Jason Day (day-j)
Jason K. Day is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of Fribourg where he is conducting a phenomenological study of psychedelic experiences in terms of attention. He also works on the topics of anarchist philosophy and Buddhist philosophy.
Mentioned on the following portal pages
Anarchy 2023, Anarchismus, Area Editors, CUSO-2022, Philosophie in / à Fribourg, L’anarchisme aujourd’hui, The Philosophy of Anarchism, Projets de recherche, Themenschwerpunkte, Axes thématiques, Focus Areas, Focus tematiche, Doktorierende, Les doctorant.e.s en philosophie, Artikel zu laufenden Forschungsprojekte, Research Projects, Progetti di ricerca attualiContributions to Philosophie.ch
Day, Jason and Casu, Sharon. 2023. “Collective Action and Collective Responsibility: Bad Concepts and Practical Dangers.” Philosophie.ch, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy, https://www.philosophie.ch/en/2023-04-24-day-casu.