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Bernard Bosanquet (bosanquet)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1883. Our Right to Regard Evil as a Mystery.” Mind 8(31): 419–421.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1885a. Knowledge and Reality. A Criticism of Mr. F.H. Bradley’s “Principles of Logic” . London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1885b. Vertigo of Direction.” Mind 10(38): 317–320.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1885c. Mr. F.H. Bradley on Fact and Inference.” Mind 10(38): 256–265.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1886a. Comparison – in Psychology and in Logic.” Mind 11(43): 405–408.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1886b. ‘Falsehood’ and ‘Ignorance’ in Plato.” Mind 11(42): 300–304.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1888. The Philosophical Importance of a True Theory of Identity.” Mind 13(51): 346–369.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1894. On the Nature of Aesthetic Emotion.” Mind 3(10): 153–166.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1896. Time and the Absolute.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 3(2): 3–10.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1897. In What Sense, If Any, Do Past and Future Time Exist? Mind 6(22): 228–231.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1901. The Education of the Young in The Republic of Plato. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1906. Contradiction and Reality.” Mind 15(57): 1–12.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1907. The Meaning of Teleology.” Proceedings of the British Academy 2.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1910a. Cause and Ground.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7(16): 438–442.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1910b. On a Defect in the Customary Logical Formulation of Inductive Reasoning.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 11: 29–40.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1911. Cause and Ground. A Rejoinder [to Shelton (1911)].” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8(2): 41–42.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1913a. The Distinction between Mind and Its Objects. Manchester: Manchester University Press. The Adamson Lecture for 1913, with an appendix.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1913b. On some Points in the Metaphysic and Logic of The New Realism.” in The Distinction between Mind and Its Objects, pp. 51–73. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Reprinted in De Waal (2001, 3: 61–72).
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1914a. Idealism and the Reality of Time.” Mind 23(89): 91–95.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1914b. The Analysis of Categorical Propositions.” Mind 23(89): 102–103.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1916. Causality and Implication [(I)].” Mind 25(97): 94–100.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1917. Causality and Implication [(II)].” Mind 26(102): 197–204.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1918. Do Finite Individuals Possess a Substantive or an Adjectival Mode of Being? Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 18: 479–506. Also published in the Supplementary Volume I.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1919a. Some Suggestions in Ethics. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1919b. The State and the Individual.” Mind 28(109): 75–78.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1919c. ‘The Basis of Bosanquet’s Logic’ [on Russell (1918)].” Mind 28(110): 203–212.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1920a. Croce’s Aesthetic.” Proceedings of the British Academy 9.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1920b. Appendix on Croce’s Conception of the ‘Death of Art’ in Hegel.” Proceedings of the British Academy 9: 280–288.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1920c. Implication and Linear Inference. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1921. The Basic of Bosanquet’s Logic.” Mind 30(118): 191–194.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1922a. ‘Implication and Linear Inference’ .” The Journal of Philosophy 19(11): 292–294.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1922b. A Word About ‘Coherence’ .” Mind 31(123): 335–336.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1922c. ‘This or Nothing’ .” Mind 31(122): 178–184.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1924. Life and Philosophy.” in Contemporary British Philosophy. Personal Statements, volume 20, edited by J. H. Muirhead, pp. 49–74. London: George Allen & Unwin.
    Bosanquet, Bernard. 1927. Science and Philosophy. And Other Essays. London: George Allen & Unwin.
    Bosanquet, Bernard and Broad, Charlie Dunbar. 1922. Prof. Broad on the External World.” Mind 31(121): 122–123.
    Tönnies, Ferdinand and Bosanquet, Bernard. 1900. Philosophical Terminology [(III)].” Mind 9(33): 46–61.

Further References

    De Waal, Cornelis, ed. 2001. American New Realism 1910–1920. vol. 3. Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
    Russell, Leonard J. 1918. The Basis of Bosanquet’s Logic [(I)].” Mind 27(108): 432–463.
    Shelton, H. S. 1911. Cause and Ground. A Reply [to Bosanquet (1910a)].” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8(2): 38–41.