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Mathieu Beirlaen (beirlaen)

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    Beirlaen, Mathieu. 2012. A Unifying Framework for Reasoning about Normative Conflicts.” in The Logica Yearbook 2011, edited by Michal Peliš and Vı́t Punčochář, pp. 1–14. London: College Publications.
    Beirlaen, Mathieu. 2015. A Regress Objection to Thagard’s Theory of Deductive Coherence.” Erkenntnis 80(5): 975–986.
    Beirlaen, Mathieu and Aliseda, Atocha. 2014. A Conditional Logic for Abduction.” Synthese 191(15): 3733–3758.
    Beirlaen, Mathieu, Leuridan, Bert and van de Pitte, Frederick P. 2018. A Logic for the Discovery of Deterministic Causal Regularities.” Synthese 195(1): 367–399.
    Beirlaen, Mathieu and Strasser, Christian. 2013. Two Adaptive Logics of Norm-Propositions.” The Journal of Applied Logic 11: 147–168.
    Strasser, Christian, Beirlaen, Mathieu and Meheus, Joke. 2012. Tolerating Deontic Conflicts by Adaptively Restricting Inheritance.” Logique et Analyse 55(219): 477–506.