John Langshaw Austin (austin-jl)
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Austin, John Langshaw. 1939. “Are there A Priori Concepts?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 18: 83–105. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 1–22) and in Austin (1979a, 32–54).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1946. “Other Minds.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 20: 148–187. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 44–84) and in Austin (1979a, 76–116).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1950a. “Truth.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 24: 111–128. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 85–101), Pitcher (1964, 18–31) and in Austin (1979a, 117–133).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1950b. “Intelligent Behaviour. A Critical Review of Ryle (1949).” The Times Literary Supplement, April. Reprinted in Wood and Pitcher (1970, 45–52).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1953. “How to Talk – Some Simple Ways.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 53: 111–128. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 181–200) and in Austin (1979a, 134–153).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1956. “A Plea for Excuses.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 57: 1–30. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 123–152) and in Austin (1979a, 175–204).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1957. “Ifs and Cans.” Proceedings of the British Academy 42: 109–132. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 153–180) and in Austin (1979a, 205–232).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1958. “Pretending.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 32: 261–278. Reprinted in Austin (1961a, 201–219) and in Austin (1979a, 254–271).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1961a. Philosophical Papers. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by J.O. Urmson and G.J. Warnock.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1961b. “Performative Utterances.” in Philosophical Papers, pp. 220–240. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Austin (1979a, 234–252).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1961c. “The Meaning of a Word.” in Philosophical Papers, pp. 23–43. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Caton (1963, 1–21) and in Austin (1979a, 55–75).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1961d. “Unfair to Facts.” in Philosophical Papers, pp. 102–122. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Austin (1979a, 154–174).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1962a. How to do Things with Words. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The William James Lectures delivered at Harvard University in 1955; translated into French by G. Lane in Austin (1970), doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198245537.001.0001.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1962b. Sense and Sensibilia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reconstructed from the manuscript notes by Geoffrey J. Warnock.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1962c. “Performatif-Constatif.” in La philosophie analytique, edited by Jean Wahl, pp. 271–304. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Translated as “Performative-Constative” by G.J. Warnoch in Caton (1963, 22–54).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1966a. “Three Ways of Spilling Ink.” The Philosophical Review 75(4). Reprinted in Austin (1979a, 272–287).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1966b. “Comment parler ? Quelques moyens très simples.” Langages 2: 65–84. Traduction de Austin (1962a).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1967a. “Agathon and Eudaimonia in the Ethics of Aristotle.” in Aristotle: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Julius M. E. Moravcsik, pp. 261–296. Modern Studies in Philosophy. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co. Reprinted in Austin (1979a, 1–31).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1967b. “Les excuses.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 72: 414–445. Traduction de Austin (1956).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1970. Quand dire, c’est faire. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. Traduction de Austin (1962a) par G. Lane.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1971. Le langage de la perception. Paris: Armand Colin. Traduction par Paul Gochet, nouvelle édition: Austin (2007).
Austin, John Langshaw. 1979a. Philosophical Papers. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by J.O. Urmson and G.J. Warnock, doi:10.1093/019283021X.001.0001.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1979b. “The Line and the Cave in Plato’s Republic.” in Philosophical Papers, 3rd ed., pp. 288–303. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by J.O. Urmson and G.J. Warnock, doi:10.1093/019283021X.001.0001.
Austin, John Langshaw. 1994. Écrits philosophiques. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. Traduction de Austin (1961a) par L. Aubert & A.-L. Hacker.
Austin, John Langshaw. 2004. Cómo hacer cosas con palabras. Barcelona: Paidós. Traducción de Austin (1962a).
Austin, John Langshaw. 2007. Le langage de la perception. Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Traduction par Paul Gochet, introduction de Bruno Ambroise et Sandra Laugier; première édition: Austin (1971).
Further References
Caton, Charles E., ed. 1963. Philosophy and Ordinary Language. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
Pitcher, George W., ed. 1964. Truth. Contemporary Perspectives in Philosophy. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1949. The Concept of Mind. London: Hutchinson University Library. 60th anniversary edition: Ryle (2009).