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John Deigh (deigh)

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    Deigh, John. 1983. Shame and Self-Esteem: A Critique.” Ethics 93: 225–245. Reprinted in Weithman (1999, 1–21).
    Deigh, John. 1991. Freud’s Later Theory of Civilization.” in The Cambridge Companion to Freud, edited by Jérôme Neu, pp. 287–308. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Deigh, John. 1994. Cognitivism in the Theory of Emotions.” Ethics 104: 824–854.
    Deigh, John. 1996. Reason and Ethics in Hobbes’s Leviathan.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 34(1): 33–60.
    Deigh, John. 1998. Freud.” in A Companion to Continental Philosophy, edited by Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder, pp. 162–172. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Deigh, John. 2001. Liberalism and Freedom.” in Social and Political Philosophy. Contemporary Perspectives, edited by James P. Sterba, pp. 81–88. London: Routledge.
    Deigh, John. 2002. Promises Under Fire.” Ethics 112(3): 483–506.
    Deigh, John. 2003. Reply to Mark Murphy.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 41(1): 97–109.
    Deigh, John. 2004a. Primitive Emotions.” in Thinking about Feeling. Contemporary Philosophers on Emotion, edited by Robert C. Solomon, pp. 9–27. Series in Affective Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780195153170.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2004b. Nussbaum’s Account of Compassion [on Nussbaum (2001)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68(2): 465–472.
    Deigh, John. 2008a. Privacy.” in Contemporary Debates in Social Philosophy, edited by Laurence Thomas, pp. 131–145. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 9. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Deigh, John. 2008b. Can You Be Morally Responsible for Someone’s Death If Nothing You Did Caused It? in Moral Psychology, Volume 2. The Cognitive Science of Morality: Intuition and Diversity, edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, pp. 449–458. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/7573.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2010a. Concepts of Emotions in Modern Philosophy and Psychology.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion, edited by Peter Goldie, pp. 17–40. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199235018.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2010b. Foul Language: Some Ruminations on Cohen v. California.” in Metaepistemology. Realism and Anti-Realism, edited by Christos Kyriacou and Robin McKenna, pp. 195–216. Innovations in Philosophy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Deigh, John. 2011a. Reactive Attitudes Revisited.” in Morality and the Emotions, edited by Carla Bagnoli, pp. 197–216. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199577507.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2011b. Psychopathic Resentment.” in Self-Evaluation. Affective and Social Grounds of Intentionality, edited by Anita Konzelmann Ziv, Keith Lehrer, and Hans Bernhard Schmid, pp. 155–170. Philosophical Studies Series n. 116. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Deigh, John, ed. 2013a. On Emotions: Philosophical Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199740192.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2013b. Introduction.” in On Emotions: Philosophical Essays, edited by John Deigh, pp. 1–13. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199740192.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2013c. The Emergence of Emotion as an Object of Scientific Study.” in On Emotions: Philosophical Essays, edited by John Deigh, pp. 215–232. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199740192.001.0001.
    Deigh, John. 2018. From Psychology to Morality. Essays in Ethical Naturalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190878597.001.0001.
    Deigh, John and Dolinko, David, eds. 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Criminal Law. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195314854.001.0001.

Further References

    Nussbaum, Martha Craven. 2001. Upheavals of Thought. The Intelligence of Emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Weithman, Paul J., ed. 1999. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 4: Moral Psychology and Community. New York: Garland Publishing Co.