Ronen I. Brafman (brafman)
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Boutilier, Craig, Brafman, Ronen I. and Geib, Christopher. 1997. “Prioritized Goal Decomposition of Markov Decision Processes: Towards a Synthesis of Classical and Decision Theoretic Planning.” in IJCAI-97. Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Michael P. Georgeff and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 1156–1163. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Boutilier, Craig, Brafman, Ronen I., Geib, Christopher and Poole, David. 1997. “A Constraint-Based Approach to Preference Elicitation and Decision Making.” in AAAI-97. Working Papers of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Qualitative Preferences in Deliberation and Practical Reasoning, edited by Jon Doyle and Richmond H. Thomason, pp. 19–28. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Brafman, Ronen I. 1996. “ ‘Statistical’ First Order Conditionals.” in KR’96: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Jon Doyle, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 398–409. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Domshlak, Carmel. 2009. “Preference Handling – An Introductory Tutorial.” The AI Magazine 30(1): 58–86.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Friedman, Nir. 1995. “On Decision-Theoretic Foundations for Defaults.” in IJCAI-95. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Christopher S. Mellish and C. Raymond Perrault, pp. 1458–1465. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Republished as Brafman and Friedman (2001).
Brafman, Ronen I. and Friedman, Nir. 2001. “On Decision-Theoretic Foundations for Defaults.” Artificial Intelligence 133(1–2): 1–33.
Brafman, Ronen I., Halpern, Joseph Y. and Shoham, Yoav. 1998. “On the Knowledge Requirements of Tasks.” Artificial Intelligence 98(1–2): 317–349.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Latombe, Jean-Claude. 1994. “Knowledge as a Tool in Motion Planning Under Uncertainty.” in TARK 1994. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference, edited by Ronald Fagin, pp. 208–224. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Shoham, Yoav. 1995. “Knowledge Considerations in Robotics and Distribution of Robotic Tasks.” in IJCAI-95. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Christopher S. Mellish and C. Raymond Perrault, pp. 96–102. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Tennenholtz, Moshe. 1994. “Belief Ascription and Mental-Level Modeling.” in KR’94: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Jon Doyle, Erik Sandewall, and Pietro Torasso, pp. 87–98. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Tennenholtz, Moshe. 1995. “Towards Action Prediction Using a Mental-Level Model.” in IJCAI-95. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Christopher S. Mellish and C. Raymond Perrault, pp. 2010–2016. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Tennenholtz, Moshe. 1997a. “Modeling Agents as Qualitative Decision Makers.” Artificial Intelligence 94(1–2): 217–268.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Tennenholtz, Moshe. 1997b. “On the Axiomatization of Qualitative Decision Criteria.” in AAAI-97. Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Benjamin J. Kuipers and Bonnie Lynn Webber, pp. 29–34. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Brafman, Ronen I. and Tennenholtz, Moshe. 2000. “A Near-Optimal Polynomial Time Algorithm for Learning in Certain Classes of Stochastic Games.” Artificial Intelligence 121(1–2): 31–47.
Domshlak, Carmel and Brafman, Ronen I. 2002. “CP-Nets–Reasoning and Consistency Checking.” in KR’02: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Dieter Fensel, Fausto Giunchiglia, Deborah L. McGuinness, and Mary-Anne Williams, pp. 121–132. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.