Niall Connolly (connolly-n)
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Connolly, Niall. 2011. “How the Dead Live.” Philosophia 39(1): 83–103.
Connolly, Niall. 2012. “Truth As, At Most, One [on Lynch (2009)].” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20(1): 135–147.
Connolly, Niall. 2015. “Yes: Bare Particulars!” Philosophical Studies 172(5): 1355–1370.
Connolly, Niall. 2017. “I Am Here Now, But I Won’t Be Here When You Get This Message.” Dialectica 71(4): 603–622, doi:10.1111/1746-8361.12208.
Further References
Lynch, Michael Patrick. 2009. Truth as One and Many. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199218738.001.0001.