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Oets K. Bouwsma (bouwsma)

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    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1942. Moore’s Theory of Sense-Data.” in The Philosophy of G.E. Moore, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 201–222. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 4. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 1–20).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1943. Russell’s Argument on Universals.” The Philosophical Review 52: 193–199.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1945. Descartes’ Scepticism of the Senses.” Mind 54(216): 313–322. Reprinted in Moyal (1991, 57–65).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1946. Variations on a Theme by Mr. Costello [cf. Costello (1946)].” The Journal of Philosophy 43(6): 157–161.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1948. Naturalism.” The Journal of Philosophy 45(1): 12–22. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 71–83).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1949. Descartes’s Evil Genius.” The Philosophical Review 58(1): 141–151. Reprinted in Moyal (1991, 137–145).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1950. The Expression Theory of Art.” in Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays, edited by Max Black, pp. 71–96. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 21–50).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1954. The Mystery of Time (Or, the Man Who Did Not Know What Time Is).” The Journal of Philosophy 51(12): 341–363. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 99–127).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1955. Reflections on Moore’s Recent Book.” The Philosophical Review 64(2): 248–263. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 129–148) and in Ambrose and Lazerowitz (1970, 122–138).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1961. The Blue Book.” The Journal of Philosophy 58(6): 141–162. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1965, 175–201).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1965. Philosophical Essays. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1970a. I Think I Am.” in The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry, edited by Joseph Bobik, pp. 237–251. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1970b. Anselm’s Argument.” in The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry, edited by Joseph Bobik. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1984a, 40–72).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1972. A Difference between Ryle and Wittgenstein.” Rice University Studies 58(3): 77–87. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1982a, 17–32).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1975. Adventure in Verification.” in God and the Good: Essays in Honor of Henry Stob, edited by Clifton J. Orlebeke and Lewis Smedes. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Reprinted in Bouwsma (1984a, 98–112).
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982a. Toward a New Sensibility. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982b. Conceptual vs. Factual Investigations.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 5–16. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982c. What is Meaning? in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 33–60. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982d. Failure I: Are Dreams Illusions? in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 61–88. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982e. Failure II: Meaning …Is …Use.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 89–118. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982f. Makes It True.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 119–136. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982g. Remarks on the Cogito.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 137–169. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982h. Notes on Berkeley’s Idealism.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 171–212. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982i. The Race of Achilles & the Tortoise.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 213–240. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982j. Are Poems Statements? in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 241–268. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982k. Poetry Becomes Truth.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 269–277. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1982l. A New Sensibility.” in Toward a New Sensibility, pp. 1–4. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984a. Without Proof or Evidence. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984b. Faith, Evidence, and Proof.” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 1–25. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984c. The Invisible.” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 26–39. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984d. Notes on Kierkegaard’s ‘The Monstrous Illusion’ .” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 73–86. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984e. Miss Anscombe on Faith.” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 87–97. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984f. An Introduction to Nietzsche’s Letters.” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 113–131. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1984g. Appendix.” in Without Proof or Evidence, pp. 146–161. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Edited and introduced by J.L. Craft and Ronald E. Hustwit.
    Bouwsma, Oets K. 1986. Wittgenstein. Conversations, 1949-1951. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Co. Edited by J.L. Craft and R.E. Hustwit.

Further References

    Ambrose, Alice and Lazerowitz, Morris, eds. 1970. G.E. Moore: Essays in Retrospect. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
    Costello, Harry T. 1946. Logic and Reality.” The Journal of Philosophy 43(7): 169–190.
    Moyal, Georges J. D., ed. 1991. René Descartes. Critical Assessments. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, II. London: Routledge.