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Mihir Kumar Chakraborty (chakraborty-mk)

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    Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar, Löwe, Benedikt, Nath Mitra, Madhabendra and Surakkai, Sundar, eds. 2008. Logic, Navya-Nyāya & Applications. Hommage to Bimal Krishna Matilal. Studies in Logic n. 15. London: College Publications.
    Chatterjee, Amita K. and Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar. 2008. ‘Marry Your Daughter to a Handsome Person’: The Nyāya Technique of Precisification.” in Logic, Navya-Nyāya & Applications. Hommage to Bimal Krishna Matilal, edited by Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Benedikt Löwe, Madhabendra Nath Mitra, and Sundar Surakkai, pp. 65–80. Studies in Logic n. 15. London: College Publications.
    Sarukkai, Sundar and Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar, eds. 2022. Handbook of Logical Thought in India. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2577-5.
    Sen, Jayanta and Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar. 2008. Logic and Truth: Some Logics Without Theorems.” Studia Philosophica Estonica 1(1): 104–117.