Murat Baç (bac)
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Baç, Murat. 1999. “Is Causation ‘In Here’ or ‘Out There’? Hume’s Two Definitions of ‘Cause’ .” History of Philosophy Quarterly 16(1): 19–35.
Baç, Murat. 2000. “Structure versus Process: Mach, Hertz, and the Normative Aspect of Science.” Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31(1): 39–56.
Baç, Murat. 2003. “The Ontological Status of Truthmakers: An Alternative to Tractarianism and Metaphysical Anti-Realism.” Metaphysica 4(2): 5–27.
Baç, Murat. 2004. “Can Realists Know That They Know?” Acta Analytica 19(32): 65–90.