the Fringe

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    Allo, Patrick. 2006. Local Information and Adaptive Consequence.” Logique et Analyse 49(196): 461–488.
    Allo, Patrick. 2007. Logical Pluralism and Semantic Information.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 36(6): 659–694.
    Allo, Patrick, ed. 2010a. Putting Information First. Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444396836.
    Allo, Patrick. 2010b. Putting Information First. Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information.” Metaphilosophy 41(3): 247–254. Reprinted in Allo (2010a, 1–8).
    Allo, Patrick. 2011. The Logic of ‘Being Informed’ Revisited and Revised.” Philosophical Studies 153(3): 417–434.
    Allo, Patrick. 2013. The Many Faces of Closure and Introspection.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 42(1): 91–124.
    Allo, Patrick. 2015. Synonymy and Intra-Theoretical Pluralism.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93(1): 77–91.
    Allo, Patrick. 2016. The Logic of Information.” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information, edited by Luciano Floridi, pp. 59–76. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    Allo, Patrick. 2017. A Constructionist Philosophy of Logic.” Minds and Machines 27(3): 545–564, doi:10.1007/s11023-017-9430-9.
    Allo, Patrick and van Kerkhove, Bart, eds. 2014. Modestly Radical or Radically Modest. Festschrift for Jean Paul Van Bendegem on the occasion of his 60th Birthday. Tributes n. 24. London: King’s College Publications.
    Allo, Patrick and Mares, Edwin D. 2012. Informational Semantics as a Third Alternative? Erkenntnis 77(2): 167–185.
    Allo, Patrick, Poggiolesi, Francesca and Smets, Sonja. 2015. Dynamics in Logic.” Logique et Analyse 58(230): 143–144.
    Allo, Patrick and Primiero, Giuseppe. 2014. Introduction.” Logique et Analyse 57(226): 113–115.
    Allo, Patrick and Primiero, Giuseppe. 2019. Annotated Natural Deduction for Adaptive Reasoning.” in Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, edited by Can Başkent and Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, pp. 409–438. Cham: Springer Nature, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-25365-3.
    Floridi, Luciano and Allo, Patrick. 2006. Introduction.” Logique et Analyse 49(196): 343–344.