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Ronald J. Brachman (brachman)

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    Brachman, Ronald J. 1979. On the Epistemological Status of Semantic Networks.” in Associative Networks: Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers, edited by N. V. Findler, pp. 3–50. New York: Academic Press. Reprinted in Brachman and Levesque (1995, 191–216).
    Brachman, Ronald J., ed. 1984. AAAI-84. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 1985. I Lied about the Trees or, Defaults and Definitions in Knowledge Representation.” The AI Magazine 6: 80–93.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 1987. The Myth of the One True Logic.” Computational Intelligence 3(3): 168–172.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 1990. The Future of Knowledge Representation.” in AAAI-90. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas G. Dietterich and William R. Swartout, pp. 1082–1092. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 1999. ‘Reducing’ classic to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality.” Artificial Intelligence 114(1–2): 203–237.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 2005. Getting Back to ‘The Very Idea’ .” The AI Magazine 26(4): 48–50.
    Brachman, Ronald J. 2006. (AA)AI: More than the Sum of Its Parts.” The AI Magazine 27(4): 19–34.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Borgida, Alex, McGuinness, Deborah L. and Resnik, Lori A. 1989. The CLASSIC Knowledge Representation System, or, KL-ONE: The Next Generation.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Fikes, Richard E. and Levesque, Hector J. 1983a. krypton: A Functional Approach to KR.” IEEE Computer 16: 67–73.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Fikes, Richard E. and Levesque, Hector J. 1983b. krypton: Integrating Terminology and Assertion.” in AAAI-83. Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Michael R. Genesereth, pp. 31–35. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Brachman, Ronald J. and Levesque, Hector J. 1991. Look What They’ve Done to My Dogma! On Limitations in Knowledge Representation.” Artificial Intelligence 50(1).
    Brachman, Ronald J. and Levesque, Hector J., eds. 1995. Readings in Knowledge Representation. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brachman, Ronald J. and Levesque, Hector J. 2004. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Levesque, Hector J. and Reiter, Raymond, eds. 1989. KR’89: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Levesque, Hector J. and Reiter, Raymond. 1991. Introduction to the Special Volume on Knowledge Representation.” Artificial Intelligence 49(3): 1–3.
    Brachman, Ronald J., Levesque, Hector J. and Reiter, Raymond, eds. 1992. Knowledge Representation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Brachman, Ronald J., McGuinness, Deborah L., Patel-Schneider, Peter F. and Resnik, Lori A. 1991. Living with classic: When and How to Use a kl-one-Like Language.” in Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations in the Representation of Knowledge, edited by John F. Sowa, pp. 401–456. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Brachman, Ronald J. and Schmolze, James G. 1991. An Overview of the Kl-One Knowledge Representation System.” Cognitive Science 15: 171–216.
    Etherington, David W., Borgida, Alex, Brachman, Ronald J. and Kautz, Henry A. 1989. Vivid Knowledge Bases and Tractable Reasoning: Preliminary Report.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan, pp. 1146–1158. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Israel, David J. and Brachman, Ronald J. 1984. Some Remarks on the Semantics of Representation Languages.” in On Conceptual Modelling: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases and Programming Languages, edited by Michael L. Brodie, John Mylopoulos, and Joachim W. Schmidt, pp. 119–145. Berlin: Springer.
    Levesque, Hector J. and Brachman, Ronald J. 1984. A Fundamental Tradeoff in KR and Reasoning.” in CSCSI: Proceedings of the CSCSI/SCEIO Conference 1984, pp. 141–152. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. reprinted in Brachman and Levesque (1995).
    Resnik, Lori A., Borgida, Alex, Brachman, Ronald J., McGuinness, Deborah L. and Patel-Schneider, Peter F. 1995. CLASSIC Description and Reference Manuel for the COMMON LISP Implementation: Version 2.3.” Florham Park, New Jersey: AT&T Bell Laboratories.
    Resnik, Lori A., Borgida, Alex, Brachman, Ronald J., McGuinness, Deborah L., Patel-Schneider, Peter F. and Zalondek, Kevin C. 1993. classic Description and Reference Manual for the Common Lisp Implementation Version 2.2. Florham Park, New Jersey: AT&T Bell Laboratories.