Michael E. Byrd (byrd-me)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Byrd, Michael E. 1973. “Knowledge and True Belief in Hintikka’s Epistemic Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 2(2): 181–192.
Byrd, Michael E. 1975. “On Incoherent Quantification in Languages without Constants.” Logique et Analyse 18(69–70): 155–169.
Byrd, Michael E. 1978. “The Extensions of BAlt\(_3\) – Revisited.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 7(4): 407–413.
Byrd, Michael E. 1979. “On Lukasiewiczian Logics with Several Designated Values.” Logique et Analyse 22(88): 489–504.