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Anthony Robert Booth (booth-ar)

Adresse email : A.R.Booth(at)

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    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2007. Doxastic Voluntarism and Self-Deception.” Disputatio 2(22): 115–130.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2008. Deontology in Ethics and Epistemology.” Metaphilosophy 39(4–5): 530–545.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2009. Motivating Epistemic Reasons for Action.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 78: 265–271.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2011. The Theory of Epistemic Justification and the Theory of Knowledge: A Divorce.” Erkenntnis 75(1): 37–43.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2012. All Things Considered Duties to Believe.” Synthese 187(2): 509–517.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2014a. The Gettier Illusion, the Tripartite Analysis, and the Divorce Thesis.” Erkenntnis 79(3): 625–638.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2014b. On some Recent Moves in Defence of Doxastic Compatibilism.” Synthese 191(8): 1867–1880.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2014c. Epistemic Ought is a Commensurable Ought.” European Journal of Philosophy 22(4): 529–539.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2014d. Introduction.” in Intuitions, edited by Anthony Robert Booth and Darrell P. Rowbottom, pp. 1–8. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199609192.001.0001.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2016. Islamic Philosophy and the Ethics of Belief. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2017a. Analytic Islamic Philosophy. Palgrave Philosophy Today. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2017b. Belief is Contingently Involuntary.” Ratio 30(1): 107–121.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2018. The Real Symbolic Limit of Markets.” Analysis 78(2): 198–207.
    Booth, Anthony Robert. 2021. Epistemology and Politics in Islamic Philosophy.” in The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology, edited by Michael Hannon and Jeroen de Ridder, pp. 35–44. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    Booth, Anthony Robert and Rowbottom, Darrell P., eds. 2014. Intuitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199609192.001.0001.
    Peels, Rik and Booth, Anthony Robert. 2014. Why Responsible Belief Is Permissible Belief.” Analytic Philosophy 55(1): 75–88.