Christopher Dorst (dorst-c)
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Dorst, Christopher. 2016. “Evidence, Significance, and Counterfactuals: Schramm on the New Riddle of Induction [on Schramm (2014)].” Erkenntnis 81(1): 143–154, doi:10.1007/s10670-015-9733-2.
Dorst, Christopher. 2018. “Bet Accepted. A Reply to Freitag (2015).” The Philosophical Quarterly 68(270): 175–183, doi:10.1093/pq/pqx016.
Further References
Freitag, Wolfgang. 2015. “I Bet You’ll Solve Goodman’s Riddle.” The Philosophical Quarterly 65(259): 254–267, doi:10.1093/pq/pqu093.
Schramm, Alfred. 2014. “Evidence, Hypothesis, and Grue.” Erkenntnis 79(3): 571–591, doi:10.1007/s10670-013-9524-6.