Jacques Brunschwig (brunschwig-j)
Contributions à Philosophie.ch
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Barnes, Jonathan, Brunschwig, Jacques, Burnyeat, Myles F. and Schofield, Malcolm, eds. 1982. Science and Speculation. Studies in Hellenistic Theory and Practice [Second Symposium Hellenisticum, Paris, 1980]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barnes, Jonathan, Brunschwig, Jacques and Frede, Michael. 1990. “Le propre de la prudence.” in Herméneutique et ontologie: hommage à Pierre Aubenque, edited by Rémi Brague and Jean-François Courtine. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1960. “La preuve ontologique interprétée par M. Gueroult.” Revue Philosophique 150: 251–265.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1962. “Réponse aux objections de M. Rochot [Rochot (1961)].” Revue Philosophique 152: 365–370.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1968. “Observations sur les manuscrits parisiens des Topiques.” in Aristotle on Dialectic, The Topics: Proceedings of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford 1963, edited by Gwilym Elis Lane Owen, pp. 3–21. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1971. “EE I 8, 1218a15-32 et le peri tagathou.” in Untersuchungen zur Eudemischen Ethik. Akten des 5. Symposium Aristotelicum, Oosterbeek, Niederlande, 21.-29. August 1969, edited by Paul Moraux and Dieter Harlfinger, pp. 197–222. Peripatoi. Philologisch-historische Studien zum Aristotelismus n. 1. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Brunschwig, Jacques, ed. 1978. Les stoı̈ciens et leur logique. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Second edition: Brunschwig (2006a).
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1979. “La forme, prédicat de la matière?” in Études sur la Métaphysique d’Aristote. Actes du VIe Symposium Aristotelicum, Cerisy-la-Salle, 1972, edited by Pierre Aubenque, pp. 131–166. Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1980. “Proof Defined.” in Doubt and Dogmatism: Studies in Hellenistic Epistemology [First Symposium Hellenisticum, Oxford, 1978], edited by Malcolm Schofield, Myles F. Burnyeat, and Jonathan Barnes, pp. 161–181. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1981. “L’objet et la structure des Seconds Analytiques d’après Aristote.” in Aristotle on Science: The Posterior Analytics. Proceedings of the 8th Symposion Aristotelicum Held in Padua from 7.9.-15.9. 1978, edited by Enrico Berti, pp. 61–95. Studia Aristotelica n. 7. Padova: Editrice Antenore.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1985. “Marginalia in V.G. Opus Postumum.” in Histoire et structure : à la mémoire de Victor Goldschmidt, edited by Jacques Brunschwig, Claude Imbert, and Alain Roger, pp. 17–26. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1986. “The Cradle Argument in Epicureanism and Stoicism.” in The Norms of Nature. Studies in Hellenistic Ethics [Third Symposium Hellenisticum, Bad Homburg, 1983], edited by Malcolm Schofield and Gisela Striker, pp. 113–144. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1987. “Un ennemi d’Aristote à Paris: Léon Brunschvicg.” in Aristoteles: Leben und Wirkung (Paul Moraux gewidmet), II. Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben, edited by Jürgen Wiesner, pp. 596–620. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1988. “La théorie stoı̈cienne du genre suprême et l’ontologie platonicienne.” in Matters and Metaphysics. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Hellenisticum, Pontignano, Italy 1986, edited by Jonathan Barnes and Mario Mignucci, pp. 19–128. Napoli: Bibliopolis.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1990a. “Sur une façon stoı̈cienne de ne pas être.” Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie 40(3): 389–403.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1990b. “Remarques sur la communication de Robert Bolton [on Bolton (1990)].” in Biologie, logique et métaphysique chez Aristote. Actes du séminaire C.N.R.S.-N.S.F. Oléron 28 juin – 3 juillet 1987, edited by Daniel Devereux and Pierre Pellegrin, pp. 237–262. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1991a. “On a Book-Title by Chrysippus: ‘On the Fact that the Ancients Admitted Dialectic along with Demonstrations’ .” in Aristotle and the Later Tradition, edited by Henry J. Blumenthal and Howard Robinson, pp. 81–95. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, supplementary volume. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1991b. “Accidents II: Accident Theory in Greek Philosophy.” in Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology, edited by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language n. 2. München: Philosophia Verlag.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1991c. “Qu’est-ce que la Physique d’Aristote?” in La physique d’Aristote et les conditions d’une science de la nature, edited by François de Gandt and Pierre Souffrin, pp. 11–40. Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie. Paris: Librairie Philosophique Jean Vrin.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1993. “The Anaxarchus Case: An Essay on Survival.” Proceedings of the British Academy 82: 59–88.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1994. “Rhétorique et Dialectique, Rhétorique et Topiques.” in Aristotle’s Rhetoric. Philosophical Essays [Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium Aristotelicum, Princeton, 1990], edited by David J. Furley and Alexander Nehamas, pp. 57–97. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1996a. “Rule and Exception: On the Aristotelian Theory of Equity.” in Rationality in Greek Thought, edited by Michael Frede and Gisela Striker, pp. 115–156. Oxford: ?
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1996b. “Le fragment DK 70 B 1 de Métrodore de Chio.” in Polyhistor. Studies in the History and Historiography of Ancient Philosophy, Presented to Jaap Mansfeld on his Sixtieth Birthday, edited by Keimpe A. Algra, Pieter W. van der Horst, and David T. Runia, pp. 21–39. Philosophia Antiqua n. 72. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1996c. “Aristotle’s Rhetoric as a ‘Counterpart’ to Dialectic.” in Essays on Aristotle’s Rhetoric, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 34–55. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 1999. “Introduction: The Beginnings of Hellenistic Epistemology.” in The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, edited by Keimpe A. Algra, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld, and Malcolm Schofield, pp. 229–259. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2000. “Metaphysics \(\Lambda\) 9: A Short-Lived Thought Experiment?” in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford, 1996, edited by Michael Frede and David Charles, pp. 275–306. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2002. “Democritus and Xeniades.” in Presocratic Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Alexander Mourelatos, edited by Victor Caston and Daniel W. Graham, pp. 159–168. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2003. “Stoic Metaphysics.” in The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics, edited by Brad Inwood, pp. 206–232. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2004a. “On Generation and Corruption I.1: A False Start?” in Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption, Book 1. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Deurne, 1999, edited by Frans A. J. De Haas and Jaap Mansfield, pp. 25–64. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2004b. “Revisiting Plato’s Cave.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 19: 145–177.
Brunschwig, Jacques, ed. 2006a. Les stoı̈ciens et leur logique. 2nd ed. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. First edition: Brunschwig (1978).
Brunschwig, Jacques. 2006b. “Pyrrhonism.” in A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, edited by Mary Louise Gill and Pierre Pellegrin, pp. 465–485. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781444305845.
Brunschwig, Jacques, Imbert, Claude and Roger, Alain, eds. 1985. Histoire et structure : à la mémoire de Victor Goldschmidt. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
Brunschwig, Jacques and Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard, eds. 1996. Le Savoir Grec : Dictionnaire Critique. Paris: Flammarion.
Brunschwig, Jacques and Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard, eds. 2000. Greek Thought. A Guide to Classical Knowledge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Translation of Brunschwig and Lloyd (1996) under the direction of Catherine Porter.
Brunschwig, Jacques and Nussbaum, Martha Craven, eds. 1993. Passions & Perceptions. Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium Hellenisticum, Champagnole, 1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brunschwig, Jacques and Sedley, David. 2003. “Hellenistic Philosophy.” in The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy, edited by David Sedley, pp. 151–183. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Further References
Bolton, Robert. 1990. “The Epistemological Basis of Aristotelian Dialectic.” in Biologie, logique et métaphysique chez Aristote. Actes du séminaire C.N.R.S.-N.S.F. Oléron 28 juin – 3 juillet 1987, edited by Daniel Devereux and Pierre Pellegrin, pp. 185–236. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Rochot, Bernard. 1961. “Infini mathématique et infini métaphysique chez Descartes, Compte-rendu de Vuillemin (1960).” Revue de Synthèse 82: 67–71.
Vuillemin, Jules. 1960. Mathématiques et métaphysique chez Descartes. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.