Erik-Jan Bos (bos-ej)
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Bos, Erik-Jan. 1999a. “Descartes’s Lettre apologétique aux magistrats d’Utrecht. New Facts and Materials.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 37(3): 415–433.
Bos, Erik-Jan. 1999b. “La première publication de la Recherche de le vérité en 1684: Onderzoek der waarheit door’t naturelijk licht.” in Atti della giornata di studio “René Descartes, Recherche de la vérité” , edited by Claudio Buccolini and Michaël Devaux, pp. 13–26. Paris: Nouvelles de la République des Lettres.
Bos, Erik-Jan. 2002. The Correspondence Between Descartes and Henricus Regius. Quaestiones Infinitae. Publications of the Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University n. 37. Utrecht: Zeno, The Leiden-Utrecht Research Institute of Philosophy.
Bos, Erik-Jan. 2010. “Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia and Descartes’ Letters (1650–1655).” Historia Mathematica 37(3): 485–502.
Bos, Erik-Jan and Vermeulen, Corinna. 2002. “An Unknown Autograph Letter of Descartes to Joachim de Wicquefort.” Studia Leibnitiana 34(1): 100–109.
Ven, Jeroen van de and Bos, Erik-Jan. 2004. “Se Nihil Daturum – Descartes’s Unpublished Judgement of Comenius’s Pansophiae Podromus (1639).” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12(3): 369–386.