Eric Dietrich (dietrich-e)
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Dietrich, Eric. 1989. “Semantics and the Computational Paradigm in Computational Psychology.” Synthese 79: 119–141.
Dietrich, Eric. 1990. “Computationalism.” Social Epistemology 4.
Dietrich, Eric, ed. 1994a. Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons. Essays on the Intentionality of Machines. New York: Academic Press.
Dietrich, Eric. 1994b. “Thinking Computers and the Problem of Intentionality.” in Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons. Essays on the Intentionality of Machines, edited by Eric Dietrich, pp. 3–34. New York: Academic Press.
Dietrich, Eric. 1994c. “Computationalism.” in Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons. Essays on the Intentionality of Machines, edited by Eric Dietrich, pp. 108–136. New York: Academic Press.
Dietrich, Eric. 1998. “It Only Seems as if Zombies are Logically Possible.” Minds and Machines 8(3): 441–461.
Dietrich, Eric. 2007. “Representation.” in Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science, edited by Paul R. Thagard, pp. 1–30. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Dietrich, Eric. 2010. “Microevolution and Macroevolution Are Governed by the Same Processes.” in Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology, edited by Francisco José Ayala and Robert Arp, pp. 169–179. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 12. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444314922.
Dietrich, Eric and Fields, Christopher A. 1996. “The Role of the Frame Problem in Fodor’s Modularity Thesis: A Case Study of Rationalist Cognitive Science.” in The Robot’s Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kenneth M. Ford and Zenon W. Pylyshyn, pp. 9–24. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Co.
Dietrich, Eric and Fields, Christopher A. 2015. “Science Generates Limit Paradoxes.” Axiomathes 25(4): 409–432.
Dietrich, Eric, Heuveln, B. van and Oshima, M. 1998. “Let’s Dance! The Equivocation in Chalmers’ Dancing Qualia Argument.” Minds and Machines 8.
Loren, L. A. and Dietrich, Eric. 1997. “Merleau-Ponty, Embodied Cognition, and the Problem of Intentionality.” Cybernetics and Systems 28: 345–358.