Ted Briscoe (briscoe-t)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Boguraev, Branimir and Briscoe, Ted. 1989. Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
Briscoe, Ted. 1994. “Parsing (with) Punctuation.” Grenoble: Rank Xerox Research Centre.
Briscoe, Ted. 1997. “Co-Evolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device.” in ACL-97. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Paul R. Cohen and Wolfgang Wahlster, pp. 418–427. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Briscoe, Ted, ed. 2002. Linguistic Evolution through Language Acquisition: Formal and Computational Models. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Briscoe, Ted. 2006. “Language Learning, Power Laws, and Sexual Selection.” in, pp. 19–26.
Briscoe, Ted and Carroll, John M., Jr. 1995. “Developing and Evaluating a Probabilistic LR Parser of Part-of-Speech and Punctuation Labels.” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, pp. 48–58. Praha: ?
Briscoe, Ted and Copestake, Ann. 1999. “Lexical Rules in Constraint-Based Grammars.” Computational Linguistics 25(4): 487–526.
Briscoe, Ted, Copestake, Ann and Lascarides, Alex. 1995. “Blocking.” in Computational Lexical Semantics, edited by Patrick Saint-Dizier and Evelyne Viegas, pp. 273–302. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Briscoe, Ted, Paiva, Valeria de and Copestake, Ann, eds. 1993. Inheritance, Defaults, and the Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Carroll, John M., Jr. and Briscoe, Ted. 1996. “Apportioning Development Effort in a Probabilistic LR Parsing System through Evaluation.” in EMNLP’96. Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, edited by Eric Brill and Kenneth W. Church, pp. 92–100. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Copestake, Ann and Briscoe, Ted. 1987. “Lexical Operations in a Unification-Based Framework.” in Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, edited by James D. Pustejovsky and Sabine Bergler, pp. 101–120. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 627. Berlin: Springer.
Copestake, Ann and Briscoe, Ted. 1995. “Semi-Productive Polysemy and Sense Extension.” Journal of Semantics 12(1): 15–67. Reprinted in Pustejovsky and Boguraev (1997, 15–67).
Lascarides, Alex, Briscoe, Ted, Asher, Nicholas and Copestake, Ann. 1994. “Proofs for Persistent Default Unification.” Unpublished manuscript.
Lascarides, Alex, Briscoe, Ted, Asher, Nicholas and Copestake, Ann. 1996. “Order Independent and Persistent Typed Default Unification.” Linguistics and Philosophy 19(1): 1–89.
Lascarides, Alex, Copestake, Ann and Briscoe, Ted. 1996. “Ambiguity and Coherence.” Journal of Semantics 13(1): 41–65.
Further References
Pustejovsky, James D. and Boguraev, Branimir, eds. 1997. Lexical Semantics: The Problem of Polysemy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.