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Robert F. Anderson (anderson-r)

Cited in the following articles

The Dis-Unity of Humean Space

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    Anderson, Robert F. 1965. Locke on the Knowledge of Material Things.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 3(2): 205–215.
    Anderson, Robert F. 1975. Hume’s Account of Knowledge of External Objects.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 13(4): 471–480.
    Anderson, Robert F. 1976. The Location, Extension, Shape, and Size of Hume’s Perceptions.” in Hume – A Re-Evaluation, edited by Donald W. Livingston and James T. King, pp. 153–171. New York: Fordham University Press.
    Anderson, Robert F. 1980. In Defense of Section V: A Reply to Professor Yolton [Yolton (1980)].” Hume Studies 6(1): 26–31.
    Anderson, Robert F. 1995. Recent Criticisms and Defenses of Pascal’s Wager.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 37(1): 45–56.

Further References

    Yolton, John W. 1980. Hume’s Ideas.” Hume Studies 6(1): 1–25.