Bob Carpenter (carpenter-b)
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Carpenter, Bob. 1993a. “Skeptical and Credulous Default Unification with Applications to Templates and Inheritance.” in Inheritance, Defaults, and the Lexicon, edited by Ted Briscoe, Valeria de Paiva, and Ann Copestake, pp. 13–37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Carpenter, Bob. 1993b. “Two-Level Finite State Morpho-Phonology: A Rational Reconstruction of KIMMO.” Unpublished manuscript, Philosophy Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Carpenter, Bob and Pollard, Carl J. 1989. “Solving Feature Structure Constraints.” Unpublished manuscript, Carnegie Mellon University.
Carpenter, Bob and Thomason, Richmond H. 1990. “Inheritance Theory and Path-Based Reasoning: an Introduction.” in The Frame Problem and Relevant Predication, edited by Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Ronald P. Loui, and Gregory N. Carlson, pp. 309–343. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Chu-Carroll, Jennifer and Carpenter, Bob. 1998. “Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing.” in ACL-98. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Seventeenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, edited by Christian Boitet and Pete J. Whitelock, pp. 256–262. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Chu-Carroll, Jennifer and Carpenter, Bob. 1999. “Vector-Based Natural Language Call Routing.” Computational Linguistics 25(3): 361–388.
Further References
Bird, Steven. 1995. Computational Phonology: A Constraint-Based Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.