Renate Bartsch (bartsch-r)
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Bartsch, Renate. 1972a. “Relative Adjectives and Comparison in a Montague Grammar.” Unpublished manuscript, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Bartsch, Renate. 1972b. “The Proper Treatment of Number and Numbers in a Montague Grammar.” in Papers in Montague Grammar, edited by Robert Rodman, pp. 66–79. Los Angeles, California: Linguistics Department, University of California.
Bartsch, Renate. 1975. “Subcategorization of Adnominal and Adverbial Modifiers.” in Formal Semantics of Natural Language, edited by Edward L. Keenan, pp. 175–187. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bartsch, Renate. 1976a. The Grammar of Adverbials. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Bartsch, Renate. 1976b. “The Role of Categorial Syntax in Grammatical Theory.” in Language in Focus: Foundations, Methods and Systems. Essays dedicated to Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, edited by Asa Kasher, pp. 503–539. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 43. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-1876-0.
Bartsch, Renate. 1984. “The Structure of Word Meanings: Polysemy, Metaphor, Metonymy.” in Varieties of Formal Semantics, edited by Fred Landman and Frank Veltman, pp. 25–54. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
Bartsch, Renate. 1987a. Norms of Language: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
Bartsch, Renate. 1987b. “Frame Representations and Discourse Representations.” Theoretical Linguistics 14(1): 65–117.
Bartsch, Renate. 1987c. “The Construction of Properties Under Perspectives.” 87–08. Amsterdam: Institute for Language, Logic; Information, University of Amsterdam.
Bartsch, Renate. 1988a. “Tenses and Aspects in Discourse.” Theoretical Linguistics 15(1-2): 133–194.
Bartsch, Renate. 1988b. “Tenses, Aspects, and Their Scopes in Discourse.” lp–88–07. Amsterdam: Institute for Language, Logic; Information, University of Amsterdam.
Bartsch, Renate. 1990. “Concept Formation and Concept Composition.” lp–90–03. Amsterdam: Institute for Language, Logic; Information, University of Amsterdam.
Bartsch, Renate. 1998. Dynamic Conceptual Semantics: A Logico-Philosophical Investigation into Concept Formation and Understanding. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Bartsch, Renate. 2010. “Vivid Abstractions: On the Role of Emotion Metaphors in Film Viewers’ Search for Deeper Insight and Meaning.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 34: Film and the Emotions, edited by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 240–260. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bartsch, Renate, van Benthem, Johan and van emde Boas, Peter, eds. 1989. Semantics and Contextual Expression. Groningen-Amsterdam Studies in Semantics n. 11. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.