Alexander Dinges (dinges)
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Dinges, Alexander. 2014. “Epistemic Contextualism Can Be Stated Properly.” Synthese 191(15): 3541–3556.
Dinges, Alexander. 2015. “The Many-Relations Problem for Adverbialism.” Analysis 75(2): 231–237.
Dinges, Alexander. 2016a. “Skeptical Pragmatic Invariantism: Good, but Not Good Enough.” Synthese 193(8): 2577–2593.
Dinges, Alexander. 2016b. “Epistemic Invariantism and Contextualist Intuitions.” Episteme 13(2): 219–232.
Dinges, Alexander. 2017. “Relativism, Disagreement and Testimony.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98: 497–519.
Dinges, Alexander. 2019. Knowledge, Stakes and Error. A Psychological Account. Studies in Theoretical Philosophy n. 9. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann, doi:10.5771/9783465143970.
Dinges, Alexander and Zakkou, Julia. 2020. “A Direction Effect on Taste Predicates.” Philosophers' imprint 20(27).