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Brendan Balcerak Jackson (balcerakjackson-b)

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    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2006. Logical Form: Classical Conception and Recent Challenges.” Philosophy Compass 1(3): 303–316. Published under the name “Brendan Jackson” .
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2007a. Truth vs. Pretense in Discourse about Motion (or, Why the Sun Really Does Rise).” Noûs 41(2): 298–317. Published under the name “Brendan Jackson” .
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2007b. Beyond Logical Form.” Philosophical Studies 132(2): 347–380.
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2009. Understanding and Semantic Strucure: Reply to Timothy Williamson.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109(3): 337–343. Published under the name “Brendan Jackson” .
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2013. Defusing Easy Arguments for Numbers.” Linguistics and Philosophy 36(6): 447–461.
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2014a. Verbal Disputes and Substantiveness.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 1): 31–54.
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2014b. What does Displacement Explain, and What Do Congruence Effects Show? A Response to Hofweber (2014).” Linguistics and Philosophy 37(3): 269–274.
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2021. Verbal Disputes and Metaphysics.” in The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics, edited by Ricki Leigh Bliss and J. T. M. Miller, pp. 118–129. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315112596.
    Balcerak Jackson, Brendan, DiDomenico, David and Lota, Kenji. 2022. In Defense of Clutter.” Ergo 9(1): 1–18, doi:10.3998/ergo.2257.
    Balcerak Jackson, Magdalena and Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2012. Understanding and Philosophical Methodology.” Philosophical Studies 161(2): 185–205.
    Balcerak Jackson, Magdalena and Balcerak Jackson, Brendan. 2013. Reasoning as a Source of Justification.” Philosophical Studies 164(1): 113–126.
    Balcerak Jackson, Magdalena and Balcerak Jackson, Brendan, eds. 2019. Reasoning. New Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198791478.001.0001.

Further References

    Hofweber, Thomas. 2014. Extraction, Displacement, and Focus. A Reply to Balcerak Jackson, B. (2013).” Linguistics and Philosophy 37(3): 263–267.