Gilbert Ryle (ryle)
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Ryle, Gilbert. 1928. “Review of Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit.” Mind 38(151): 355–370. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 223–232).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1929. “Negation.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 9: 80–96. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 1–11) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 1–12).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1930. “Are there Propositions?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 30: 91–126. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 12–38) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 13–40).
Ryle, Gilbert, ed. 1931a. Proceedings of the Seventh International congress of philosophy, held at Oxford, England, September 1-6, 1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by the Institut International de Philosophie.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1931b. “Rejoinder [to Robinson (1931)].” Mind 40(159): 330–334.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1932a. “Systematically Misleading Expressions.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 32: 139–170. Reprinted in Flew (1951, 11–36), in Ryle (1971b, 2: 39–62) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 41–65).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1932b. “Phenomenology.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 11: 68–83. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 174–185).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1933a. “About.” Analysis 1(1): 10–12. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 82–84) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 86–88).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1933b. “Imaginary Objects.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 12: 18–43. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 63–81) an din Ryle (2009c, 2: 66–85).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1935a. “Internal Relations.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 14: 154–172. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 89–104).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1935b. “Mr. Collingwood and the Ontological Argument.” Mind 44(174): 137–151. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 105–119).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1936. “Unverifiability-By-Me.” Analysis 4(1): 1–11. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 121–130) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 126–136).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1937a. “Taking Sides in Philosophy.” Philosophy 12(47): 317–332. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 160–177).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1937b. “Induction and Hypothesis.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 16: 36–62. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 137–159).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1937c. “Back to the Ontological Argument.” Mind 45: 53–57. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 120–125).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1938a. “Welcoming Speech.” Erkenntnis 7: 303–306.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1938b. “Categories.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 38: 189–206. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 178–193).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1939a. “Plato’s ‘Parmenides’ .” Mind 48: 129–251, 302–325. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 1–46).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1940. “Conscience and Moral Convictions.” Analysis 7(2): 31–39. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 194–202).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1945. “Knowing How and Knowing That.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 46: 1–16. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 212–225) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 222–235).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1946a. Philosophical Arguments. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Inaugural Lecture as Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy, reprinted in Ayer (1959, 327–344), Ryle (1971b, 2: 194–211) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 203–221).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1946b. “Review of Farber (1943).” Philosophy 21(80): 263–269. reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 223–232).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1946c. “Why are the Calculuses of Logic and Arithmetic Applicable to Reality?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 20: 20–29. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 226–233) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 236–243).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1949a. The Concept of Mind. London: Hutchinson University Library. 60th anniversary edition: Ryle (2009a).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1949b. “Discussion of Carnap (1947).” Philosophy 24(88): 69–76. Reprinted in Ryle (1971a, 1: 225–235) and in Ryle (2009b, 1: 233–243).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1949c. “Descartes’ Myth.” in The Concept of Mind, pp. 11–24. London: Hutchinson University Library. Reprinted in Doney (1967, 338–352).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1950a. “ ‘If,’ ‘So’ and ‘Because’ .” in Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays, edited by Max Black, pp. 303–318. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b, 2: 234–249) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 244–260).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1950b. “Heterologicality.” Analysis 11. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 261–268).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1950c. “Logic and Professor Anderson.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 28(3): 143. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 244–257).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1951a. “The Verification Principle.” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 5(17–18): 243–250. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 300–306).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1951b. “Thinking and Language.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 25: 65–82. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 269–283).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1951c. “Feelings.” The Philosophical Quarterly 1: 193–205. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 284–299).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1953a. “Ordinary Language.” The Philosophical Review 62(2): 167–186. Reprinted in Caton (1963, 108–127), in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 314–331).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1953b. “Thinking.” Acta Psychologica 9. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 307–313).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1953c. “About.” Analysis 14.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954a. Dilemmas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954b. “Dilemmas.” in Dilemmas, pp. 1–14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954c. “ ‘It was to be’ .” in Dilemmas, pp. 15–35. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954d. “Achilles and the Tortoise.” in Dilemmas, pp. 36–53. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954e. “Pleasure.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 28: 135–146. Reprinted in Ryle (1954a, 54–67) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 339–348).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954f. “The World of Science and the Everyday World.” in Dilemmas, pp. 68–81. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954g. “Technical and Untechnical Concepts.” in Dilemmas, pp. 82–92. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954h. “Perception.” in Dilemmas, pp. 93–110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954i. “Formal and Informal Logic.” in Dilemmas, pp. 111–129. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Tarner Lectures 1953, doi:10.1017/cbo9781316286586.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1954j. “Proofs in Philosophy.” Revue Internationale de Philosophie 8(27–28): 150–157. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 332–338).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1956a. “Sensation.” in Contemporary British Philosophy, 3rd series, edited by Hywel David Lewis. London: George Allen & Unwin. Reprinted in Swartz (1965, 187–203), in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 349–362).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1956b. “Introduction.” in The Revolution in Philosophy, pp. 1–11. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1956c. “Sensation.” in Contemporary British Philosophy, 3rd series, edited by Hywel David Lewis, pp. 425–444. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1957a. “The Theory of Meaning.” in British Philosophy in Mid-Century. A Cambridge Symposium, edited by Cecil Alec Mace. London: George Allen & Unwin. Reprinted in Caton (1963, 128–153), in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 363–385).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1957b. “Predicting and Inferring.” in Proceedings of the Colston Research Society, volume 9. vol. 9. Bristol: University of Bristol. reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 386–393).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1957c. “Review of Wittgenstein (1956).” Scientific American 117. reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 267–277).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1958. “On Forgetting the Difference Between Right and Wrong.” in Essays in Moral Philosophy, edited by Abraham Irving Melden, pp. 147–159. Washington, D.C.: University of Washington Press. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 394–403).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1959. “A Puzzling Element in the Notion of Thinking.” Proceedings of the British Academy 44. Reprinted in Strawson (1968, 7–23), Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 404–419).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1960. “Letters and Syllables in Plato.” The Philosophical Review 69. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 57–75).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1961. “Use, Usage and Meaning.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 35: 223–230. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 420–427).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1962a. “Thinking Thoughts and Having Concepts.” Logique et Analyse 5(20): 157–168. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 459–463).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1962b. “Abstractions.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 1(1): 5–16. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 448–458).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1962c. “La phénoménologie contre The Concept of Mind.” in La philosophie analytique, edited by Jean Wahl, pp. 65–104. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Compte rendu colloque e 1958 à Royaumont; réimprimé 1990, ISBN 2707302791.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1965a. “The Academy and Dialectic.” in New Essays on Plato and Aristotle, edited by Renford Bambrough, pp. 39–68. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 94–121).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1966b. “Jane Austen and the Moralists.” The Oxford Review 1. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 286–302).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1967a. “Teaching and Training.” in The Concept of Education, edited by Richard Stanley Peters. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 464–478).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1967b. “John Locke.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 1(2): 5–15. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 154–164) and in Strawson (1974).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1968a. “Thinking and Reflecting.” in The Human Agent, edited by Godfrey N. A. Vesey, pp. 210–226. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 1. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 479–493).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1968b. “The Thinking of Thoughts. What is ‘Le Penseur’ Doing?” University Lectures 18. Reprinted in Ryle (1971b) and in Ryle (2009c, 2: 494–510).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1968c. “Dialectic in the Academy.” in Aristotle on Dialectic, The Topics: Proceedings of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford 1963, edited by Gwilym Elis Lane Owen, pp. 69–79. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 122–131).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1970a. “Martin Heidegger, ‘Sein und Zeit’ .” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 1: 3–13.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1970b. “Bertrand Russell 1872–1970.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 71: 77–84.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1970d. “G.E. Moore’s ‘The Nature of Judgment’ .” in G.E. Moore: Essays in Retrospect, edited by Alice Ambrose and Morris Lazerowitz, pp. 89–101. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1970e. “Autobiographical.” in Ryle: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Oscar P. Wood and George W. Pitcher, pp. 1–16. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1971c. “John Locke on the Human Understanding.” in Collected Papers, volume 1. vol. 1. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. John Locke Tercentary Address, Christ Church, Oxford 1932; reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 132–153).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1971d. “Hume.” in Collected Papers, volume 1. vol. 1. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. Reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 165–173).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1971e. “Phenomenology versus The Concept of Mind.” in Collected Papers, volume 1. vol. 1. Bristol: Thoemmes Press. English translation of Ryle (1962c); reprinted in Ryle (2009b, 1: 186–205).
Ryle, Gilbert. 1972. “Intentionality-Theory and the Nature of Thinking.” in Jenseits von Sein und Nichtsein, edited by Rudolf Haller, pp. 7–14. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1976. La notion d’esprit. Paris: Payot. Traduction de Ryle (1949a) par S. Stern Gillet.
Ryle, Gilbert, ed. 1977. Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy. Stocksfield: Oriel Press.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1979. On Thinking. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993b. “Reason.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993c. “Our Thinking and Our Thoughts.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993d. “Is Induction a Sort of Inference?” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993e. “A Note on Induction.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993f. “Deductive and Inductive Thinking.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993g. “The Meno.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1993h. “Logical and Ontological Talk in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” in Aspects of Mind. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Edited by Rene Meyer.
Ryle, Gilbert. 1997. “Hume.” in David Hume: Eine Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand, edited by Jens Kulenkampff, pp. 7–18. Klassiker Auslegen n. 8. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Ryle, Gilbert. 2000. “Courses of Action or the Uncatchableness of Mental Acts.” Philosophy 75: 331–344.
Ryle, Gilbert. 2009b. Collected Papers, Volume 1: Critical Essays. vol. 1. London: Routledge. First edition: Ryle (1971a).
Ryle, Gilbert. 2009c. Collected Papers, Volume 2: Collected Essays 1929–1968. vol. 2. London: Routledge. First edition: Ryle (1971b).
Further References
Ayer, Alfred Jules, ed. 1959. Logical Positivism. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press.
Carnap, Rudolf. 1947. Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic. 1st ed. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Second edition: Carnap (1956).
Carnap, Rudolf. 1956. Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic. 2nd ed. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Enlarged edition of Carnap (1947).
Caton, Charles E., ed. 1963. Philosophy and Ordinary Language. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
Doney, Willis, ed. 1967. Descartes: A Collection of Critical Essays. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co.
Fann, Kuang T., ed. 1969. Symposium on J.L. Austin. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Farber, Marvin, ed. 1943. The Foundation of Phenomenology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Flew, Antony Garrard Newton, ed. 1951. Essays on Logic and Language. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
Robinson, Richard. 1931. “Mr. Ryle on Propositions.” Mind 40(157): 73–78.
Strawson, Peter Frederick, ed. 1968. Studies in the Philosophy of Thought and Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Strawson, Peter Frederick. 1974. Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar. London: Methuen & Co. Second edition: Strawson (2004).
Strawson, Peter Frederick. 2004. Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar. 2nd ed. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Swartz, Robert J. 1965. “Introduction.” in Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing, edited by Robert J. Swartz, pp. xi–xxii. Garden City, New York: Anchor Books.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1956. Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics / Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers. Edited by G.H. von Wright, G.E.M. Anscombe and R. Rhees, translation from the German by G.E.M. Anscombe.