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James R. Beebe (beebe-jr)

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    Alfano, Mark, Beebe, James R. and Robinson, Brian. 2012. The Centrality of Belief and Reflection in Knobe-Effect Cases: A Unified Account of the Data.” The Monist 95(2): 264–289.
    Beebe, James R. 2003. Attributive Uses of Prosentences.” Ratio 16: 1–15.
    Beebe, James R. 2004. The Generality Problem, Statistical Relevance and the Tri-Level Hypothesis.” Noûs 38(1): 177–195.
    Beebe, James R. 2008a. BonJour’s Arguments against Skepticism about the ‘a priori’ .” Philosophical Studies 137(2): 243–267.
    Beebe, James R. 2008b. Can Rationalist Abductivism Solve the Problem of Induction? Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89: 151–168.
    Beebe, James R. 2009. The Abductivist Reply to Skepticism.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79(3): 605–636.
    Beebe, James R. 2010a. Constraints on Sceptical Hypotheses.” The Philosophical Quarterly 60(240): 449–470.
    Beebe, James R. 2010b. Moral Relativism in Context.” Noûs 44(4): 691–724.
    Beebe, James R. 2012. Social Functions of Knowledge Attributions.” in Knowledge Ascriptions, edited by Jessica A. Brown and Mikkel Gerken, pp. 220–242. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199693702.001.0001.
    Beebe, James R. 2013. Weakness of Will, Reasonability, and Compulsion.” Synthese 190(18): 4077–4093.
    Beebe, James R. 2014. Experimental Epistemology.” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Epistemology, edited by Andrew Cullison, pp. 283–306. Bloomsbury Companions. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Beebe, James R. 2016. Do Bad People Know More? Interactions between Attributions of Knowledge and Blame.” Synthese 193(8): 2633–2657.
    Beebe, James R. 2017. Does Skepticism Presuppose Explanationism? in Best Explanations. New Essays on Inference to the Best Explanation, edited by Kevin McCain and Ted Poston, pp. 173–187. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198746904.001.0001.
    Beebe, James R. and Monaghan, Jake. 2018. Epistemic Closure in Folk Epistemology.” in Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, volume II, edited by Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe, and Shaun Nichols, pp. 38–70. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198815259.001.0001.
    Beebe, James R. and Shea, Joseph. 2013. Gettierized Knobe Effects.” Episteme 10(3): 219–240.
    Beebe, James R. and Undercoffer, Ryan J. 2015. Moral Valence and Semantic Intuitions.” Erkenntnis 80(2): 445–466.