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Jan Bransen (bransen)

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    Bransen, Jan. 1991. The Antinomy of Thought. Maimonian Skepticism and the Relation between Thoughts and Objects. Nijhoff International Philosophy Series n. 43. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
    Bransen, Jan. 1995. Contemporary Anthropocentrism, Salomon Maimon, and the Problem of Experience.” in Proceedings of the 8th International Kant-Congress Memphis 1995, volume II.1, edited by Hoke Robinson, pp. 145–154. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    Bransen, Jan. 1998. Making \(X\) Happen: Prolepsis and the Problem of Mental Determination.” in Human Action, Deliberation and Causation, edited by Jan Bransen and Stefaan E. Cuypers, pp. 131–154. Philosophical Studies Series n. 77. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Bransen, Jan. 2000. Alternative of Oneself: Recasting some of our Practical Problems.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60(2): 381–400.
    Bransen, Jan. 2001. On Exploring Normative Constraints in New Situations.” Inquiry 44(1): 43–62.
    Bransen, Jan. 2002. Normativity as the Key to Objectivity: An Exploration of Robert Brandom’s Articulating Reasons.” Inquiry 45(3): 373–391.
    Bransen, Jan. 2008. Personal Identity Management.” in Practical Identity and Narrative Agency, edited by Catriona Mackenzie and Kim Atkins, pp. 101–120. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy n. 14. London: Routledge.
    Bransen, Jan. 2014. Loving a Stranger.” in Love and Its Objects. What Can We Care For?, edited by Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan, and Kamila Pacovská, pp. 143–159. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Bransen, Jan and Cuypers, Stefaan E., eds. 1998a. Human Action, Deliberation and Causation. Philosophical Studies Series n. 77. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Bransen, Jan and Cuypers, Stefaan E. 1998b. Introduction.” in Human Action, Deliberation and Causation, edited by Jan Bransen and Stefaan E. Cuypers, pp. 1–14. Philosophical Studies Series n. 77. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Bransen, Jan and Meijers, Anthonie. 2001. Introduction.” in Explaining Beliefs: Lynne Rudder Baker and Her Critics, edited by Anthonie Meijers. Philosophers and Their Critics. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Bransen, Jan and Slors, Marc, eds. 1996. The Problematic Reality of Values. Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum & Comp.