Nathan Ballantyne (ballantyne)
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Ballantyne, Nathan. 2012. “Acquaintance and Assurance.” Philosophical Studies 161(3): 421–431.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2013. “The Problem of Historical Variability.” in Disagreement and Skepticism, edited by Diego E. Machuca, pp. 239–259. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy n. 46. London: Routledge.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2014a. “Knockdown Arguments.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 3): 525–543.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2014b. “Does Luck Have a Place in Epistemology?” Synthese 191(7): 1391–1407.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2015. “The Significance of Unpossessed Evidence.” The Philosophical Quarterly 65(260): 315–335.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2016. “Verbal Disagreements and Philosophical Scepticism.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94(4): 752–765.
Ballantyne, Nathan. 2019. Knowing Our Limits. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190847289.001.0001.
Ballantyne, Nathan and Coffman, E. J. 2011. “Uniqueness, Evidence, and Rationality.” Philosophers' imprint 11(18).
Ballantyne, Nathan and Coffman, E. J. 2012. “Conciliationism and Uniqueness.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90(4): 657–670.
Ballantyne, Nathan and Ditto, Peter H. 2021. “Hanlon’s Razor.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 45: Doubt, edited by Peter A. French, Howard K. Wettstein, and Yuval Avnur, pp. 309–331. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.5840/msp2021933.
Ballantyne, Nathan and Evans, Ian. 2013. “Schaffer’s Demon.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 94: 552–559.
Ballantyne, Nathan and Kampa, Samuel. 2019. “Luck and Significance.” in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck, edited by Ian M. Church and Robert J. Hartman, pp. 160–170. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Ballantyne, Nathan and Thurow, Joshua C. 2013. “Moral Intuitionism Defeated?” American Philosophical Quarterly 50(4): 411–422.