Miloud Belkoniene (belkoniene-m)
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Why Philosophy?, Thumos Seminar 2024, ExRe Colloquium 2023-24, Analytic Philosophy of Mind: Société de Philosophie Analytique (SoPhA) Early-Career Researchers Conference, The Zurich Epistemology Group on Rationality, exre, Philosophie im AlltagBeiträge zu
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2016. “Sich mit Ungewissheit beschäftigen.”, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2017. “What are Explanatory Virtues Indicative Of?” Logos & Episteme 8(2): 179–193.
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2018. “An Inquiry into the Conditions of Rationality: What Should we Believe in Light of What We Should Expect?” PhD dissertation, Fribourg: Département de Philosophie, Université de Fribourg.
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2019. “Normalcy, Understanding and the Problem of Statistical Evidence.” Theoria 85(3): 202–218.
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2020. “What should we Believe About the Future?” Synthese 197(6): 2375–2386.
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2021. “Why Explanatory Considerations Matter.” Erkenntnis 86: 473–491.
Belkoniene, Miloud. 2023. “Grasping in Understanding.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74(3): 603–617.
Belkoniene, Miloud and Dziurosz-Serafinowicz, Patryk. 2020. “Acting Upon Uncertain Beliefs.” Acta Analytica 35: 253–271.