Dan Cavedon-Taylor (cavedontaylor)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2009. “Still Epiphenomenal Qualia: Response to Muller (2009).” Philosophia 37(1): 105–107.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2011. “Perceptual Content and Sensorimotor Expectations.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61(243): 383–391.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2013. “Photographically Based Knowledge.” Episteme 10(3): 283–297.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2014. “Belief, Experience and the Act of Picture-Making.” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 17(1): 35–48.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2015. “Kind Properties and the Metaphysics of Perception: Towards Impure Relationalism.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96: 487–509.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2018. “Na'́ıve Realism and the Cognitive Penetrability of Perception.” Analytic Philosophy 59(3): 391–412.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2021. “Arrangement and Timing: Photography, Causation and Anti-Empiricist Aesthetics.” Ergo 7(33): 877–903, doi:10.3998/ergo.1130.
Cavedon-Taylor, Dan. 2024. “Mental Imagery: Greasing the Mind’s Gears.” Philosophers' imprint 23(23), doi:10.3998/phimp.1289.
Further References
Muller, Hans D. 2009. “More Troubles for Epiphenomenalism.” Philosophia 37(1): 109–112.