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Billy Clark (clark-b)

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    Clark, Billy. 1993. Relevance and ‘Pseudo-Imperatives’ .” Linguistics and Philosophy 16(1): 79–121.
    Clark, Billy. 2013. Procedures and Prosody: Weak Encoding and Weak Communication.” in Beyond Words. Content, Context, and Inference, edited by Frank Liedtke and Cornelia Schulze, pp. 151–182. Mouton Series in Pragmatics n. 15. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
    Nicolle, S. and Clark, Billy. 1999. Experimental Pragmatics and What Is Said: A Response to Gibbs and Moise.” Cognition 69: 337–354.
    Scott, Kate, Clark, Billy and Carston, Robyn, eds. 2019. Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108290593.